Abajo Archaeology
No description specified.
Institution Members
1-23 (23 Records)
- 42SA14187: a Pueblo II Anasazi Burial in Westwater Canyon, San Juan County, Utah (1983)
- 42SA16011: Excavations of a Basketmaker Limited Activity Site North of Recapture Creek, San Juan County, Utah: BLM San Juan Resource Area (1984)
- 572-85-Mgsi Prospect (1986)
- Archaeological Data Recovery at Sites 42SA17444 and 42SA17446: Union Oil Company of California Proposed Lisbon Field Drill Location A-710 And Access Route, San Juan County, Utah: BLM Moab District (1988)
- Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey of the Proposed Halls Crossing Airport, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, San Juan County, Utah (1987)
- Cross Canyon Prospect (1984)
- Cultural Resource Inventory of Six Seismic Lines For HR Exploration In Sandoval, San Juan, and McKinley Counties, New Mexico (1986)
- East Ismay and Tin Cup Cross Canyon Prospect (1984)
- East McElmo Prospect (1984)
- Gaines Gravel Quarry, Bluff, San Juan (2002)
- Hovenweep Prospect (1985)
- Ismay Prospect (1984)
- M84 Seismic Expl Transects (1985)
- Monitoring of Northwest Pipeline Corporation Evacuation Creek (1991)
- Monsanto Prospect Seismic Lines (1985)
- Norpac Expl Svcs Rifle Prospect (1983)
- Northwest Pipeline 26 (1990)
- Northwest Pipeline Corp Ignacio To Sumas Pipeline Flex Cable (1990)
- Research Design: Archaeological Test Excavations at 42GR2074, a Prehistoric Alcove and Petroglyph Panel in Arches National Park, Grand County, Utah (1988)
- Rocky MT Geophysical Seismo Expl (1985)
- Sefel Geophysical Seismo Lines (1984)
- Spargo Unit (1985)
- Sugarloaf Coal Permit Area (1982)