Stockbridge, NY (Geographic Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Cold War Historic Building Survey, Rome Research Site (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lu Engineers.

A Cold War Historic Building survey was conducted for the Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome Research Site (AFRL/RRS) and five Geographically Separated Units (GSUs) (the Verona, Ava, Forestport, Newport and Stockbridge Test Annex sites). The study was conducted in compliance with a variety of Federal and State directives and regulations. The purpose of the study was to identify any structures that might have potential cultural importance within the context of the Cold War era. Efforts were...

Stage 1A Cultural Resource Investigations for the Stockbridge Research Facility, Towns of Stockbridge and Lincoln and City of Oneida, Madison County, New York (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carolyn A. Pierce.

Stage 1A cultural resource investigations were conducted for the Stockbridge Research Facility located in the Towns of Stockbridge, and to small degree, Lincoln as well as the City of Oneida, in Madison County, New York. The Stockbridge Research Facility was investigated under a variety of Federal and State directives and regulations, as well as the assessing of some properties associated with the former Griffiss Air Force Base in Rome, New York. The purpose of the investigation at the...

Stage 1B Cultural Resource Investigations for the Stockbridge Research Facility, Towns of Stockbridge and Lincoln and City of Oneida, Madison County, New York (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carolyn A. Pierce.

Based on the results of a Stage 1A study, Stage IB field investigations were conducted for the Stockbridge Research Facility, located in the Towns of Stockbridge and Lincoln and City of Oneida, in Madison County, New York. The Stage 1A study determined that the Stockbridge Facility contained low, moderate and high archaeological sensitivities. Following the Stage 1A recommendations, no field testing was conducted within the areas of low sensitivity; in areas of high sensitivity; shovel tests...

Stage 2 Archaeological Investigations at the Clement Farm and Maple Sugar Area Sites, Stockbridge Research Facility, Madison County, New York (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carolyn A. Pierce. C. Stephan Demeter. Kent C. Taylor.

In 2004, Lu Engineers, was again contracted by AFRL/RRS to conduct a Stage 2 archaeological evaluation of two archaeological sites - a 19th / 20th century farmstead, the Clement Farm Site [A053-14-0005] and a possible maple sugar processing location - found during the Stage 1B field investigations in Areas A and E, respectively (Pierce 2000). The Stage 1 A, 1B and Stage 2 archaeological investigations were conducted on behalf of the United States Air Force (USAF) in conjunction with certain...