Central Arizona Tradition (Culture Keyword)
26-49 (49 Records)
Additional detail, including archival research, for data recovery at the Preacher Canyon and Sharp Creek segments of the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.
Programmatic Testing Plan for the S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project (2000)
This report describes known sites in the project area and provides a plan of work appropriate for their testing. The discussion is organized by site type (for example, lithic scatter, artifact scatter, multicomponent site, historic structure) and generalized work plans are provided for these sites based upon what is known of other similar sites in the project area.
Proposal for Investigation of Western Apache History Relating to the S.R. 260 Right-of Way on the Tonto and Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests (2000)
A proposal for research on the history of Western Apache use of the Mogollon Rim region in areas related to the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.
Public Outreach Flyer: Boy Scouts Pamphlet (2003)
Description of archaeology at Camp Geronimo, put together for Archaeology Month Expo.
Refocusing at the Frontier: A New Perspective on Basketmaker Projectile Points and Boundaries (2022)
Booklet to accompany Society for American Archaeology poster presentation.
S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Plan of Work for the Sharp Creek and Ponderosa Campground Sites (1999)
Plan for archaeological investigation in the Sharp Creek and Ponderosa Campground sections of the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.
S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Plan of Work for the Tie-ins between Lion Springs, Preacher Canyon, and Little Green Valley Sections: Addendum to the Plan of Work for the Sharp Creek and Ponderosa Campground Sites (1999)
Archaeological investigation at additional tie-in areas of Ponderosa Campground and Sharp Creek segments of the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.
S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery at the Ponderosa Campground Site, O:12:19 (ASM)/AR-03-12-04-1159 (TNF) (2002)
Archaeological data recovery at the Ponderosa Campground site as part of the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.
S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery in the Christopher Creek Segment (2000)
Results of data recovery in the Christopher Creek segment of State Route 260.
S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery in the Kohls Ranch Segment (2001)
Archaeological testing in the Kohls Ranch segment of State Route 260.
S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery in the Little Green Valley Segment (2002)
Results of archaeological testing at the Little Green Valley section of the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.
S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery in the Preacher Canyon Segment and Sharp Creek Campground (2000)
Results of archaeological testing and data recovery plan for the Preacher Canyon and Sharp Creek sections of the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber project.
S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing in an Additional Portion of the Kohls Ranch Segment (2003)
Archaeological testing in the Kohls Ranch segment of State Route 260.
Shí Kéyaa: The Western Apache Homeland and Archaeology of the Mogollon Rim (2009)
Western Apache history, as it relates to the State Route 260 (SR 260) Payson-to-Heber project implemented by Desert Archaeology, Inc., is summarized in this report. This project was conducted to mitigate the impact of highway realignment and improvement on cultural resources along a 74-km- (46-mile-) long stretch of right-of-way between Payson and Heber (Milepost 256 to Milepost 302) (Herr 1999).
State Route 260 - Payson to Heber
Reports from the State Route 260 - Payson to Heber archaeological project, sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation.
State Route 260 – Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery in the Doubtful Canyon Segment (2009)
Archaeological test excavations of nine sites and supplemental survey of additional right-of-way conducted in advance of highway realignment in the Doubtful Canyon section of the State Route 260 – Payson to Heber project.
State Route 260 – Payson to Heber Archaeological Project: Results of Archaeological Testing at Indian Garden, Gila County, Arizona (2005)
Testing phase excavations at Indian Garden removed eroding human remains in the existing road-cut and evaluated the significance and integrity of features in this damaged portion of the site. The site will not be impacted by future construction, but the slope will be rehabilitated. Investigations were concentrated on the face of the existing road-cut.
Their Own Road: Archaeological Investigations along State Route 260 Payson to Heber – Christopher Creek Section and Sharp Creek Campground (2014)
Archaeological testing and data recovery were conducted at seven prehistoric or multicomponent sites and three historic period linear sites in advance of highway realignment in the Christopher Creek section and Sharp Creek Campground portion of the State Route 260 – Payson to Heber project. The results of the investigations of the seventeen prehistoric, historic, or multicomponent sites are reported in this volume. The results of the archival research on the historic period sites will be...
Their Own Road: Archaeological Investigations along State Route 260 Payson to Heber – Kohls Ranch Section (2017)
Archaeological testing and data recovery were conducted at twelve prehistoric or multicomponent sites in advance of highway realignment in the Kohls Canyon section of the State Route 260—Payson to Heber project. The results of archaeological fieldwork are reported in this volume. Archival research on the history of Camp Geronimo, AZ O:12:75 (ASM) is also reported here. An administrative history of Indian Garden, AZ O:12:32 (ASM) is published separately, as Desert Archaeology, Inc. Technical...
Their Own Road: Archaeological Investigations along State Route 260 Payson to Heber – Little Green Valley section (2018)
This report describes testing and data recovery excavations conducted in advance of the realignment of the Little Green Valley section, between Mileposts 263.75 and 267, of State Route 260 between Payson and Heber. The work was sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation; the lead federal agency and landowner was the Tonto National Forest.
Their Own Road: Archaeological Investigations along State Route 260 Payson to Heber – Preacher Canyon Section (2012)
Archaeological testing and data recovery were conducted at seven prehistoric or multicomponent sites and three historic period linear sites in advance of highway realignment in the Preacher Canyon section of the State Route 260 – Payson to Heber project. The results of the investigations of the seven prehistoric or multicomponent sites are reported in this volume. The results of the archival research and fieldwork on the historic period sites will be reported in a separate volume.
Their Own Road: Archaeological Investigations along State Route 260 Payson to Heber—Doubtful Canyon Section (2022)
Archaeological test excavations at nine sites and data recovery excavations at three sites in advance of highway realignment project in the Doubtful Canyon section of the SR 260—Payson to Heber project. A previously documented historic highway is also present in the project area. A small supplemental survey of additional right-of-way was conducted, although that work resulted in no newly identified sites.
Treatment Plan for the S.R. 260 - Payson to Heber - Project (1999)
(wip) Treatment plan for State Route 260 between Payson and Heber, including a research plan, plan of work, and monitoring/discovery plan for the entire 42-mile project area.
Virtuoso Hohokam Flintknapping in the Gila Bend Region (2010)
State Route 260 is mentioned in this article about flintknapping in the Gila Bend region.