Neotaphonomy (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The transition from the Early Stone Age (ESA) to the Middle Stone Age (MSA) represents an important technological shift in hominin behavioral evolution in southern Africa. Subsistence behaviors during this transition, however, are relatively unknown due to a lack of faunal preservation or insecure associations between lithic and faunal accumulations. Often, these sites originate from riverine, lakeshore, and spring deposits, locations that likely attracted hominin hunters and other carnivores in...
Bones of Ol Pejeta: Neotaphonomic and Ecological Survey, BONES (WGF - Post PhD Research Grant) (2017)
This resource is an application for the Post PhD Research Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. The remains of fossil animals represent an abundant dataset by which to address a variety of important questions relating to human evolution, including the ecological conditions in which our hominin ancestors evolved. However, because of the multitude of processes that modify or even remove remains from the fossil record, analytical techniques that utilize them cannot assume that the once living...