Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 10: Temporal Variation in Undecorated Pottery: A Tool for Chronology Building


Chapter 10 presents results from a ceramic seriation of undecorated pottery to identify temporally-sensitive attributes. Montogomery and Whittlesey describe their analysis of particular undecorated pottery attributes, which were selected based on their potential sensitivity to temporal change. They identify several attributes that are particularly sensitive to time: temper, slip, and polish. They also note several other variables that display slight variation through time. These authors propose a set of rules and equations for using these attributes to assign undated ceramic collections to a particular place in time.

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Vanishing River Volume 4: Chapter 10: Temporal Variation in Undecorated Pottery: A Tool for Chronology Building. Barbara Montgomery, Stephanie M. Whittlesey, Stephanie M. Whittlesey, Richard Ciolek-Torello, Jeffrey Altschul. In Vanishing River: Landscapes and Lives of the Lower Verde Valley: The Lower Verde Archaeolgical Project: Overview, Synthesis, and Conclusions. Pp. 393-416. Tucson, AZ: Statistical Research, Inc. Press. 1997 ( tDAR id: 5906) ; doi:10.6067/XCV82J696C

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 700 to 1450

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.845; min lat: 33.804 ; max long: -111.591; max lat: 34.082 ;

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