Structure (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Non-Domestic Structures

Architectural remnant of a building of unknown form or function.

326-350 (1,067 Records)

Artifact Catalog, Site 44PG317, Fort Lee (2013)
DATASET Fort Lee Regional Archaeological Curation Facility.

This resource contains an artifact catalog from Phase III of site 44PG317, located at Fort Lee, Virginia.

Artifact Database (2011)
DATASET Ian Kerr. Erin Claussen. Michael Nassaney.

This is a comprehensive database containing information on all artifacts recovered from 1998 from Fort St. Joseph

Artifact Database Guide (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ian Kerr. Erin Claussen. Michael Nassaney.

This document seeks to outline the goals of the artifact database, how it is organized and arranged and to explain the various data fields utilized.

Artifact Inventory, 625 Broadway Historic Archaeological Site, Albany, NY (2001)
DATASET Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc..

Artifact inventory for Phase III at 625 Broadway site, Albany, NY.

Artifact Inventory, Site 44HT27 Locus 1, Fort Monroe (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thunderbird Archeological Associates, Inc..

This document contains a detailed inventory of artifacts excavated at site 44HT27 Locus 1, located at Fort Monroe, Hampton, Virginia.

Artifact Lexicon (2011)
DATASET Ian Kerr. Erin Claussen. Michael Nassaney.

This is an artifact lexicon which outlines all the various artifact types and categories of material that archaeologists have found at Fort St. Joseph.

Artifact Photograph Log (2010)
DATASET Western Michigan University - Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project.

Provides provenience information for photographs of artifacts.

Artifact Photographs, Liberty Chapel, Fort Lee (2009)
IMAGE Fort Lee Regional Archaeological Curation Facility.

This resource page contains color photographs of artifacts from the Liberty Chapel site located at Fort Lee, Virginia.

Artifacts Found in Feature 127 (2014)
IMAGE RGA Inc. . Allison Gall.

Top Row, Far Left: Pipe Stem (PCN 1034). Second Row, From Left to Right: Pipe Stem (PCN 1034); Pipe Stem (PCN 1035). Far Right, Left to Right: Wrought Nail (PNC 1035); Bone (PCN 1035). Bottom Row, Left to Right: Pipe Bowl (PCN 1035); Pipe Bowl (PCN 1035); Button (PCN 1035); Pewter Spoon Fragment (PCN 1034); Pewter Spoon Fragment (PCN 1034); Glass Bead (PCN 1034).

Artifacts From the Sharp's Site: a Sterns Creek Component In Southwestern Iowa (1977)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joseph A. Tiffany.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Artist's Rendition of Fort St. Joseph (2011)
IMAGE Pamela Rups.

Not based on archaeological or historical findings, this image is purely speculative as to the appearance of Fort St. Joseph. It is however historically accurate in terms of the potential placement of buildings within a palisade and the architectural styles that may have been represented at the fort.

ASOR Syrian Heritage Initiative (SHI): Planning for Safeguarding Heritage Sites in Syria - Weekly Report 1 (August 11, 2014) (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael D. Danti.

Weekly Report 1 encompasses July 20, 2014 to August 10, 2014. Also included are Incident Reports SHI 14-001, SHI 14-002, SHI 14-003, SHI 14-004, SHI 14-005, and SHI 14-006. This report contains a Heritage Timeline describing events involving the destruction of heritage sites in Syria. During the reporting period, Islamic State (IS formerly ISIS or ISIL) made substantial territorial gains in northern Syria and northern Iraq and continued to exert pressure on Baghdad and the Aleppo-­Damascus...

ASOR Syrian Heritage Initiative (SHI): Planning for Safeguarding Heritage Sites in Syria - Weekly Report 11 (October 20, 2014) (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael D. Danti. Cheikhmous Ali. Kurt W. Prescott.

Weekly Report 11 encompasses October 9, 2014 to October 19, 2014. Also included are Incident Reports SHI 14-065, SHI 14-066, and SHI 14-051. This report contains a Heritage Timeline describing events involving the destruction of heritage sites in Syria. Reports of regime conscription and anti-SARG protests in Homs and Tartous suggest growing discontent and eroding support for regime policies and the protracted conflict. Conscription has also been reported in YPG-controlled areas of northern...

ASOR Syrian Heritage Initiative (SHI): Planning for Safeguarding Heritage Sites in Syria - Weekly Report 2 (August 18, 2014) (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Tyler Sutton

Weekly Report 2 encompasses August 10, 2014 to August 16, 2014. Also included are Incident Reports SHI 14-004, SHI 14-006, SHI 14-016, SHI 14-017, and SHI 14-018. This report contains a Heritage Timeline describing events involving the destruction of heritage sites in Syria. Generally, current military operations and terrorist activity revolves around control of border crossings with Turkey, Lebanon, and western Iraq and command of the Damascus-­‐Aleppo (M5) and Aleppo-­‐Raqqa (M15/M4)...

