Little Colorado Whiteware (Material Keyword)
1-25 (25 Records)
Between June 9 and July 14, 2006, excavations were undertaken at Creswell Pueblo (AZ J:14:282), a site on an Archaeological Conservancy preserve (the Creswell Ranch Archaeological District) within the boundaries of the Homolovi Ruins State Park in northeastern Arizona. Permission for this fieldwork was given by the Archaeological Conservancy, the land owner. This archaeological fieldwork was part of a larger program, called the Homol'ovi Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (HUROP),...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado to Dinosaur Transmission Line, Private, State, and Federal Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Transmission Line Right-Of-Way STA. 0+00 - STA. 3874+21 and Proposed Transmission Line Realignment Right-Of-Way STA. 1748+30 - STA. 2375+50 (1977)
Since May, 1975, the Museum of Northern Arizona, Department of Anthropology (hereafter "Museum"), has conducted archaeological investigations for the Salt River Project - Coronado Generating Station, Coronado-Dinosaur Transmission System, North End Project. This work, supported by contractual agreement, has consisted of an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed right-of-way, from Sta. 0+00 - Sta. 3874+21, and a realignment around Sta. 1748+30 to Sta. 2375+50, and the analysis and report...
Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line 500kV and 230kV Corridor Segment from Silverking Substation West to Tonto National Forest Boundary, Federal (Tonto National Forest) and Private Lands, Pinal County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Clearance Survey of 14.8 mi of Extra High Voltage Transmission Line Corridor, 2.0 mi of Substation Access Road, and 0.9 mi of 115kV Transmission Line Alignment, Silverking Substation Area, Tonto National Forest (1978)
15 mi of Extra High Voltage transmission line corridor, 2 mi of access road, and 0.9 mi of 115kV transmission line from the Silverking Substation were surveyed for archaeological resources by the Museum of Northern Arizona in April, 1978. Twelve prehistoric and historic Anglo-American affiliation archaeological sites were identified along the EHV corridor between the Silverking Substation and the Tonto National Forest boundary. An isolated recent feature, not given a site designation, was found...
Archaeological Testing of Four Sites on Haigler Creek near Young, Arizona (2006)
AR-03-12-01-237 is a historic to modern site thought by locals to be the location of a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp related to construction of the Chamberlain Trail. Work conducted during this testing program revealed that the site is related to early twentieth century ranching. Since the 1950s or 1960s, this area has been a favored recreational camping spot—a function that continues to this day. No evidence of a CCC camp was identified at AR-03-12-01-237 and archival research places...
The Bartlett Dam Project: Archaeological Test Excavations at Fourteen Sites in the Lower Verde Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
This report documents the results of a testing program completed by SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants in August of 1990 in anticipation of the modification of Bartlett Dam. Modifications to the dam were planned as part of the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) and the Safety of Dams Project. During the month of April, 1990, archaeologists from Northland Research, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of approximately 929 acres located on the Lower Verde River...
Cultural Resources Survey of a Portion of Dead Horse Ranch State Park, and a Proposed Alignment for a New Access Road in Yavapai County, Arizona (1991)
An archaeological survey of a portion of Dead Horse Ranch State Park, Yavapai County, Arizona, was completed for the Arizona Department of Transportation and Arizona State Parks by SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, under contract to Entranco Engineers, Inc., in July 1990. The project was undertaken for a proposed new access road to the park and a bridge across the Verde River as well as for proposed improvements within the park. Sites AZ N:4:18 (ASM) and AZ N:4:31 (ASM) had been formally...
Dugan Ranch Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Dugan Ranch Site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of a Classic Period Hohokam compound or caserón with 43 rooms, as well as roasting pits, field houses, checkdams, terraces, artifact scatter, and burials. The file consists of a heritage inventory form, site map, two pages of field notes, an Arizona State University Site Survey Form, and a map of the site location. The earliest dated document is from 1968.
Final Report for Plan 6 Supplemental Cultural Resource Surveys (1985)
This final report reflects a year of on-call Class III cultural resource surveys for Plan 6, the Regulatory Storage Division of the Central Arizona Project. Included are eight reports representing close to 6000 acres of survey performed in the vicinity of the planned New Waddell Dam by Archaeological Consulting Services for the Arizona Projects Office, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Because New Waddell Dam is designed to be rock filled, one of the focal points of the contract was to survey proposed...
Fort Jeremy Arizona Site Steward File (2003)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Fort Jeremy site, comprised of a fortified hilltop, clay hearth, and artifact scatter, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of a heritage inventory form and map of the site location. The earliest dated document is from 1997.
Ister Flats Arizona Site Steward File (1992)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Ister Flats site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of a Late Classic Sinagua room block with courtyards, trash mounds, a rock-lined pit, and artifact scatter. The file consists of a site data form, hand drawn maps of the site, maps of the site location, an artifact diversity form, a Tonto National Forest cultural resources inventory form, a Central Arizona Water Control Study site description form, and an Arizona State...
