12HU73 (Site Name Keyword)

1-9 (9 Records)

Aerial Images, Huntington Reservoir Maps N.D. (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brockington and Associates, Inc..

This resource contains one of two sets of Huntington Reservoir aerial images. This particular set of images was produced in beige and purple ink. For each beige and purple map (Scanned Asset 1039-0002), there is a duplicate map. Thus, there are nine unique maps, but eighteen total copies. The beige maps have a map publication number along with a handwritten number in the upper right corner of each map numbering from two to nine. The legible map publication numbers include 18069-272-55,...

Artifact Database, State Recreation Areas Arbitrary Investigation 1979-1985 (2012)
DATASET Veterans Curation Program.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Louisville District archaeological collections were sent to the Veterans Curation Program’s (VCP) St. Louis laboratory in May 2011. The VCP St. Louis laboratory is a USACE, St. Louis District’s Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections program, which is staffed through Brockington and Associates, an archaeological contract firm located in Norcross, Georgia. The procedures employed to re-house the...

Artifact Report, State Recreation Areas Arbitrary Investigation 1979-1985 (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Crystal Soto.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Louisville District archaeological collections were sent to the Veterans Curation Program’s (VCP) St. Louis laboratory in May 2011. The VCP St. Louis laboratory is a USACE, St. Louis District’s Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections program, which is staffed through Brockington and Associates, an archaeological contract firm located in Norcross, Georgia. The procedures employed to re-house the...

Black and White Aerial Images, Huntington Reservoir Maps N.D. (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brockington and Associates, Inc..

This resource contains one of two sets of Huntington Reservoir aerial images. There are fourteen black and white aerial maps numbered 17, 18, 23, 24, 28, 29, 34, 35, 40, 46, 51, 52, 57, and 58 (Scanned Asset 1039-0001). The dates of these images are not indicated.

Finding Aid, Huntington Reservoir Maps N.D. (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Crystal Soto.

The Veterans Curation Program has established protocols and procedures for archival processing and rehabilitation projects. Standards and procedures are listed for reference. Each record format (i.e., paper, photographic, electronic, audio-visual and cartographic and oversize) has special storage requirements that are dependent upon the physical media upon which information is recorded. Each format is packaged, labeled, and described in a standardized fashion and all special cases are noted in...

Glass Artifact Photographs, State Recreation Areas Arbitrary Investigation 1979-1985 (2012)
IMAGE Veterans Curation Program.

Photographs of glass artifacts processed in the State Recreation Areas Arbitrary Investigation 1979-1985, from various small investigations in Indiana.

Huntington Reservoir Maps N.D.
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District.

This project is referred to as "Huntington Reservoir Maps N.D." This investigation was conducted by Ball State University within the Huntington Reservoir in Huntington County, Indiana and the digital materials were processed by the Veterans Curation Program (VCP). The Veterans Curation Program has established protocols and procedures for archival processing and rehabilitation projects. These standards and procedures are included in the project's finding aid. This project may be associated with...

Scanned Asset Key, Huntington Reservoir Maps N.D. (2012)
DATASET Veterans Curation Program.

This dataset lists the scanned asset identification numbers, descriptions, and sites included in aerial images taken of Huntington Reservoir, Indiana.

State Recreation Areas Arbitrary Investigation 1979-1985
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District.

State Recreation Areas Arbitrary Investigation 1979–1985 is comprised of numerous small investigations. All materials had been stored in the same AAL box, and the associated documentation did not clarify which artifacts or accession numbers were from different projects. The only known investigations in this collection were identified using the AAL project numbers 79FR11 and 79IA6, which were identified on a box list supplied by AAL. It is believed that these two project numbers are related and...