
The Crescent Site, 48SW13552, is a camp site located in Sweetwater County,

Wyoming. Thirty-seven features were recorded during the excavation of two block sets at the

site. A backhoe trench was also placed on a north-south trajectory through the middle of the

site. Radiocarbon dating of features indicate three distinct phases associated with the cultural

component of the site, which were subsequently identified as the Opal Phase, the Pine Springs

Phase, and the Uinta Phase. Thirteen stratigraphic samples, collected in 5 cm intervals, were

examined for pollen to provide a record of local vegetation against which to compare the pollen

record from the features. This comparison provides not only information concerning plants

available to the occupants of the Crescent Site, but also information concerning which plants

probably were exploited.

Cite this Record

POLLEN ANALYSIS FOR 48SW13552, THE CRESCENT SITE, WYOMING. Linda Scott Cummings, R.A. Varney, Jaime Dexter. 2006 ( tDAR id: 379348) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8J965VP

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