DuVall & Associates, Inc.
No description specified.
1-50 (160 Records)
- Applied Archaeology: Removal and Relocation of a Small Historic Period Cemetery on Elder Island in Woods Reservoir, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Franklin County, Tennessee (1998)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of 27 Proposed Prospect Locations, Kanawha County, West Virginia (1995)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of 43 Prospect Locations on the Eastern Associated Coal Corporation's Huff Creek Reserve Area Wyoming County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Proposed 282 Acre Surface Mine Permit Area, Wayne County, West Virginia (1997)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of an Additional Boundary Adjustment for the Fola Coal Company Preparation Plant (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of an Approximately 80 Acre Mine Refuse Disposal Area and Haul Road, Bell County, Kentucky (1992)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of An Underground Mine and Prospect Locations, McDowell County, West Virginia (1993)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of an Underground Mine and Soil Spoil Area, McDowell County, West Virginia (1995)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Approximately 226 Acres of Mineral Removal Area, Haul Roads and Valley Fills Mingo County, West Virginia (1995)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Approximately 73 Acres of Proposed Augering Along an Existing Highwall McDowell County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Five Prospect Sites and Associated Roads Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Four Proposed Underground Mine Entries Mingo County, West Virginia (1992)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Four Prospect Sites and Associated Roads Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Fourteen Prospect Sites and Associated Roads Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Future Surface Mine Operations, Wayne County, West Virginia (1991)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Nine Prospect and Six Drill Sites on the Quintain Development Permit Area, Mingo and Wayne Counties, West Virginia (1996)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Nine Prospect and Six Drill Sites on the Quintain Development Permit Area, Mingo and Wayne Counties, West Virginia (1996)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Nine Prospect and Six Drill Sites on the Quintain Development Permit Area, Mingo and Wayne Counties, West Virginia (1996)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Nine Prospect and Six Drill Sites on the Quintain Development Permit Area, Mingo and Wayne Counties, West Virginia (1996)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Nueast Coal Company's Slaughter Creek Permit Area Kanawha County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Capbell's Creek Refuse Disposal Area Expansion Kanawha County, West Virginia (1993)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Expansion Area at the Paint Creek Terminals Crown Hill, Kanawha County, West Virginia (1993)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Expansion Area at the Paint Creek Terminals Crown Hill, Kanawha County, West Virginia (1993)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Lens Creek No. 2 Surface Mine Permit Area Kanawha County, West Virginia (1993)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Stanley Heritage Mine Boone, Kanawha and Raleigh Counties, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Stanley Heritage Mine Boone, Kanawha and Raleigh Counties, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Stanley Heritage Mine Boone, Kanawha and Raleigh Counties, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Toms Fork Unit Train Loadout and Conveyor Leewood, Kanawha County, West Virginia (1993)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of Select Portions of Pax Mining Company's Permit No. 7, Raleigh County, WV (1992)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Magnet Coal Mine No. 3, Mingo County, West Virginia (1995)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Mingo Logan Coal Company's Proposed Pounding Mill Surface Mine No. 2, Mingo County, WV (1991)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the 35 Acre Lady "H" Coal Company Permit Area, Nicholas County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 1100 Acre Elkay Buffalo Mining Permit Area Logan and Wyoming Counties West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 1100 Acre Elkay Buffalo Mining Permit Area Logan and Wyoming Counties West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 120 Acre Buffalo Mining Company Permit Area Logan County, West Virginia
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 1200 Acre Elkay Buffalo Mining Permit Area Logan County, West Virginia (1995)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 1200 Acre Elkay Buffalo Mining Permit Area Logan County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 1400 Acre Elkay Buffalo Mining Permit Area Boone and Logan Counties, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 1400 Acre Elkay Buffalo Mining Permit Area Boone and Logan Counties, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 220 Acre Hobet Mining Permit Area Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 500 Acre Elkay Mining Company's Boardtree Permit Area Logan County, West Virginia (1995)
- An Archaeological reconnaissance of the Approximately 650 Acre Elkay Mining Permit Area Logan County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 800 Acre Hobet Mining Permit Area Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 800 Acre Hobet Mining Permit Area Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 800 Acre Hobet Mining Permit Area Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 800 Acre Hobet Mining Permit Area Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Approximately 900 Acre Elkay Buffalo Mining Snap Creek Permit Area Logan County, West Virginia (1994)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Big Branch Coal Refuse Ddisposal Facility Wyoming County, West Virginia (1996)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Brooks Run Coal Company's Surface Mine No. 8 Webster County, West Virginia (1992)
- An Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Chafin Branch Coal Company Road Permit Area, Mingo County, West Virginia (1994)