Lion Spring Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (1967)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Lion Spring Ruin site, comprised of a compound with a granite room block, trash, and a possible cemetery, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of a heritage inventory form, hand drawn site map, and a Museum of Northern Arizona form. The earliest dated document is from 1967.
Long Hollow Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (2001)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for Long Hollow Pueblo, comprised of sandstone room blocks, middens, and artifact scatter, located on Apache Sitgreaves National Forest land. The file consists of a site description form, site map, and three maps of the site location. The earliest document dates to 2001.
Long Wall Arizona Site Steward File (2001)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Long Wall site, located on Apache Sitgreaves National Forest land. The site consists of a wall, kiva, pueblo, and midden. The file consists of a site description form, two photographs of projectile points, a map of the site location, and a site map.
Lower Mayfield Canyon Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (2001)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Lower Mayfield Canyon Ruin site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site consists of a settlement, alternatively described as a caserón, compound, or pueblo, as well as trash deposits containing human bones. The file consists of a site data form, heritage inventory form, three site maps, three pages of unlabeled site data forms, and a map of the site collection. The earliest dated document is from 1929.
Mano Mama Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Mano Mama site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of an Archaic lithic scatter; Preclassic Hohokam pit houses; Classic Hohokam compound, field house, and terraces; 1880s wagon road; and pre-WWII trash scatter. The file consists of two heritage inventory forms and a map of the site location. The oldest dated document is from 2000.
Onyx Canyon Arizona Site Steward File (2003)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Onyx Canyon site, comprised of two rock shelters with pictographs and bedrock grinding features, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site may be Apache, Archaic, Hohokam, Salado, or a combination thereof; although the documents appear to favor Apache origin. The file consists of a site data form, heritage inventory form, an archeological and historical site inventory form, a hand drawn site map, a Museum of Northern Arizona site card, a...
Oxbow Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (1954)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Oxbow Ruin site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of two loci, connected by artifact scatter. The Hardt/Miami Phase locus contains trash middens, hornos, jacales, and stone foundations. The Roosevelt Phase locus contains a masonry caserón, a pit house, and a cemetery. An old wagon road is also found within the site boundaries. The file consists of a heritage inventory form, hand drawn site map, and three cultural...
Payson Rock Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (1954)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Payson Rock Ruin site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site consists of a masonry complex, storage and occupied rock shelters, bedrock grinding features, prehistoric and historic petroglyphs, a wickiup ring, and associated artifacts. The site appears to have first been occupied by the Payson Tradition before being reoccupied by the Apache in historic times. The file consists of a heritage inventory form and three hand drawn site maps....
Polle Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (1998)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Polle Pueblo site, comprised of a large masonry pueblo with associated trash, hearths, and a plaza, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of an archeological and historical site inventory form, blank sketch of site setting form, hand drawn site map, and a map of the site location. The earliest dated document is from 1954.
Round Valley Pueblo 671 Arizona Site Steward File (2002)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Round Valley Pueblo 671 site, comprised of a large Payson-tradition granite and sandstone pueblo, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site also contains a Hohokam pit house village. The file consists of a heritage inventory form, a hand drawn site map, an unlabeled site data form, and a map of the site location. The earliest dated document is from 1929.
Running Deer Village Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Running Deer Village site, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The site is comprised of a masonry pueblo, platforms, bedrock metates, petroglyphs, and artifact scatter. The file consists of a site data form, map of the site location, two Museum of Northern Arizona forms, and 20 black and white photographs of the site and its features. The earliest dated document is from 1957.
Settlement, Subsistence, and Specialization In the Northern Periphery: The Waddell Project. Vols. 1 and 2 (1989)
Under the sponsorship of the Bureau of Reclamation, the New Waddell Dam Borrow Areas Mitigative Data Recovery Project, more simply known as the Waddell Project, performed data recovery at 17 sites in the vicinity of Lake Pleasant, Arizona. Supplemental surveys conducted under the same contract added two sites to the inventory slated for investigation. The project area, composed of multiple survey areas, was spread across two drainages, the Agua Fria and New River, in what is considered the...
Shoofly Village Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Shoofly Ruin site, comprised of a sandstone pueblo and accompanying artifacts, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of a heritage inventory form, three site maps, a blank sketch of site setting form, two maps of the site location, a Museum of Northern Arizona site card, and an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form. The earliest dated form is from 1929.
Sunflower Mesa Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
This is an Arizona Site Steward file that consists of the site Sunflower Mesa Ruin, comprised of a masonry pueblo and retaining walls with accompanying sherd and lithic scatter, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of a site data form, two maps of the site location, and an Arizona State University site survey form.
Upper Mayfield Canyon Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
This contains the Arizona Site Steward file for the Upper Mayfield Canyon site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of masonry room blocks; compounds, including one of quartzite and limestone; a limestone pueblo; and houses. Areas between residential structures contain abundant trash deposits. Human graves and one dog burial are also located on site. The file consists of two site steward data forms, two heritage inventory forms, an Arizona State Museum archaeological...