EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 5,701-5,800 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Flintknapping: making and understanding stone tools (1994)
  2. Flintknapping: Making and Understanding Stone Tools (1994)
  3. Food Gathering Methods (1994)
  4. Forntida Teknik: Aktuellt 1994 (1994)
  5. Fra malm i mosen til stål i smedjen, forsøg med forhistorisk jernteknologi (1994)
  6. Freehand Netting (1994)
  7. A full scale replica of the Hanse Cog of 1380 (1994)
  8. Första smidesförsöket (1994)
  9. Gathering Wild Foods (1994)
  10. Geschiedenis en wetenschap (1994)
  11. Glue: A Book Review (1994)
  12. Granulazione etrusca. Un'antica arte orafa (1994)
  13. Guide de Musée des Tumulus de Bougon (1994)
  14. Hafting and Natural Glues (1994)
  15. Hafting Ideas (1994)
  16. Han for österut till Gårdarike. Nordborna och Ryssland under vikingatiden (1994)
  17. A hand-made link to the Iron Age (1994)
  18. Handwerk und Technologie im Alten Orient. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Technik im Altertum. Internat. Tagung Berlin März 1991 (1994)
  19. Har Du ikke lidt meget fantasi? –Skoletjenesten i København (1994)
  20. Heritage management as postprocesual archaeology? (1994)
  21. Historisk-Arkæologisk Forsøgscenter i Lejre, 30 års forsøg med fortiden (1994)
  22. Hojas, experimentos y análisis de desechos de talla. Implicaciones arqueológicas para la Patagonia centro-septentrional (1994)
  23. Holkjärn (1994)
  24. The Holmegaard Bow: Fact & Fiction (1994)
  25. Houten meubels in Herculaneum. Vorm, techniek en fuctie (Indagationes noviomagenses ad res antiquas soectantes; 10). Dissertatie (1994)
  26. Huggmejsel (1994)
  27. Hunting with Flint Points (1994)
  28. Hvad hånden former, er åndens spor – et signalement af historiske værksteder i Danmark (1994)
  29. i lære som viking (1994)
  30. I Thought It Was For Picking Bones Out Of Soup... Using Artifacts In The Primary School (1994)
  31. Ihr unentbehrlicher Führer durch das Freigelände, Altslawischer Tempelort Gross Raden (1994)
  32. IJzersterk: experimenten met ijzer winnen en smeden te Eindhoven, uitgave n.a.v. het gelijknamige symposium, gehouden van 16-24 oktober 1993 in het Prehistorisch OpenluchtMuseum te Eindhoven (1994)
  33. Infrarotspektren zur Charakterisierung von Teer und Pech (1994)
  34. Introduction (1994)
  35. An introduction to methodological and substantive contributions of microwear analysis (1994)
  36. An Introduction to the Atlatl (1994)
  37. Introduction: the concept of the Excluded Past (1994)
  38. Iron Nails in Iron Age and Medieval Shipbuilding (1994)
  39. Iron production and iron votive offerings at Borgo Le Ferriere / Satricum (8th to 6th centuries BC) (1994)
  40. Iron smelting at Eindhoven (1994)
  41. Iron smelting in Denmark from c. 100 BC to c. 400 AD (1994)
  42. Ivory Experimentation in Use-Wear Analysis (1994)
  43. Jabbing and Throwing Spears (1994)
  44. Jernalderhus i flammer - et brandeksperiment med store perspektiver (1994)
  45. The Kalinga cooking pot: An ethnoarchaeological and experimental evaluation of performance characteristics (1994)
  46. Kalinga ethnoarchaeology: expanding archaeological method and theory (1994)
  47. The Kieler Hanse-Cog - a replica of the Bremen Cog (1994)
  48. Kleider machen Leute - Leute machen Kleider. Begleitheft zum 6. Aktionstag im Museum Schloß Steinheim (1994)
  49. Kleidung und Färbemethoden der alten Letten (1994)
  50. Knapping Illustrated (1994)
  51. Knife Hafting Techniques (1994)
