Geophysical Survey (Investigation Type)

Investigations that rely on ground-based instrument sensing techniques to create images and/or maps for archaeological research (e.g. magnetometry, resistivity, or ground penetrating radar).

551-575 (672 Records)

Raw Data for Soils Collected on the Pampa de Chaparri on the North Coast of Peru (2010)
DATASET Colleen Strawhacker.

These are the raw data for soils collected on the Pampa de Chaparri on the north coast of Peru for Strawhacker's dissertation research.

Raw Data on Soils Collected from Prehispanic and Historic Fields on the Middle Gila River (2013)
DATASET Colleen Strawhacker.

These are the raw data from the soils collected from the middle Gila River (on the land now management by the Gila River Indian Community) for Strawhacker's dissertation research.

RCRA Facility Investigation and IM Work Plan for Facility 18003, Solid Waste Management Unit C091, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Parsons Aerojet Company.

This is a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Investigation (RFI) activities and the Interim Measures (IM) Work Plan (WP) prepared for the 45th Space Wing United States Air Force (USAF). This report documents RCRA Facility Investigation activities and results, and the Interim Measures Work Plan for Facility 18003, Solid Waste Management Unit C091, at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The subject property, Facility 18003 (and also known as the SPCC) encompasses the...

A Re-examination of the Geophysical Survey at Voyageurs National Park (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce Bevan.

A geophysical survey was conducted at the King Williams Narrows Campground in 1987. Three stone circles were visible at the surface during that survey, and there was a radar echo from an object below one of these circles. Since the time of that survey, three additional stone circles have been mapped at the site, and this report is a second look at the geophysical data from those locations. There are no distinctive geophysical patterns at any of the three additional stone circles. Since these...

Relocation of an Historic Navajo Grave at Captain Tom Dam, Navajo Nation, San Juan County, New Mexico: Letter Report (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Teresa L. Pinter. Jennie Sturm. Lawrence Conyers.

Fieldwork was conducted to reloacte a 60-year-old Navajo grave at Captain Tom Dam on the Navajo Nation, San Juan County, New Mexico. A lineal descendant had staked the general area where the grave was believed to be located. This area was approximately 12x13 m — and a buffer of 12 m was placed around the general area identified by the family member for a total study area of 24x25 m. A GPR survey was conducted to identify specific anomalies that might represent the burial. The GPR data yielded no...

Remote Sensing Archaeological Survey Permit # 2014.01 - Brevard County, Florida Final Report/Request for Dig & Identify Addendum (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Global Marine Exploration, Inc..

Global Marine Exploration intends to locate and identify the potentially significant cultural deposits within the permit boundaries, in order to assess the significance of each site and determine to what extent they are imperiled by weather, galvanic processes, trawling, looting or other anthropogenic agencies. This information will be used to determine which sites require excavation and recovery or other management strategies to prevent further destruction.

Remote sensing of cultural deposits on Marajo Island (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Ideas for possible aerial exploration of Marajo Island. Prepared for Anna C. Roosevelt (Field Museum).

removal of magnetic striations (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Illustration of filtering plow lines from Hopeton Mounds data for John Weymouth.

Report of a Specialized Intensive (Locational) Survey, Lexington Battle Road, Hanscom Air Force Base, Middlesex County, Massachusetts (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara Donohue.

On behalf of Hanscom Air Force Base, the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence requested that a specialized archeological survey, consisting of a metal-detector survey followed by field excavation, be conducted in the areas with potential for battlefield debris. The survey would focus on resources associated with the Battle of April 19, 1775. The Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence originally contracted TN & Associates, which in turn subcontracted Timelines, Inc. (now John...

Report of the 2009 Archaeological Investigations at Three Fur Trade-Era Sites in Tippecanoe County, Indiana: Kethtippecanunk (12-T-59), Fort Ouiatenon (12-T-9), and a Kickapoo Village (12-T-335) (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Strezewski. Robert G. McCullough.

The report describes the results of geophysical investigations at three fur trade-era sites (12-T-9, 12-T-59, and 12-T-335) in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. Also covered are the results of excavations at Kethtippecanunk (12-T-59), a fur trade-era town that was located at the confluence of the Wabash and Tippecanoe rivers.

A Research Design for the Investigation of the Marana Community Complex (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

The Central Arizona Project (CAP) is a major undertaking by the Bureau of Reclamation to bring water from the Colorado River to central and southern Arizona. The aqueduct, which will help accomplish this feat, extends from the town of Parker, on the Colorado River to the west, across the western desert of Arizona to Phoenix. From the Phoenix metropolitan area the aqueduct turns south, crosses the Gila River in the vicinity of Florence and will terminate slightly to the south of Tucson. In...

