Rock Alignment (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Archaeological Feature

Group of rocks which appear to have some cultural association. Use for possible walls, wall-like phenomena, human produced architectural oddities, rock piles, etc.

551-575 (1,025 Records)

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project Logo (2009)
IMAGE Randy Peyser.

Logo developed for the Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project. Incorporates feathers into the French fleur-de-lis, symbolizing the multi-faceted interactions and negotiations between Native and European peoples that took place in the context of the fur trade at Fort St. Joseph. Blue and red are representative of the colors of the French flag.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2000 Letter Report (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2000 field season, primarily focused upon survey in the vicinity of the site of Fort St. Joseph.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2001 Letter Report (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2001 field season, primarily focused upon survey in the vicinity of the site of Fort St. Joseph.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2002 Letter Report (2002)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2002 field season.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2004 Letter Report (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2004 field season.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2006 Letter Report (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes activities and results of the 2006 field season.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2006-2007 Annual Report (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, and public outreach from September 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2007 Field Season Summary (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Erin Claussen. Meghan Cook. Amanda Brooks. Michael Nassaney.

Presents results of survey and excavations conducted by the 2007 Western Michigan University Archaeological Field School under the auspices of the Project.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2007-2008 Annual Report (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, and public outreach from September 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008. Includes a comprehensive list of Project outcomes for this time period including all presentations and publications.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2008 Field Season Summary (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Amanda Brooks. Emily Powell. Michael Nassaney.

Presents results of survey and excavations conducted by the 2008 Western Michigan University Archaeological Field School under the auspices of the Project.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2008-2009 Annual Report (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, and public outreach from September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009. Includes a comprehensive list of Project outcomes for this time period including all presentations and publications.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2009 Field Season Summary (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ian Kerr. Andrew Beaupré. Michael Nassaney.

Presents results of survey and excavations conducted by the 2009 Western Michigan University Archaeological Field School under the auspices of the Project.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2009-2010 Annual Report (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, public outreach, and laboratory analysis and collections management from September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010. Includes a comprehensive list of Project outcomes for this time period including all presentations and publications.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2010 Field Season Summary (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ian Kerr. Zachariah Rodriguez. Michael Nassaney.

Presents results of survey and excavations conducted by the 2010 Western Michigan University Archaeological Field School under the auspices of the Project.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2010-2011 Annual Report (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Nassaney.

Summarizes the activities conducted under the auspices of the project, particularly in regards to fieldwork, public education, public outreach, and laboratory analysis and collections management from September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011. Includes a comprehensive list of Project outcomes for this time period including all presentations and publications.

Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project: 2011 Field Season Summary (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Erica D'Elia. Michael Nassaney.

Presents results of survey and excavations conducted by the 2011 Western Michigan University Archaeological Field School under the auspices of the Project.

The Fourmile Wash Project: Archaeological Investigations at Eight Sites in the Tonopah Desert in Western Arizona (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Earl W. Sires.

The Fourmile Wash Data Recovery Project (SWCA Project No. 22-88160-1) included excavation and other data recovery activities at eight archaeological sites located in northwestern Maricopa County, Arizona. The excavations were conducted between 18 April and 5 May 1988 by SWCA, Inc., under contract with Headquarters West, Ltd. The project was necessitated by the fact that these sites are located on lands administered by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that were scheduled to be transferred...

Fur Trade Panels (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Western Michigan University - Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project.

Series of interpretive panels created for the 2011 Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project Open House. Individual panel themes are: New France and the Place of the Fur Trade, How the Fur Trade Worked, Fur Trade Society, Native Peoples and the Fur Trade, Getting Around in 17th and 18th Century New France, Birchbark Canoes, Beaver - Mainstay of the Trade, Trade Goods (two panels), and Fur Trade Myths.

General Site (2010)
IMAGE Stephanie Barrante. Victoria Hawley. Jessica Hughes.

Images depicting the site of Fort St. Joseph in general, before, during, and after excavation, in particular highlighting the site's proximity to the Fort St. Joseph River and the challenges this poses, 2006-2010.

Geological Study Samples (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The sediments dataset is a catalog of the geological samples used in a study of the physical and chemical properties of local soils. The chemical and granulometric analyses conducted on these samples contributed to an evaluation of potential for successful dry-land agriculture in the Dolores Valley. Soils in the project area are generally derived from eolian parent material and exhibit a loamy texture that indicates their suitability for agricultural production (Decker and Petersen 1987)....

Geophysical Studies at Kirtland Air Force Base Proposed Plan for Archaeological Ground Truthing (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James T. Abbott. Lori E. Rhodes.

This report presents the results of a geophysical study of five sites on KAFB. The objectives for the geophysical study were two fold: (1) to explore the effectiveness of near surface geophysical techniques for verifying the presence and nature of architectural and other cultural features and (2) to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each of the four remote sensing techniques being employed--resistivity, gradiometer, magnetometer, and ground penetrating radar (GPR)--by assessing their...

A Geophysical Survey of Fort St. Joseph (20BE23), Niles, Michigan (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Daniel Lynch.

Fort St. Joseph is a 17th-18th century French (and later English) mission-garrison-trading post complex located in southwest Michigan. A geophysical survey was performed and the results of the survey were tested through archaeological excavation. The geophysical methods included ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic induction, electrical resistivity, magnetic gradiometry, and magnetic susceptibility. The results of the archaeological excavations demonstrate that magnetic gradiometry was the...

Gibbon's Ranch: Excavation of Site AZ BB:9:275 (ASM), Pima County, Arizona (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Archaeological data recovery at the Gibbon's Ranch site (AZ BB:9:275 [ASM]) was the final phase of studies conducted by SWCA for Canoa Homes and Sunchase Holdings. The work was required to fulfill stipulations of Section 404 permitting (under the Clean Waters Act) and for a Pima County grading permit. Richard Perry of the Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, managed the 404 permit application and Linda Mayro, Pima County Archaeologist, oversaw archaeological documentation for the Pima...

Glyphs and Quarries of the Lower Colorado River Valley: The Results of Five Cultural Resources Surveys (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph A. Ezzo. Jeffrey Altschul.

The focus of this volume is the lower Colorado River valley, one of the least understood regions of the American Southwest. After over 50 years of archaeological research, the lower Colorado River remains a mystery. No major prehistoric habitation site has been located, presumably because they have all been destroyed by the river. Consequently, even the rudiments of culture history remain to be worked out. When did people arrive in the area? What did they live on? How did culture evolve in this...

Goldfield Arizona Site Steward File (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Connie Stone. Cheryl Taylor.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Goldfield site which is located on Bureau of Land Management and privately owned land. The site consists of mounds and rock features, likely indicative of a Hohokam habitation site, as well as a plaza and artifact scatter. The file consists of a site information sheet, map of the site location, and cultural resource site record form. The earliest document is dated 1984.