EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 5,201-5,300 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. IX gs. Araisu ezermitne tautas Celtniecibas konteksta (1992)
  2. Jorvik Viking Center (1992)
  3. Keltenmuseum Hochdorf/Enz, Museumsführer (1992)
  4. Keramik der Renaissance im Oberweserraum und an der unteren Werra: Beiträge der Archäologie zur Erforschung der Sachkultur der frühen Neuzeit (1992)
  5. Kulturpflanzenanbau in Süddeutschland seit der Steinzeit (1992)
  6. Kályhásboronaház Baj, Öreg-Kovács-hegy (1992)
  7. L'Area de Recerca Experimental Arqueològica de l'Esquerda, a Roda de Ter (AREA) (1992)
  8. l'Esquerda. Poblat ibèric i medieval. Roda de Ter - Osona (1992)
  9. La comunicación del parque arqueológico (1992)
  10. La moisson au Néolithique final: approche tracéologique d’outils en silex de Montilier et de Portalban (1992)
  11. La reconstitution de maisons du Néolithique Moyen au bord du lac de Chalain (Jura, France) Les conséquences architecturales de l'exploitation du milieu et de l'organisation sociale sur un habitat d'ambiance humide ou amphibie (1992)
  12. A Land Fit for Heroes: Recreating the Past through Drama (1992)
  13. The last stone axe makers (1992)
  14. Le Bois De Vache II: This Chip's For You Too (1992)
  15. Learning Through Landscapes (1992)
  16. Leeft levende geschiedenis (1992)
  17. The Magnificent Seven: Reasons for Teaching about Prehistory (1992)
  18. Mass Production in the Viking Age (1992)
  19. Metallurgische Aspekte der Eisengewinnung im Rennofen unter direkter Bezugnahme auf eine spätrömerzeitliche Verhüttungsstelle bei Zethlingen, Kr. Salzwedel (1992)
  20. A Method for Firing Primitive Pottery (1992)
  21. Micromorphological analysis of soil structure modifications caused by different cultivation implements (1992)
  22. Mikrogebrauchsspurenanalyse. Methoden - Forschungsstand - Neue Ergebnisse (1992)
  23. More Than Just a Shelter (1992)
  24. Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge (1992)
  25. A Neolithic pottery revisited (1992)
  26. Neolithische Holzartefakte aus Schweizer Seeufersiedlungen: Technik - Form - Gliederung (1992)
  27. Nicht Museum, nicht Disneyland. Zur Problematik archäologischer Parks in Mitteleuropa (1992)
  28. The Non Returning Boomerang (1992)
  29. North American House Projects (1992)
  30. Not time machines, but real time. Living history at Plimoth Plantation (1992)
  31. Nyare litteratur om vikingatida skepp och segling: sailing into the past (1992)
  32. Obsidian usewear analysis: theory, experiments and results (1992)
  33. The past as propaganda (1992)
  34. The Past in Contemporary Society (Then and Now) (1992)
  35. The perfect marriage: the essential joining of ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology (1992)
  36. Perspektiven der Ethnoarchäologie: Das Beispiel der Bestattungen in Molluskenhaufen (1992)
  37. A Pottery Bibliography (1992)
  38. Pottery Function: A User-Alteration Perspective (1992)
  39. Prediction of the metabolic cost of walking with and without loads (1992)
  40. Prehistoric glasstechnology: experiments and analyses (1992)
  41. The presentation of environmental archaeology in "Archeon", a plan for an archaeological theme park in the Netherlands (1992)
  42. The Pride of Baltimore (1992)
  43. Primitive Hunting Equipment (1992)
  44. Primitive Technology and The "New" Archaeology (1992)
  45. Primitive Technology in a Museum Setting (1992)
  46. Prähistorischer Bronzeguß (1992)
  47. Préhistoire de l'agriculture: Nouvelles approaches experimentales et ethnographiques (1992)
  48. Quantitative research in ancient textiles and freeze drying (1992)
  49. Quién sabe ... ?: die traditionelle Kleidung der Amuzgos im Wandel zum mexikanischen Souvenir (1992)