Resistivity and Radar Surveys at Pecos National Historical Park (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Radar and resistivity surveys fail to detect a former road. Survey during an NSP course for Steve De Vore (NPS),

Resistivity and Seismic Demonstrations at the Hopeton Mound Unit (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce Bevan.

For the 2001 course that was coordinated by Steve De Vore (NPS).

Resistivity Pseudosections at Cahokia Mounds (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

These were measured during the NPS course at this site; it was coordinated by Steve De Vore (NPS).

Resistivity Pseudosections for Archaeology (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

This type of survey provides good information on soil stratigraphy and it is particularly suitable where radar finds high attenuation.

A Resistivity Survey at the Lockwood Stage Station (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Resistivity exploration during an NPS course at Pinon Canyon; survey for Steve de Vore (NPS).

A resistivity survey at the site of the Baron Stiegel Tower (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Exploration for the remains of an early tower; survey for Burt D. Webber, Jr. (Webber Explorations).

Resistivity Tests at the West Prosser Cemetery (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

The low resistivity that was found may explain the poor results of radar surveys during the NPS course. Survey for Steve De Vore (NPS).

Resistivity, conductivity, and magnetic profiles at Hopeton Mounds (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Bruce Bevan

Conductivity, magnetic, and resistivity surveys for Mark Lynott (NPS).

Results of Geophysical Survey and Historic Names Reasearch Of The California Trail Segments Located Within The Boundaries Of The City of Rocks National Reserve, Cassia County, Idaho (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Albert M. LeBeau III. Ashley Barnett. Curtis H. Sedlacek.

The City of Rocks National Reserve is a location with ties to America’s emigrant past. The primary significance at the Reserve is the California Trail and associated features. The National Park Service’s National Trails Intermountain Region requested the National Park Service’s Midwest Archeological Center assist the City of Rocks National Reserve in geophysical survey and historic names research projects. The projects utilized geophysical prospection techniques to answer questions posed by the...

Results of Initial Archaeological and Geomorphological Investigations at Pershing Field, Fort Sam Houston, Bexar County, Texas (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Michael Quigg. James T. Abbott.

In November 1996, initial geomorphological and archeological investigations were conducted at Pershing Field on Fort Sam Houston, Bexar County, Texas as part of an Environmental Assessment. The Fort is proposing the transfer of ownership of about 50 acres of undeveloped land known as Pershing Field to the private sector. The land will be utilized for private housing under the Capital Venture Initiative. The Pershing Field investigations were designed to assess the nature of soil deposits and...

ROI066, Sites 12Or382 and 12Or384 and the Archaeology of Wesley Chapel Gulf, Orange County, Indiana
PROJECT Donald R. Cochran.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 066 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Phase II archaeological testing of sites 12Or382 and 12Or384 at Wesley Chapel Gulf in the Hoosier National Forest was conducted in June and July of 2004. The fieldwork was conducted to assess whether the sites contained significant archaeological data and were eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Research was also carried out...

ROI066, Sites 12Or382 and 12Or384 and the Archaeology of Wesley Chapel Gulf, Orange County, Indiana (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Shaun A. Miller.

Phase II archaeological testing of sites 12Or382 and 12Or384 at Wesley Chapel Gulf in the Hoosier National Forest was conducted in June and July of 2004. The fieldwork was conducted to assess whether the sites contained significant archaeological data and were eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Research was also carried out to assess aboriginal use of the Gulf as a unique natural feature and to evaluate its role within the regional archaeological context. The...

ROI067, The Fudge Site: A New Look at an Ancient Monument Randolph County, Indiana
PROJECT Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 067 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) at Ball State University conducted a FY2005 Historic Preservation Fund Grant to investigate the Fudge site. This project reviewed the archaeological setting, changes in landuse, and involved pedestrian surveys of the enclosure and surrounding area, an instrument survey of portions of the site, and...

ROI067, The Fudge Site: A New Look at an Ancient Monument Randolph County, Indiana (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth K. McCord.

The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) at Ball State University conducted a FY2005 Historic Preservation Fund Grant to investigate the Fudge site. This project reviewed the archaeological setting, changes in landuse, and involved pedestrian surveys of the enclosure and surrounding area, an instrument survey of portions of the site, and limited test excavations along the northern embankment wall. The main objective of the project was to further our understanding of Early/Middle...