Society for American Archaeology 80th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2015)

Part of: Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts from the 2015 annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most files in this collection contain the abstract only. The Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology provides a forum for the dissemination of knowledge and discussion. The 80th Annual Meeting was held in San Francisco, California from April 15-19, 2015.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 201-300 of 3,720)

  1. Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of the Predicted Location of the Tobacco Barn at the Garrett Farm Site (44CE0085), Caroline County, Virginia (2015)
  2. Moving Forward While Looking Backward (2015)
  3. An Overview of Architectural Practice at the Ironwood Village, Northern Tucson Basin, Arizona (2015)
  4. Holocene Transformation of San Francisco Bay and Transbay Man Site Stratigraphy (2015)
  5. Haskett Spear Points and the Plausibility of Megafaunal Hunting in the Great Basin (2015)
  6. Holocene Site Assemblage Structure and Economic Organization In Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound, Washington (2015)
  7. Research Excellence + Business Competence = Success: A Proposed New M.A. Program in Heritage Resource Management at Simon Fraser University (2015)
  8. Understanding Temporal Patterns of Occupation at Small Sites: The case of early Neolithic al-Khayran, west-central Jordan (2015)
  9. The Fisherfolk of the Two Late Archaic Shell Rings on St. Catherines Island: Similarities and Differences in Contemporaneous Coastal Economies (2015)
  10. Stop and Go Traffic: Power, Movement, and Emplacement in the Piedras Negras and Yaxchilan Kingdoms (2015)
  11. Lagomorph exploitation and garden hunting in the northern San Juan region (2015)
  12. Pros and Cons of Consulting Collectors: A Case Study from the River Raisin in Michigan (2015)
  13. Ritual Practice and Exchange in the Late Prehispanic Western Pueblo Region: Insights from the Distribution and Deposition of Turquoise at Homol’ovi I (2015)
  14. "A Thousand Beads to Each Nation:" A social interpretation of glass trade bead distribution in the Upper Great Lakes region of North America (2015)
  15. Building a Community: Late Classic and Postclassic Residential Structures at Rio Amarillo, Copan, Honduras (2015)
  16. Opportunistic fire in the Early Palaeolithic: evidence of small mammal incidental burning at Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Rio Quípar ( Murcia, Spain). (2015)
  17. Provenance Study of Obsidian Artifacts from the Neolithic Settlement Masis Blur (Armenia) using Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (2015)
  18. Guaporé River: Shell mounds, earthworks and the explanation of the archaeological record (2015)
  20. Rethinking The Cultural and Natural Dimensions of Landscape Pollution in the Faynan Valley, Southern Jordan (2015)
  21. Computational Simulation Methods for Exploring Small Artifact Assemblages (2015)
  22. Were the Wichita Using Ilex Vomitoria While Living Along the Arkansas River In Kansas (2015)
  23. A hearth with a view, the spatial analysis of a Late Holocene hunter-gatherer house (2015)
  24. Managing 50,000 Acres of Private Land in Texas: Results of a recent 2,000 acre pedestrian, UAV, and vegetation survey in the Sierra Diablo Mountains. (2015)
  26. Effective Public-Centered Approach to Compliance work- Case study of the Angoon Airport Project, Alaska (2015)
  27. Strontium and oxygen isotopic evidence of the origins of homicide victims from Middle Islamic Period Qasr Hallabat (2015)
  28. Trading Culture: An analysis of Woodlands Clothing from the late 1700s (2015)
  29. Early Medieval Landscapes of the Dead: the monumental Pictish barrows of North-East Scotland (2015)
  30. Establishing the Acropolis: Two Seasons of Excavation at Chan Chich (2015)
  31. A New approach to warfare (2015)
  32. Ancient DNA and Cranial Morphometric Analysis into Ancestry of Five Burials from Colonial Delaware (2015)
  33. What’s in your ancient chicha?: Ethnoarchaeology and organic residue analysis (2015)
  34. Excavation of an 11th Century Living Surface Buried Underneath a 19th Century Railroad Bed (2015)
  35. Algonquian Coastal Gardens and Landscape: Interpretations from Archaeobotany (2015)
  36. A Predictive Model of Archaeological Site Location in the Hodh ech Chargui Region, Mauritania (2015)
  37. Notas para el estudio de la niñez en el antiguo occidente de México II: El caso de Chupícuaro (2015)
  38. Lacquer Arts of Viceregal Latin America: a study of transculturation (2015)
  39. Emancipating the Museum Visitor: Implicating the Gallery in Self-directed Learning (2015)
  40. Legacies of Movement and Land Use in the Mojave Desert: An Intensive Study of Two Multi-Component Sites at Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California (2015)
  41. Battling the Rising Sea: Investigation and Protection of Turtle Mound, Castle Windy and Seminole Rest Shell Mound Sites (2015)
  42. Investigating Landscapes in the Maya Lowlands: Integrating Geospatial and Environmental Sciences to Identify Archaeological Features in Northwestern Belize (2015)
  43. The skeletal findings from excavations in the Batinah, Oman (2015)
  44. A Problematic Deposit from a Maya Hinterland Household: Chert, Sherds and Obsidian (2015)
  45. More to the (Poverty) Point: Investigation of a Previously Unknown Mound (2015)
  46. The Tooth About Pastoralism: Oral Health, Physiological Stress and Diet in a 19th Century Mobile Pastoralist Population from Mongolia (2015)
