Charcoal (Material Keyword)

276-300 (310 Records)

Results of Data Recovery in North Freeway Tuscon, Pima County, Arizona: AZ AA:12:85 (ASM) and AZ AA:12:911 (ASM) (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text M.L. Brack.

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) purchased property at North Freeway, Tucson, Arizona, to facilitate improvements along the Interstate 10 (I-10) corridor. Following completion of construction, ADOT proposed selling the property lying outside the I-10 right-of-way. EcoPlan Associates, environmental consultants to ADOT, requested a cultural resources assessment of the property prior to sale. Desert Archaeology, Inc., identified potentially significant surface remains and initiated a...

Results of Phase 2 Data Recovery at the Southern Margin of the West Branch Site, AZ AA:16:3 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah Swartz.

Current excavations at the West Branch site, AZ AA:16:3 (ASM), by Desert Archaeology, Inc., focused on a small portion of the southern end of the site prior to private construction. Artifacts will be curated at the Arizona State Museum (ASM) with accession number 2003-0382. Forty-one features identified within the project area included: 7 structures, 2 extramural surfaces, 3 trash concentrations, 1 horno, 1 roasting pit, 6 burial features, and 21 additional extramural pits. The horno and...

Results of Phase I Data Recovery and an Addendum Work Plan for Phase II Data Recovery for the Proposed Barrister Building Development in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Mitchell. Kristin L. David. Emily Higgins Keppler.

An Archaeology Assessment conducted by the COP found that the proposed project occurs within the boundaries of the prehistoric site of AZ T:12:70(ASM)/Pueblo Patricio and AZ T:12:42(ASM)/the original Phoenix townsite (OPT). ACS prepared a site-specific work plan addendum that followed the General Historic Properties Treatment Plan for City of Phoenix Projects. This report documents the results of the Phase I data recovery activities. A project specific permit (2017-071ps) and burial agreement...

Results of Phase I Data Recovery, a Phase II Data Recovery Work Plan, and a Monitoring and Discovery Plan for AZ U:9:67 (ASM)/La Lomita, Within the City of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Stubing. Saskia Grupp.

In May of 2005, Carter & Burgess conducted phase I data recovery at AZ 11:9:67 (ASM), also known as La Lomita, in Phoenix, Arizona, The data recovery was conducted to determine the nature and extent of the site within the proposed Escaia at Central City apartment complex, which is partially located within the recorded boundaries of La Lomita. The data recovery consisted of the excavation of 440 meters (m) of backhoe trenches within La Lomita, and an additional 30 m south of the site boundary in...

Results of Phased Data Recovery for the Paving and Storm Drain Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kristin L. Fangmeier.

The City of Phoenix (COP) Street Transportation Department (STD) is conducting road and storm drain improvements. The project will require the relocation of an existing Salt River Project (SRP) irrigation line, located on U.S. Bureau of Reclamation land. Because federal lands are involved, the project is considered a federal undertaking subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. It also follows applicable COP policies and requirements as...

The Roeser Park Archaeological Project: Investigations in a Portion of Pueblo Viejo, AZ T:12:73 (ASM), a Hohokam Site in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas E. Wright.

In May 2004, Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (ARS) conducted a phased data recovery program in part of a large prehistoric Native American village called Pueblo Viejo in southern Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The site is also known as AZ T:12:73 (ASM) in the Arizona State Museum's site numbering system; the site’s name and number are used interchangeably in this report. The City of Phoenix Archaeology Office has assigned the following project number to the work performed at Pueblo...

Running Deer Village Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Connie L. Stone. M. A. Wetherill. R. C. Euler.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Running Deer Village site, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The site is comprised of a masonry pueblo, platforms, bedrock metates, petroglyphs, and artifact scatter. The file consists of a site data form, map of the site location, two Museum of Northern Arizona forms, and 20 black and white photographs of the site and its features. The earliest dated document is from 1957.

The San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant River Corridor Survey, Volume I (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text A.C. MacWilliams.

The foremost goal of this project was recording all archaeological and paleontological finds in the riparian corridor the Santa Cruz River, on the San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant. Results of this full-coverage survey are intended to be useful for determining land management in the corridor. Observations about site boundaries, disturbance and potential for in-place buried deposits contribute to meeting these objectives. At the same time, these results are intended to provide information from a...

Sandia Laboratories II Archaeological Survey Project (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William R. Neal.

The Center for Anthropological Studies has just completed an intensive field examination of 165 acres situated on Kirtland Air Force Base. Nine loci of isolated artifacts and two prehistoric sites were located. The two prehistoric sites are dense surface scatters of sherds and lithic artifacts that suggest the subsurface existence of several pithouses. Associated ceramic artifacts date these sites to the 1050-1370 period of the Middle Rio Grande Anasazi Indians. Both of these sites appear...

Shovel Test Pit Excavation Form, Adelphi, 2002.022_0003 (1999)
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STP Excavation form for the Blossom Point Field Test Facility at the Adelphi site, 18CH156.

The Silverbell Golf Course Data Recovery Project, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gregory J. Whitney. Patricia Cook.

Desert Archaeology, Inc., conducted data recovery at the Silverbell Golf Course, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona, in anticipation of renovations to the golf course. The work was undertaken in 2005, at two known archaeological sites within the project area: AZ AA:12:93 (ASM) and AZ AA:12:95 (ASM), as well as in an interstitial area between the two sites. During data recovery, two additional archaeological sites were encountered — AZ AA:12:980 (ASM), a Historic era ditch identified previously, and AZ...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman. Chad Yost. Melissa K. Logan.

