Geophysical Survey (Investigation Type)

Investigations that rely on ground-based instrument sensing techniques to create images and/or maps for archaeological research (e.g. magnetometry, resistivity, or ground penetrating radar).

526-550 (672 Records)

Photographs (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

Photographs are one of the few remaining ways to examine the now inundated archaeological sites in the DAP. Photographic images add context to specific aspects of Anasazi life in the DAP area; in a sense, DAP photography "provides the investigator with ways to understand the spatial integration of households and communities" (Wilshusen et al. 1999:115). Only a fraction of all photographs taken during the project can be found in the published series of DAP reports. Individuals wishing to access...

photos of the 2004 geophysical work (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Survey at Hopeton mounds for Mark Lynott (NPS),

Pioneer Family Cemeteries at Scott Air Force Base, St. Clair County, Illinois (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven L. De Vore. Bruce W. Bevan.

During the Summer and Fall of 1994, the National Park Service conducted archaeological and geophysical investigations of the Middlecoff and Perschbacher pioneer family cemeteries located at Scott Air Force Base, St. Clair County, Illinois. The investigations included the use of geophysical techniques (i.e., magnetometer, electrical resistivity, electromagnetic conductivity, and ground penetrating radar), archival research, and interviews with descendants of the families buried at the...

Playa Archaeology - Archaeological Investigations at Reese Air Force Base and Terry County Auxiliary Airfield, Lubbock and Terry Counties (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

A cultural resource survey was requested for portions of Reese Air Force Base near Lubbock, Texas to determine the presence, if any, of archaeological sites within the base properties. This survey located one heavily-impacted aboriginal-Historic site (41LU111) but failed to address the uplands between playa basins that are generally considered as high probability locations for prehistoric campsites. This survey led to the location of three aboriginal campsites (41TY113, 41TY114, and 41TY115) at...

The Pole-Pole Resistivity Array Compared to the Twin Electrode Array (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

The relative advantages are shown; Geosight Technical Report no. 6

Preliminary Report of SUNY-Buffalo Investigations at La Quemada, Zacatecas, 1987 and 1988 Seasons (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ben Nelson.

Fieldwork from the 1987 and 1988 seasons at La Quemada

A Program for the Temporal Correction of Magnetic Maps (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

A QuickBASIC program that can correct magnetic maps for temporal changes in the Earth's magnetic field.

Prospects for Detection of Ephemeral Historic Sod Structures Using Geophysical Techniques in Custer County, Nebraska (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Erin Carr.

Sod houses represent one form of ephemeral historic structure that became common to portions of the Great Plains as a result of the Homestead Act of 1862. Since their construction in the late 1800s and early 1900s, sod house and out buildings have either been preserved, allowed to "melt," deliberately removed and put under cultivation. This poster examines the documentation of these structures under various post-occupation conditions through the use of surface level, non-destructive, geophysical...

PROYECTO ARQUEOLÓGICO MATACANELA (PAM), Informe Técnico de la Primera Temporada 2014 (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marcie Venter.

Report of the 2014 field and lab season submitted to, and approved by the Consejo de Arqueologia, INAH

Pueblo on the Plains: The 2019 Investigations at the Merchant Site of Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

Poster presentation describing the 2019 investigations at the Merchant Site (LA 43414)

Pueblo on the Plains: The Merchant Site (LA 43414) of Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

Public education and outreach brochure describing the survey and excavation projects at the Merchant site and Mescalero Plain of southeastern New Mexico

The Racetrack Project
PROJECT Will Russell. Katherine Spielmann. David Abbott. Arizona State University (ASU).

Between A.D. 1250 and 1450, a large number of ceremonial racetracks were built at and between villages in north-central Arizona. This assemblage began as a relatively dispersed collection, stretching from the Sedona area down to Cave Creek and from the Bradshaw Mountains to the Mazatzal Wilderness. Over time, the racetrack network grew in intensity but became spatially focused atop Perry Mesa, along the middle Agua Fria River. In conjunction with the Legacies on the Landscape Project and...

Radar and Conductivity Surveys at City Point (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Radar and conductivity surveys in the southwestern part of City Point; survey for Brooke Blades (AD Marble), Julia Steele (NPS).

Radar and Resistivity Surveys at Hopeton Mounds (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Radar, resistivity, and magnetic surveys for Mark Lynott (NPS).

Radar at the Rolley site (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

A survey at this Hohokam site in Arizona for Glen Rice (ASU).

Radar Mapping of Buried Historical Structures at Phoenix (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Survey of a downtown block of the Original Phoenix Townsite for Lyle M. Stone (Archaeological Research Services)

A Radar Search for Graves on At Last Farm (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Survey for Ben Resnick (GAI Consultants).

DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Search for an early building in the Bronx. For Allan Gilbert (Fordham University).

A Radar Survey at Mount Pleasant (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Four surveys with radar and resistivity locate former buildings and perhaps unmarked graves. Survey for Nicholas Luccketti (James River Institute for Archaeology).

DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Radar survey was not successful at locating the early residence of Benjamin Banneker; this survey for: Kristen Peters (Baltimore), Elizabeth Brown (Maryland Historic Trust).

A radar survey at the site of Fort Pitt (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Ongoing construction complicated this radar survey for Brooke Blades (A.D. Marble & Co.).

A radar survey between Fort Morton and Battery 13 (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

A radar survey on the Petersburg Civil War battlefield for Julia Steele (NPS).

A Radar Survey of Clover Field Cemetery (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Radar and resistivity surveys locate most of the known graves and detect some likely unmarked graves. Survey for William Hemsley (Washington, DC).

Radar surveys at Pueblo Grande and Las Canopas (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Radar surveys at these two sites for Glen Rice (ASU)

Radiocarbon Determinations for Small-Scale Stone Monuments in Dhofar (2020)
DATASET Joy McCorriston.

Table (excel) of 14C determinations; color-coded for monument type (classification); excavated samples obtained through fieldwork under permit from Ministry of Heritage & Tourism, Sultanate of Oman