  47. Investigating Activities in Spanish Colonial Ranches in 17th-Century New Mexico (2015)
  48. Mitología y tecnología: el hierro en la cosmovisión guayanesa, Venezuela. (2015)
  49. Categorical Identity and Decorative Style in an Ancestral Wendat Sequence (2015)
  50. Remote Sensing as a Method of Promoting Group Identity: Rediscovering Edinburg’s African-American Cemetery (2015)
  51. Communal Food Processing and Culture Contact: An Analysis of Plant Foods and Architecture in the Protohistoric North Carolina Piedmont (2015)
  52. The Art of Noise at Teotihuacan: The Conch Shell Motif in the Classic Period (2015)
  53. Representing Difference in the Pre-Columbian Andes: An Iconographic Examination of Physical "Disability" (2015)
  54. Kite Aerial Photography and Archaeology: Grandfather of the Drone, Ancient yet Applicable (2015)
  55. Constructive Monitoring: Finding Successful Solutions for Environmental, Engineering, Cultural Resources, and Public Relations Challenges in the Constructed Landscape of the Presidio of San Francisco, California (2015)
  56. Reconstructing a 600 Year Old Ceremonial Event from the Northern Plains: Analysis of Phytoliths from within a Modified Bison Skull (2015)
  57. Preservation of Faunal Remains from an Underwater Cavern, Padre Nuestro, Dominican Republic (2015)
  58. Music in the Court: An Analysis of the Status of Musicians in the Maya Court (2015)
  59. Persistence of Aztec Religious Belief Materialized in the Early Colonial Religious Architecture of the Central Mexican Highlands (2015)
  60. Prehistoric Foragers in the Central Alaska Range (2015)
  61. Tree Ring Isotope Record of Climate Change at the Ramaditas site in the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile (2015)
  62. Perishable Disparity: Mortuary treatment in Baja California Sur (2015)
  63. Arqueología Comunitaria en la Región Ixil de Guatemala (2015)
  65. Hinterland Household Economy: A Preliminary Analysis of Data from the San Lorenzo Settlement Cluster. (2015)
  66. Local or Non-local: Reassessing Material Exchange in Southern California (2015)
  67. Sol de Campinas Site and the Cultural Variability in Southwestern Amazon: moundbuilders and archaeological earthworks in Acre State – Brazil (2015)
  68. Negotiating Practices at the Emerald Site (11S1): A Case Study of Two Burned Structures (2015)
  69. Population, Climate Change, and Agriculture in the Late First Millennium C.E. Maya Lowlands (2015)
  70. Further Analysis on Vessel Size and Feasting in three Chacoan Great House Communities (2015)
  71. Ancestral Pueblo Site Distribution Data from Los Alamos National Laboratory on the Pajarito Plateau (2015)
  72. An Integrative Archaeological and Geomorphological Approach to Understanding Site Distributions and Prehistoric Settlement Patterns along the Little River, East Tennessee (2015)
  73. Neolithic development in eastern Dongbei region, China (2015)
  74. Discerning Site Distribution and Settlement Patterns in Andahuaylas (Apurimac), Peru (2015)
  75. Interactions with the Lower Creek: Historic Document Quantification (2015)
  76. Early Human Occupation at Healy Lake: A Study of Lithic Technological Organization at the Linda’s Point and Healy Lake Village Sites (2015)
  77. Wood Identification of Trees and Shrubs in the Great Basin and Snake River Plain (2015)
  78. Locally-Made or Transported Heirlooms?: XRF Source Analysis of Post-Removal Choctaw Ceramics from Southeastern Okahoma (2015)
  79. St Bees Man: A Cold Case Review (2015)
  80. The near and far: How aerial thermography can elucidate findings in ground-based geophysical datasets (2015)
  81. Mississippian Conflict and the Role of the Fission-Fusion Process: An Example from East Tennessee (2015)
  82. Feasting, shared drinking, and social complexity in Early Bronze Age Anatolia (2015)
  83. CRM as Heritage in Communities on the Great Plains: Northern Cheyenne and Spirit Lake Nations (2015)
  84. Gunnerson Revisited: A Reconsideration of Plains Promontory Relationships (2015)
  85. Paleoindians on the Postglacial Margin: Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Mobility in Northern Wisconsin (2015)
  86. Using 3D Laser and 3D Sonar as Tools for Mapping, Analyzing Site Formation Processes, and Long Term Monitoring of Shipwrecks (2015)
  87. All the Underworld’s a Stage: Ancient Maya Ritual Stages of Xibalba (2015)
  88. Macro-scale History of the Lake Titicaca Region, Peru and Bolivia: A Synthesis and Comparative Analysis of Settlement Patterns (2015)
  89. Following the Herd: Isotopic access to faunal commodity chains in LBA Mycenae, Greece (2015)
  90. Detecting signatures of cultural transmission: an actualistic study (2015)
  91. "Feeding the Dead" at Chiribaya Alta (2015)
  92. Combining Geophysics, Photogrammetry, and Archaeological Testing at the Mississippian Pile Mound Site, Upper Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee (2015)
  93. An approach to the tombs and rituals in Area 49 in San José de Moro. (2015)
  94. From Hunter-Gatherer to Nascent Farmer: Traditions of Obsidian Consumption At Epi-Palaeolithic - PPNA Körtik Tepe (SE Turkey) (2015)
  95. Examining the influence of Middle and Late Holocene shorelines and tidal zones on shell ring locations along the lower Southeastern coasts. (2015)
  97. The Center as Cosmos in Early Colonial period Campeche (2015)
  98. Games and foodstuffs at Chichen Itza: Relating patolli and starch grains at Structure 2D6 (2015)
  99. Modern Material Culture Studies in Modern and Past Populations (2015)
  100. Assemblage formation and Paleolithic variability in the Middle Prut Valley region (Romania) (2015)