  52. Knochen und Geweihgerat in der Jungsteinzeit (1994)
  53. "Knochenarbeit". Artefakte aus tierischen Rohstoffen im Wandel der Zeit (1994)
  54. Kongehallen fra Lejre - et rekonstruktionsprojekt. International workshop 25.-27. november 1993 (1994)
  55. Kongehallen i Terrænet – et modellerings- og visualiseringsprojekt (1994)
  56. Kongehallen og det rekonstruerede miljø (1994)
  57. Konstrukce stredovekého vesnického domu v Cechách a na Morave (10.-15.století) (1994)
  58. Krok (1994)
  59. Krumkniv (1994)
  60. A későrómai császárság és Bizánc keresztény építészete (1994)
  61. L'aurochs reconstitué, un descendant de Bos primigenius? (1994)
  62. L'hydraulis: problèmes de reconstitution (1994)
  63. L'industria litica. L'analisi delle trace d'uso (1994)
  64. La construction en terre cuite (1994)
  65. La experimentación en arquelogía. Estudio de la técnica de reducción bipolar en la localidad arqueológica Tapera Moreira, cuenca del rio Curacó, prov. De la Pampa (1994)
  66. Laminerad kniv (1994)
  67. Las raices del futuro. Arqueología, patrimonio arqueológico y sociedad actual (1994)
  68. Lascaux II - Le Thot: deux structures touristiques á vocation multiple (1994)
  69. Late Ice Age Hunting Technology (1994)
  70. Le industrie litiche del giacimento paleolitico di Isernia La Pineta. La tipologia. Le trace di utilizzazione, la sperimentazione (1994)
  71. Le Parc Archéologique de Beynac (Dordogne, France). Un musée de plein air á vocation experiméntale et pédagogique (1994)
  72. Le renouveau de l'histoire des techniques, quelques jalons récents (1994)
  73. Lebendige Archäologie am Hitzacker-See (1994)
  74. Lejre – Synspunkter om kulturelle ligheder mellem Skandinavien og områderne syd for Danmark (1994)
  75. Lejrehallen (1994)
  76. Lejrehallen och dess föregångere (1994)
  77. Lernort Pfahlbauten, Materalien für die Projectarbeit mit Schülern (1994)
  78. Lernort Pfahlbauten; Materialien für die Projektarbeit mit Schülern (1994)
  79. Levende geschiedenis. Van rollenspel tot museumtheater (1994)
  80. Listening to the teachers: warnings about the use of archaeological agendas in classrooms in the United States (1994)
  81. Living traditions: studies in the ethnoarchaeology of South Asia (1994)
  82. Läs mer om smide (1994)
  83. Making a "Primitive Primitive" Thrusting Spear (1994)
  84. A Mammoth Undertaking (1994)
  85. Managing Quality Cultural Tourism (1994)
  86. Material und Herstellungstechnik der Statuetten des römischen Schatzfundes von Straubing (1994)
  87. Material- und Zeitaufwand für den Bau des Grabhügels U 11 – Nekropole „Botanischer Garten“. Eine Untersuchung anhand experimentell ermittelter Daten (1994)
  88. Materialet (1994)
  89. The measurement of air pollution as produced by iron smelting in the iron age (1994)
  90. Mechanical properties of stone artefact materials and the effect of heat treatment (1994)
  91. Metaphors for Living (1994)
  92. Metodología de analísis funcional de instrumentos talladados en silex (1994)
  93. Microwear analysis of the treshing sledge flints from Cyprus and Greece: implications for the study of ancient agriculture (1994)
  94. Mindful technology unleashing the chaîne Opératoire for an archaeology of mind (1994)
  95. The missing past in South African history (1994)
  96. Mit Knochen verziertes Kästchen (1994)
  97. Monoxyly opet na Orlici (1994)
  98. More Light On The Subject: Oil Lamps (1994)
  99. Mrs. Kompost's Extraordinary Cattail Leaf Visor (1994)
  100. Multifunctionality of Pebbles (1994)