  50. Raising the Stonehenge Lintels in Czechoslowakia (1992)
  51. Reconstructing A Generic Basketmaker Atlatl (1992)
  52. Reconstruction and archaeological preservation in the National Park Service: a case study of Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site. Draft manuscript on file at NPS Midwest Archaeological Center (1992)
  53. Reflections on the Rabbit Stick (1992)
  54. Rekonstruktion av ett långhus – har vi nåhot att lara av det? (1992)
  55. Rekonstruktion eines Grubenhauses des frühen Mittelalters (1992)
  56. The relationship between excavation, ethnoarchaeology and experiment in Egyptology (1992)
  57. Rentierjäger am Petersfels. Versuch einer Rekonstruktion späteiszeitlichen Lebens in Süddeutschland. (1992)
  58. Replica's, Reconstructions and Floating Hypotheses (1992)
  59. Replicating a Caravel. Advances in Underwater Archaeology (1992)
  60. Replicating a ship of discovery: Santa Clara, a 16th century Iberian caravel (1992)
  61. Replicating a Voyage of Discovery. Advances in Underwater Archaeology (1992)
  62. Replication and Experimental Archaeology (1992)
  63. Replication and Experimental Archaeology: The Last Step: Conclusion (1992)
  64. Replication and Experimental Archaeology: The Last Step: Introduction (1992)
  65. The Representation of the Past: Museums and Heritage in the Post-Modern World (1992)
  66. Review of 'building the trireme', F. Welsh 1988 (1992)
  67. Rida de döda. Vikingatida bett i Valsgärde och Birka (1992)
  68. "Rocking On" With the Paiute Deadfall (1992)
  69. Sarn-y-Bryn-Caled, Welshpool (1992)
  70. Schmelzversuche im Rennfeuerofen: experimentelle Eisenverhüttung in rekonstruierten Rennfeueröfen vom Typ Scharmbeck (1992)
  71. Schneehühner als Jagdbeute der spät-eiszeitlichen Menschen – archäozoologischer Befund und Experimente (1992)
  72. Segelleistungen an Bord der Hansekogge (1992)
  73. Shakespeare's factory: archaeological evaluation the site of the Globe Theatre at 1/15 Anchor Terrace, Southwark Bridge Road, Southwark (1992)
  74. Sheltered In Prehistory (1992)
  75. Shiseki nejo no fukugen tatemono o meguru shomondai. [Issues on reconstructed buildings at the Nejo Historical Site] (1992)
  76. Slawische Teersiedekeramik in Mecklenburg und Vorpommern (Bezirke Rostock, Schwerin und Neubrandenburg) (1992)
  77. Social History in Museums: a manual of curatorship (1992)
  78. Some aspects and experiments concerning the processing of the glume wheat (1992)
  79. Some Shelter Concepts (1992)
  80. Soumak technique in Swedish medieval Textiles (1992)
  81. Southeastern Indian Rabbit Sticks (1992)
  82. Stealth Technology 1992 B.C. (1992)
  83. Středověká výroba dehtu a smoly I. Výzkum dehtářského pracoviště u Stěžova (1992)
  84. Subjectivity and the recording of palaeolithic cave art (1992)
  85. Tan Your Hides With Nature's Tools (1992)
  86. Tanker om publikumsarbejdet på Jernaldergarden (1992)
  87. A Teacher's Guide to Storytelling at Historic Sites (1992)
  88. The Technique of Greek Bronze Statuary (1992)
  89. Technologie der Holzteergewinnung (1992)
  90. Technology Notes (1992)
  91. The technology of early iron production in the central and eastern parts of the Netherlands (Internal report) (1992)
  92. Technology of Knapped Stone (1992)
  93. Teer aus Birkenrinde im römischen Handelshaus von Walheim am Neckar (1992)
  94. Theatre in Museums. Technical Information Service's FORUM. (1992)
  95. Theory and Practice in Archaeology (1992)
  96. Thong-Thrown Arrows and Spears (1992)
  97. Three dimensional computer visualisation of historic buildings - with particular reference to reconstruction modelling (1992)
  98. Three Men to a Room - a completely differet Trireme (1992)
  99. Throwing Darts With The Baton de Commandement (1992)
  100. Tools and Materials (1992)