Lithic tools, groundstone, fire-cracked rock, charcoal, and sediment samples from sites 42JB1732, 42JB1739, 42JB1749, 42JB1760, 42JB1764, and Keg Mountain Ranch, in the Old River Bed Valley, western Utah, were submitted for starch, protein residue, organic residue, and macrofloral analyses, as well as charcoal identification and AMS radiocarbon dating. The samples were tested for organic residues using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). A basalt chopper from Clovis site 42TO3794,...

Stonewall Jackson Reservoir Archaeological Investigation 1974
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District. Michael Beckes. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District.

The Stonewall Jackson Reservoir Archaeological Investigation was conducted under the National Park Service contract number CX-4000-4-0037 from June to August of 1974. The primary purpose for this archaeological survey was to investigate cultural resources prior to construction of the proposed Stonewall Jackson Dam, a combination flood control and recreation project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District (Beckes 1975) located in north-central West Virginia. The work was...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings. Kathryn Puseman.

Sixteen pollen samples were examined from a core taken at the Blackfoot Cave site, 5DA2358, in southeast Douglas County, Colorado. This rock shelter is unusual in that it has a permanent spring flowing from it, making it a very desirable location for extensive prehistoric and historic use. In 1859, the first house was built at the site. Artifacts attest to Archaic through Historic occupations. The core was taken from a small wetland area in the catch basin of the spring below the cave and...

Student Journals and Notes from the 1975 Field School (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Field school notes and journals for site 511-2 from the 1975 Field School.

Task Product 4: Cultural Resources Inventory, Evaluation, and Recommendations. Subtask 4A: Inventory and Evaluation, Cultural Management Plan (CRMP), Bellows Air Force Station, Oahu, HI (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert E. Hurlbett. Alan E. Haun.

The purpose of the present study is to provide detailed information regarding the archaeological/historical resources within Bellows AFS. The field work was focused in areas not previously examined for the presence of historic properties and in areas of future planned development identified by the Bellows AFS Master Plan. On April 18, 1986, a preliminary surface reconnaissance of the project area was conducted by PHRI Senior Archaeologist Alan E. Haun. Ph.D.. and PHRI Supervisory Archaeologist...

Technical Report, Inventory of Historic and Archaeological Resources, Fourth Cliff Recreational Annex, Scituate, Massachusetts (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ann Davin. Virginia H. Adams. Craig Chartier. Amy McFeeters.

The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc. conducted an inventory of historic and archaeological resources at the U.S. Department of the Air Force Fourth Cliff Recreational Annex. Fourth Cliff is a 56-acre military property situated at the northern tip of the Humarock Peninsula in Scituate, Massachusetts. The firm of Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc. is overseeing all of the environmental, archaeological, and architectural studies in preparation for future planning activities. A comprehensive...

Test Unit Excavation Forms, Blossom Point Phase II, 2002.022_0009 (1999)
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Test unit excavation forms for the Blossom Point Phase II for site 18CH227.

Times of Transition: Excavations at the Pima Animal Care Center, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Excavations at the Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) revealed a unique portion of the prehistoric Hohokam landscape. Uncovered were the vestiges of a settlement that was occupied for two short periods at the beginning and the end of the Hohokam pre-Classic. Both periods of occupation occurred during times of transition in the prehistoric Tucson Basin. The Tortolita phase occupation corresponds with the founding of villages and the transition to Hohokam lifeways throughout southern and central...

Tonto Creek Archaeological Project - Artifact and Environmental Analyses, Volume 2: Stone Tool and Subsistence Studies (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

The Tonto Creek Archaeological Project (TCAP), funded by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), was conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., in advance of the 1994-1996 realignment of Arizona State Route 188 in the Tonto Basin of east-central Arizona. From 1992 to 1996, portions of 27 archaeological sites were investigated. Site components ranged in date from the Middle Archaic period to the Late Historic era. Most dated to the Colonial, Sedentary, and early Classic periods, circa A.D....

Tracks through Time: The Archaeology of the METRO Light Rail Corridor (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Glenn S.L. Stuart.

This book presents the results of the archaeological investigations that were conducted along then Light Rail route before and during its construction. As with any project that receives federal funding, METRO was legally required to undertake archaeological investigations along the project corridor; but production of this volume reflects not only METRO's commitment to legal compliance with environmental laws, but also the commitment of the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa to preserve and...

Tracks through Time: The Archaeology of the METRO Light Rail Corridor, Volume II: Investigations at Pueblo Grande and La Plaza, and Water Management (2011)
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This book presents the results of the archaeological investigations that were conducted along then Light Rail route before and during its construction. As with any project that receives federal funding, METRO was legally required to undertake archaeological investigations along the project corridor; but production of this volume reflects not only METRO's commitment to legal compliance with environmental laws, but also the commitment of the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa to preserve and...

Tracks through Time: Urban Archaeology along the METRO Light Rail Corridor, Volume I: Introduction, Background, and Preliminary Field Studies (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

This book presents the results of the archaeological investigations that were conducted along then Light Rail route before and during its construction. As with any project that receives federal funding, METRO was legally required to undertake archaeological investigations along the project corridor; but production of this volume reflects not only METRO's commitment to legal compliance with environmental laws, but also the commitment of the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa to preserve and...

UHM Summer Field School Site 511-018: Master 1-6 (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Field notes from the 1975 field school. Collection of information regarding Photos, Soil Samples, V. Glass, Charcoal, and the Master copy of Artifacts from site 511-016.

UHM Summer Field School: Investigation Forms from the Site 511-018 (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Investigation forms such as layer, artifact, and features forms from the 1975 field school at the Site 511-018.