Apache (Temporal Keyword)
1-4 (4 Records)
As required under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation) Phoenix Area Office (PXAO) requested Logan Simpson Design (LSD) conduct a Class III survey of 988 acres of withdrawn lands along the lower Verde River near the Verde River Sheep Bridge. The land was withdrawn for the Salt River Project (SRP) and is administered by the Cave Creek Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest (TNF). The goal of the survey is to provide an...
Cultural Resources Management Plan for Fort Huachuca Military Reservation, Arizona (1997)
This Cultural Resource Management Plan (CRMP) describes Fort Huachuca's legal responsibility for management of its cultural resources and summarizes what is known about its archaeological and historical-period properties. As of the fall of 1994, 343 prehistoric and historical-period components occurring as 315 reported archaeological sites have been recorded on Fort Huachuca. Two hundred and fifty-one components are prehistoric, 92 are historical period, and 28 are dual prehistoric-historical...
The Forgotten Soldiers: Historical and Archaeological Investigations of the Apache Scouts at Fort Huachuca, Arizona (1998)
In the Spring of 1994, Statistical Research, Inc., conducted an archaeological study of the Apache scouts at Fort Huachuca. The project was completed under contract with Fort Huachuca and funded by a Legacy Resource Management Program grant awarded to Fort Huachuca by the Department of Defense. Most of the investigations focused on AZ EE:7:115 (ASM), a site comprising three distinct components: (1) a small, Formative- period prehistoric component; (2) a turn-of-the-century trash dump; and (3)...
The Pima County Archaeological Inventory Project (1988)
The Pima County Inventory Project was carried out by the Institute for American Research under a contract with the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Three major tasks were called out in the original scope of work. They are briefly summarized here. 1. Compile all existing data on archaeological surveys and archaeological sites in Pima County. These data are to be plotted on USGS maps of Pima County, and any sites not already in AZSITE are to be coded on appropriate forms....