Textile (Material Keyword)

Artifacts (e.g., clothing, bags, woven cloth, cordage, etc.) comprised of fibers and/or cord that are made from plant or animal material (e.g., animal hair, cotton, flax, hemp, other vegetal fibers, wool).

226-250 (1,480 Records)

NABO Artifacts
PROJECT Uploaded by: Aaron Kendall

Project for artifact data from Norse sites across the North Atlantic islands, including Iceland, Greenland, and Shetland.

National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Registration Form, Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gray and Pape, Inc. Jerrell Blake, Jr..

This record contains the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Registration Form for the Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District and includes sites 18DO81, 18DO80, 18DO407, US Navy Bloodsworth Island, Maryland. The Bloodsworth Island Archaeological District lies within Dorchester County, Maryland, and is located in the eastern-shore section of the Coastal Plain physiographic province. The proposed boundary comprises the northern third of Bloodsworth Island, which lies in the central...

DATASET Linda Scott Cummings.

XRF data for a Navajo Textile

New Boston Air Force Cultural Artifact Dataset (2016)
DATASET New Boston Air Force Station.

Data set containing list of artifacts and associated information for projects completed within the New Boston Air Force Station during the years of 2013-2015 for initial SDSFIE transition. Legacy data.

New Information from the Reanalyses of a Frontier Burial from Fort Caspar, Wyoming (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rick Weathermon.

Reexamination of the Fort Caspar Burial #3 collection, including a nearly complete human skeleton and associated artifacts, has provided additional information regarding the life and death of this early frontier white male. Subsequent analyses indicate the individual was younger than originally estimated and had been buried in a coffin constructed of painted wood and fittings from a wagon. Reevaluation of the skeletal trauma strongly suggests the cause of death was a result of bludgeoning rather...

NMCRIS Number 126690, Photo Logs (2013)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jim deVos

NMCRIS Number 126690 Photologs

On the Outside Looking In: Four Centuries of Change at 625 Broadway, Archeology at the DEC Headquarters, 625 Broadway, Albany, New York. (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc..

Report of Phase III Data Recovery at the 625 Broadway Historic Archaeological Site. Includes all appendices and artifact inventory. Report broken out into 12 chapters covering various aspects of the site.

"Osceola: Portraits, Features, and Dress," The Florida Historical Quarterly
PROJECT Uploaded by: Julia Zakrewsky

Portraits, Features, and Dress of the Florida Seminole Indians" The Florida Historical Quarterly,

Painted Cave Northern Arizona (1945)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Emil W. Haury.

The body of literature dealing with the archaeology of the San Juan drainage, while large, is strangely silent concerning the extreme northeastern corner of Arizona in the region of the Carrizo and Lukachukai Mountains. Prudden, in his classic study of the ruins in the San Juan watershed, mentions both surface and cave sites but they were small for the most part, and none received more than a cursory examination. Many years later, in 1924, a Peabody Museum expedition headed by Oliver LaFarge,...

Palachucola Unit Survey, Webb Wildlife Management Area 1994-1995
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District. Michele Helen Howard.

This investigation is referred to as “Palachucola Unit Survey, Webb Wildlife Management Area 1994-1995.” This name is consistent throughout the finding aid, file folders, and box labels. The extent of this investigation is thirty-six (36) linear inches. This investigation dates from 1978 to 1995. The majority of the documents are dated from 1994 to 1995, as denoted in the investigation name, but there are additional background records included in the document collection. The documents were...

Paleoindian-Age Records of the American SW
PROJECT Uploaded by: jesse ballenger

hard data related to Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene people and environments in the American SW

Peoples and Crafts in Period IVB at Hasanlu, Iran
PROJECT Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has had a long-standing interest in the archaeology of Iran. In 1956, Robert H. Dyson, Jr., began excavations south of Lake Urmia at the large mounded site of Hasanlu. Although the results of these excavations await final publication, the Hasanlu Special Studies series—of which this monograph is the fourth volume—describes and analyzes specific aspects of technology, style, and iconography. This volume describes a group of...

Perishable: Braided Cloth AMNH 29.0/9442 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Braided Cloth, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9442. Morris FS 2926. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Braided, plain-woven cotton cloth strips. Image: AMNH 29.0/9442A: braided cloth strips. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 139, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 139 at the time of excavation is as follows: “When the writer broke through the veneer of masonry which sealed the north side of the door leading into Room 139 from Room 143, the condition of the ceiling...

Perishable: Braided Cotton AMNH 29.0/7598 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Braided Cords, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7598. Morris FS 1191 . Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Square-braided cords of cotton fiber. Image: AMNH 29.0/7598 A-D A: braided cords. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 48, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 48 at the time of excavation is as follows. “The floor was covered with refuse.. The greater proportion of this deposit was of vegetable substance; cornstalks, husks, tassels, and cobs, cedarbark, splinters of...

