Ehrenberg, AZ (Geographic Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
Twenty previously documented cultural resources were investigated, and seven archaeological sites are reported. Four of the reported sites reconfigure previous site designations, and three sites are newly recorded. Four sites are extensive Native American trail networks that can be traced for many kilometers. Abundant ceramics are most consistent with Patayan I and Patayan II. These sites meet eligibility requirements for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (National Register)....
Paleoenvironments and Archaeology of the Trigo Mountains: Data Recovery in the Hart Mine and Cibola Quarry Areas, Yuma County, Arizona (1989)
The results of data recovery conducted for the Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region at six prehistoric sites in the Hart Mine and Cibola Quarry areas are presented in this report. The Bureau of Reclamation plans to use the Hart Mine and Cibola Quarry areas to mine rip-rap for use along the Colorado River. The project area is located at the base of the Trigo mountains about 20 miles south of Ehrenberg, Arizona. Three of the sites are composed primarily of lithic debitage and cores. These...
South of Ehrenberg Class III Cultural Resources Inventory, La Paz County, Arizona (2020)
Harris Environmental Group, Inc. was contracted to conduct a Class III cultural resources survey of 1,147 acres for the Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region, of which 907 acres were surveyed. The purpose of the survey was to identify, record, and assess the condition of prehistoric and historic sites and isolated occurrences within the survey area and provide recommendations on the eligibility of historic properties for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The survey was...