Chocolate Plantation

Part of: Sapelo Island

All GA DNR HPD reports, documents, images, and data sheets concerning the Chocolate Plantation area on Sapelo Island

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-20 of 20)

  1. Pieces of Chocolate: Site Structure and Function at Chocolate Plantation (9MC96), Sapelo Island, Georgia (2007)
  2. Pieces of Chocolate: Site Structure and Function at Chocolate Plantation (9MC96), Sapelo Island, Georgia (2007)
  3. A Place known as Chocolate (2007)
  4. Proposal for Conducting an Archaeological Survey at Chocolate Plantation, Sapelo Island, Georgia (2006)
  5. Sapelo Island: A Place Known As Chocolate (2007)
  6. Sapelo Island: A Proposal for Conducting and Archaeological Survey at Chocolate Plantation, Sapelo Island, Georgia (2006)
  7. Sapelo Island: Chimney Stabilization at Chocolate Plantation (2007)
  8. Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation - 2006 Field School Notes (2006)
  9. Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation - Artifact Analyses Sheets (2006)
  10. Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation Maps and Profiles (2006)
  11. Sapelo Island: Evolving Community Organization on the Georgia Coast (1984)
  12. Sapelo Island: From the Ground Up: A Preservation Plan for Georgia 2001-2006 (2001)
  13. Sapelo Island: Proposed Restoration of Chocolate Plantation (2001)
  14. Working Plantations on Sapelo Island: High Point Versus Chocolate (2008)
  1. Chocolate Plantation, Sapelo Island - Artifact Photos (2006)
  2. Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation - 2006 Archaeology Day Photos (2006)
  3. Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation - 2006 Field School Photos (2006)
  4. Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation Historic Photos (2006)
  5. Sapelo Island: Weekend for Wildlife 2007 - Chocolate Plantation Excavation Photos (2007)
  1. Sapelo Island: Chocolate Plantation Field Work 2006 - Photolog (2006)