EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 5,801-5,900 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Multiple approaches towards reconstruction of fishing technology: netmaking and the Indus Valley Tradition (1994)
  2. Museum education: past, present and future (1994)
  3. Museum en themapark: wedloop om de gunst van het publiek (1994)
  4. Museums and sites: cultures of the past - within education - Zimbabwe, some ten years on (1994)
  5. Museumspädagogik - Definition und Sinn (1994)
  6. Museumspädagogik als Teilbereich der allgemeinen Pädagogik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung anthropologischer Aspekte (1994)
  7. Museumspädagogik in neuer Sicht: Erwachsenenbildung im Museum (1994)
  8. Myntstamp (1994)
  9. Nachbau eines 7000 Jahre alten Pfeilbogens (1994)
  10. Netting Notes (1994)
  11. Neue Versuche zur Rekonstruktion ur- und frühgeschichtlicher Öfen (1994)
  12. New perspectives on experimental archaeology: surface treatments and thermal response of the clay cooking pot (1994)
  13. Nigerian Museums: envisaging culture as national identity (1994)
  14. Nihon kokogaku kenkyu no doko: Sosetu. [Trends in the study of Japanese archaeology: an introduction] (1994)
  15. A Note on Indian Bow Making, or the Secrets of Sinew Revealed (1994)
  16. Noter til Lejrehallens konstruktion og rekonstruktion (1994)
  17. NPS Program Seeks Communication Among Practitioners and Educators (1994)
  18. The NPS Public Interpretation Initiative Program (1994)
  19. The NPS Public Interpretation Initiative Program (1994)
  20. Nuevos monumentos tumulares en la provincia de Soria: reflexiones en tomo al megalitismo de la Submeseta Norte (1994)
  21. The Olduvai bifaces: technology and raw materials (1994)
  22. Om muligheden for proveniensbestemmelse af jern (1994)
  23. The origin of the Lejre house type (1994)
  24. A Painted Paleolithic Cave (1994)
  25. Palmetto Hat (1994)
  26. Participatie: hét thema voor de komende jaren (1994)
  27. A Phenomology of Landscape. Places, Paths and Monuments. Explorations in Anthropology (1994)
  28. Plaited Yucca Sandals (1994)
  29. Plants (1994)
  30. Platforms To Prehistory (1994)
  31. Ploughing implements and tillage practices in Denmark from the Viking Period to about 1800. Experimentally substantiated by Grith Lerche (Dissertation) (1994)
  32. A Pomo Tule Doll (1994)
  33. Power and speed of oared ships (1994)
  34. Prehistoric iron technology in Denmark - an experimental approach (1994)
  35. Prehistoric technology a cognitive science? (1994)
  36. Premier essais de métallurgie expérimentale à l'Archéodrome de Beaune à partir des minerais chalcolithiques de Cabrières (Hérault) (1994)
  37. The Presented Past: heritage, museums and education (1994)
  38. Presenting Community Life in Open Air Museums: Exhibition of Performance? (1994)
  39. The preservation and presentation of Great Zimbabwe (1994)
  40. Prinzipielle Aspekte der Mus-Pad (1994)
  41. Proceso de fabricación de las antefijas de época romana, el caso de la Hispania Citerior (1994)
  42. The Production of Bronze Statuary in the Greek World (1994)
  43. Projekt Kongehal (1994)
  44. A provisional theory of cermaic abrasion (1994)
  45. Purslane: A Personal Perspective (1994)
  46. På besøg i stenalderen (1994)
  47. Quellen zur Metallverarbeitung im Nordischen Kreis der Bronzezeit, ms. Dissertation (1994)
  48. A Re-construction of a Blanket from the Migration Period (1994)
  49. The re-display of the Alexander Keiller Museum, Avebury, and the National Curriculum in England (1994)
  50. Reaping the whirlwind: The Reader's Digest Illustrated History of South Africa and changing popular perceptions of history (1994)
  51. Reconstruccions del passat. Un recorregut per l’història d’Europa i Amèrica (1994)
  52. Reconstructing Roman clothing (1994)
  53. Reconstructing the past: the operation of the trireme reconstruction Olympias in the light of the historical sources (1994)
  54. Reconstruction as interpretation: the example of the Jorvik Viking Centre, York (1994)
  55. A Reconstruction of a Blanket from the Migration Period (1994)
  56. The reconstruction of a leather tent (1994)
  57. The reconstruction of a leather tent (1994)
  58. Reduction directe du mineral de fer (1994)
  59. Rekonstrukce paleolitických technologií na Stránské skále (1994)
  60. Rekonstrukcija konfesije ranokrscanske crkve u Postirima na Bracu [The Reconstruction of the confessio of the early Christian Church on Brač] (1994)
  61. Rekonstruktion (1994)
  62. Rekonstruktion af Lejrehallen (1994)
  63. Rekonstruktion der Klinen (1994)
  64. Rekonstruktion eines germanischen Burganlage in Westgreussen, Ldkr. Sondershausen (1994)
  65. Rekonstruktionsforslag til høvdinggården på Borg, Vestvågøj i Lofoten (1994)
  66. Rennversuche anlässlich des Symposiums, Eindhoven (1994)
  67. Replicating The Elko Eared Point (1994)
  68. Results of experimental work in relation to the stone industries of Olduvai Gorge (1994)
  69. Review of P. Lemonnier (1992) Elements for an Anthropology of Technology (1994)
  70. Rivercane Arrows (1994)
  71. Roast of the Century (1994)
  72. Roman Legion (1994)
  73. Römische Reparatur- und Verbindungstechniken: die beiden Pferdestatuen aus dem "Schrottfund" von Augusta Raurica (1994)
  74. The Sampson Deadfall (1994)
  75. Schmelzversuch mit einem rekonstruierten kaiserzeitlichen Rennofen aus der germanischen Siedlung von Zeingrub, Niederösterreich (1994)
  76. A short introduction to the ironproduction in the Netherlands (1994)
  77. Signs, Trails & Wayside Exhibits: Connecting People & Place (1994)
  78. Skaftning (1994)
  79. Skedkniv (1994)
  80. Skiftesverk i Eketorp (1994)
  81. Slim, Trim, and Paleo-Indian (1994)
  82. Smid själv (1994)
  83. Smidestemperatur (1994)
  84. Social construction of the Past (1994)
  85. Spik (1994)
  86. Spunti per una ricerca sulla produzione di medicamenta-aromata e l'attività vetraria a Creta (1994)
  87. Ässja (1994)
  88. Still civilizing? Aborigines in Australian education (1994)
  89. Strength Testing Archaeological Ceramics: a New Perspective (1994)
  90. Survival of the hunter-gathering tradition in the Ganga PLains and Central India (1994)
  91. Swamp Dancers (1994)
  92. Sweat, fire and brimstone: pre-treatment of copper ore and the effects on smelting techniques (1994)
  93. Synspunkter på nybuggen af gamla fartyg (1994)
  94. A tale of two cities: ceramic ethnoarchaeology in Rajahstan (1994)
  95. A teacher's guide to History through role play (1994)
  96. The teaching of the past in formal school curricula in England (1994)
  97. Technology and innovation in context: the Roman background to mediaeval and later developments (1994)
  98. Teilprojekt: Bau eines Wendenbootes nach Ausgrabungsfunden aus Ralswieck (1994)
  99. Tidskriften upphör! (1994)
  100. Tillverkning av smycken bland tidiga jordbrukare (1994)