ASOR Syrian Heritage Initiative (SHI): Planning for Safeguarding Heritage Sites in Syria - Weekly Report 3 (August 25, 2014) (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael D. Danti.

Weekly Report 3 encompasses August 17, 2014 and August 19, 2014. Also included are Incident Reports SHI 14-019, SHI 14-020 and SHI 14-021. This report contains a Heritage Timeline describing events involving the destruction of heritage sites in Syria. From August 19–24, IS (ISIS or Islamic State) launched four major attacks on the SARG-­‐controlled airfield at Tabqa, the last remaining regime outpost in Raqqa Governate and a substantial military facility. On August 24, the base fell to IS....

ASOR Syrian Heritage Initiative (SHI): Planning for Safeguarding Heritage Sites in Syria, Weekly Reports
PROJECT Uploaded by: Tyler Sutton

The ASOR Cultural Heritage Initiatives (CHI) is an international, collaborative effort to respond to the destruction of cultural heritage in Syria and northern Iraq. Since its inception in July 2014, one of ASOR CHI’s main activities has been intensive monitoring, reporting, and fact-finding (MRF) to help address the challenges of the cultural heritage crises unfolding in Syria and northern Iraq. The resources found here are part of the ASOR CHI’s Weekly Report Series.

An Assessment of Cultural Resources for the Proposed APS Kyrene EHV Transmission Line Project (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard W. Effland, Jr.. Margerie Green.

At the request of Judith Imhoff of the Environmental Management Department of Arizona Public Service Company, Archaeological Consulting Services (ACS) initiated a cultural resource survey for the proposed 230 kV transmission line extension in the vicinity of the Kyrene Steam Power Plant. Dr. Richard W. Effland and Margerie Green of ACS served as co-principal investigators and field directors for the project. Johna Hutira and Shereen Lerner assisted in the field investigation. The purpose of...

Attachment 3, An Evaluation of Site-54-1103 in Regard to Its Eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. (1990)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul W. Isaacs.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Avon Park AFR Architectural and General Base History
PROJECT Avon Park Air Force Range. Park T. DeVane. Kelly Nolte. US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District. Virgil Roy Beasley. Marsha Prior. United States Air Force History Office and Museums Program.

This project contains documents relating to both the architectural and the general history of the Avon Park Air Force Range. The documents range from amateur histories of the air force range to Historic American Engineering Record-like documentation.

Avon Park Air Force Range: Cultural Resources Inventory and Assessment (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Geo-Marine, Inc..

This report presents the results of cultural resources investigations conducted on 6,800 noncontiguous acres on Avon Park Air Force Range (APAFR) in Polk and Highlands counties, Florida. The investigations consisted of a Phase I cultural resources survey, a predictive model for locating prehistoric cultural resources in the form of a land stratification structure, a World War II historic context, and historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) Level IV documentation of extant World War II...

AZ AA:3:156 (ASM) Arizona Site Steward File (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Welch. John H. Madsen.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file that consists of the AZ AA:3:156 (ASM) site, located on State Trust land. The site is comprised of depressions, a pit house (alternatively described as a room block in various documents), artifact scatter, trash deposits, and a burial ground. The file consists of a Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form and five maps of the site location. The earliest dated document is from 1986.

The Bartlett Dam Project: Archaeological Test Excavations at Fourteen Sites in the Lower Verde Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gregory R. Seymour. Mark Slaughter. WIlliam L. Deaver. Richard V. N. Ahlstrom.

This report documents the results of a testing program completed by SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants in August of 1990 in anticipation of the modification of Bartlett Dam. Modifications to the dam were planned as part of the Central Arizona Project's Regulatory Storage Division (Plan 6) and the Safety of Dams Project. During the month of April, 1990, archaeologists from Northland Research, Inc. conducted an archaeological survey of approximately 929 acres located on the Lower Verde River...

Basic Stabilization of River House Ruin, San Juan County, Utah (1978)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. T. Walke.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Bechtel Power Corporation 1978 Arizona Station Plant Site Study, Salt River Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: An Addendum to Preliminary Draft for Phase I: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James E. Bradford. Peter J. Pilles, Jr..

As a result of the Salt River Project consultant's meeting on June 18, 1974, additional, more current information on the Arizona Station Project was made available to the Museum of Northern Arizona. Because of this, it was decided that the archaeological recommendations for the project should be reviewed and re-submitted. This report discusses the new developments and presents the basis for conclusions made regarding the archaeological assessments.

Bechtel Power Corporation 1978 Arizona Station Plant Site Study, Salt River Project, State and Private Lands, Apache and Navajo Counties, Arizona: Final Report for Phase I: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Research (1974)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard V. Ahlstrom. James E. Bradford.

The initial Phase I investigation for the Salt River Project 1978 Power Plant Study has been completed. This report presents that data which was collected during library research and actual field reconnaissance and is intended to offer a background on the archaeological and ethno-historical resource base of the two proposed areas being considered for plant site and wellfield location. A discussion of the possible impacts with alternatives to these is also included. The report includes...