Perishable: Carbonized Cloth AMNH 29.0/7461 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Carbonized cloth, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7461. Morris FS 1054. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Scrap of carbonized 1/1 plain weave cotton cloth. Image: AMNH 29.0/7461A: scrap of carbonized plain-weave cotton cloth. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Kiva G, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1924:213) indicates that “Storm-deposited sandy earth covered the floor of Kiva G to a depth of from 6 inches at the center to 3 feet against the walls. From the south side to the center this material...

Perishable: Carbonized Cloth, AMNH 29.0-7997 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Carbonized Cloth, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7997. Morris FS 1574. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Box of carbonized cotton, plain and twill weave, fragments. Images: AMNH 29.0-7997A: carbonized cloth fragments in box. AMNH 29.0-7997B: carbonized fragment of plain-weave cloth. AMNH 29.0-7997C: carbonized probable twill-weave cloth. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 41, Grave 16, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:300)...

Perishable: Carbonized Cloth, AMNH 29.0/7995 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Carbonized Cloth, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7995. Morris FS 1572. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Box of 1/1 plain weave, carbonized cotton cloth fragments. Images: AMNH 29.0/7995A: carbonized cotton plain-weave cloth. AMNH 29.0/7995B: carbonized cotton plain-weave cloth, with flash. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 41, Grave 16, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:300) indicates that “Conditions in Room 41 are given in...

Perishable: Carbonized Fabric and Sandal, AMNH 29.0/6786 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Carbonized Fabric, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #6786. Morris FS 396. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Carbonized sandal and cotton fabric fragments from child burial. Images: AMNH 29.0/6786_1A: fragments of carbonized cotton 2-1 twill-weave cloth. AMNH 29.0/6786_3B: carbonized twined sandal fragment. AMNH 29.0/6786_1C: close-up of seamed piece of cloth. AMNH 29.0/6786_1D: close-up of another seamed piece of cloth. Recovered from Earl...

Perishable: Carbonized Fabric fused to Mat, AMNH 29.0/6787 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Carbonized Fabric fused to Mat, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #6787. Morris FS 397. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Carbonized cotton fused to matting. Measurements: Images: AMNH 29.0/6787_1A: carbonized cotton 2-1 (probably) twill cloth fused to 2-2 matting. AMNH 29.0/6787_1B: close-up. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Kiva D, Child Burial, Aztec West Ruin. Morris describes Kiva D as having “been burned before its original...

Perishable: Carbonized Fabric, AMNH 29.0-7075 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Carbonized Fabric, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7075. Morris FS 675. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Carbonized cotton fabric fragments, 1/1 plain weave. Image: AMNH 29.0-7075A: fragments of carbonized cotton plain-weave cloth. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 45, Grave 12, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:302) indicates that “Moist, well-solidified refuse covered the floor of Room 45 to a depth of 8 feet. In it were many...

Perishable: Carbonized Fabric, AMNH 29.0/6788.1 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Carbonized Fabric, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #6788. Morris FS 398. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Cotton twill fabric fused to matting. Images: AMNH 29.0/6788_1A: carbonized cotton twill (probably)-weave cloth fused to matting, on plaster base. AMNH 29.0/6788_1B: close-up of carbonized cotton cloth on plaster base 1. AMNH 29.0/6788_1C: close-up of carbonized cotton cloth on plaster base 2. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of...

Perishable: Carbonized Yarn, AMNH 29.0/7996 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Carbonized Yarn, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7996. Morris FS 1573. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Carbonized cotton yarn, plied, 2Z-S weave. Image: AMNH 29.0/7996A: carbonized cotton yarn. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 41, Grave 16, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:300) indicates that “Conditions in Room 41 are given in the description of Burial 16.1 (see Morris 1924:155). The conflagration which so badly damaged...

Perishable: Coiled Basket AMNH 29.0-9695 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Coiled Basket, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9695. Morris FS 3180. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE, NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Coiled basket bowl, 3 rod bunched, willow or sumac. Images: AMNH 29.0-9695A: basket bowl, upper surface. AMNH 29.0-9695B: basket bowl, underside. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 138, Grave 32, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 138 at the time of excavation is as follows: “On the floor of Room 138 was a film...

Perishable: Cordage AMNH 29.0/8629 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Cordage, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8629. Morris FS 2120. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Description. Measurements: Images: AMNH 29.0/8629A: apocynum or yucca cordage. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 78, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 78 at the time of excavation is as follows. “About three-fourths of a cord of cedar splints such as were used in the construction of ceilings had been left in Room 78, covering the entire area of the chamber, but deepest...

Perishable: Cordage AMNH 29.0/9495 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Cordage, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9495. Morris FS 2979. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Plied, wrapped, knotted yucca and turkey-feather cordage, square knot, 2S-Z. Image: AMNH 29.0/9495A: feather cordage tied in square knot. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 139, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 139 at the time of excavation is as follows: “When the writer broke through the veneer of masonry which sealed the north side of the door leading into Room 139...