EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 7,501-7,600 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Piltdown Productions Catalog (1999)
  2. Plaited whole leaf Yucca Sandals (1999)
  3. Planteamiento de modelo de trabajo experimental: Lascas tipo en el Paleolítico Medio (1999)
  4. Point Typologies, Cultural Transmission, and the Spread of Bow-and-Arrow Technology in the Prehistoric Great Basin (1999)
  5. Polypore Fungi Fire Extenders (1999)
  6. Pomo Netting as learned from Craig Bates (1999)
  7. Prehistoric Archery - Some Considerations (1999)
  8. Prehistory of agriculture. New experimental and ethnographic approaches, Monograph 40 (1999)
  9. Primitive Flutes out of Bone: a South American example (1999)
  10. Primitive Hunting Equipment: jabbing and throwing spears (1999)
  11. Primitive Hunting Equipment: Throwing Sticks (1999)
  12. Primitive Technology, a book of earth skills, selection of articles from the Bulletin of Primitive Technology (1999)
  13. The Principle of Uniformity in workable stone (1999)
  14. 'Probeer gerust de hangmatten uit waarin de matrozen sliepen...' (1999)
  15. The Production of Copper-Arsenic Alloys (Arsenic Bronze) by Cosmelting: Modern Experiment, Ancient Practice (1999)
  16. A propos du réemploi d'éléments architectoniques lors de reconstructions antiques: quelques exemples à Belo (1999)
  17. Prospettive di ricerca interdisciplinare nell'ambito archeologico sperimentale (1999)
  18. Proyecto de Arqueología Experimental. Construcción e incendio de una tumba monumental néolitica a partir de los datos obtenidos en la excavación de La Peña de La Abuela (1999)
  19. První vysokoškolské centrum experimentální archeologie pri Ústavu historických ved PdF VŠP Hradec Králové (The First University Center of Experimental Archaeology) (1999)
  20. Prähistorische Öfen (1999)
  21. Pump-drill Fires (1999)
  22. Quality public education is alive and well with the help of the Society of Primitive Technology (1999)
  23. Questioning stereo-typical notions of prehistoric tool functions: ethno-analogy, experimentation and functional analysis (1999)
  24. Raudanvalmistusta Rapolassa – kokemuksen tuomia havaintoja raudanvalmistuksessa (Iron production in Rapola – experiences in producing iron) (1999)
  25. (Re)constructing Northumbrian Timber Buildings: The Bede's World experience (1999)
  26. Re-creating the past. On the quality of archaeological reconstruction (1999)
  27. Recasting the Nahal Mishmar Hoard: Experimental archaeology and metallurgy (1999)
  28. Reconstrucción ambiental y dieta de los numanitnos (1999)
  29. Reconstructing A Generic Basketmaker Atlatl (1999)
  30. Reconstructing a lower Catawba River aboriginal house (Pamunkey project) (1999)
  31. The reconstruction and firing of a replica of a 14th-century cannon (1999)
  32. Reconstruction as ideology: the open air museum at Oerlinghausen, Germany (1999)
  33. The reconstruction of sites in the archaeological theme park ARCHEON in the Netherlands (1999)
  34. Reconstruction sites and education in Japan: a case study from the Kansai region (1999)
  35. Reconstruction versus preservation-in-place in the US National Park Service (1999)
  36. Rediscovering Flax (1999)
  37. Reduction fired low temperature ceramics (1999)
  38. Reiziger in de tijd: het 'Oerleven', Voorbereiding, vaste religie, proefkampje in de bergen, 'oer'beleving, Als in het stenen tijdperk, publiciteit, de wereld van de archeologie' (1999)
  39. Rekonstruksjon av en smie på Forsand (1999)
  40. Rekonstruksjon av et skinntelt for reinsdyrjegere i eldre steinalder (1999)
  41. Rekonstruktion af Kongehallen fra Lejre (1999)
  42. Rekonstruktion und Nachbau frühkeltischer Baubefunde im Keltenmuseum Hochdorf/Enz, Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1999)
  43. Removing The Hooves of Deer (1999)
  44. Replicas, fakes And Art: the Twentieth Century Stone Age and its effects on Archaeology (1999)
  45. Repliker av vikingatida skandinaviska skeppstyper (1999)
  46. Report on experimental archaeology at Çatalhöyük / Yapilan Deneysel Arkeoloji Çalismari (Çatalhöyük) (1999)
  47. Reproducción de estructuras de habitat prehistóricas en la Flor de Maig. Una contrastación experimental del registro arqueológico para la didáctica de la Prehistoria (1999)
  48. Reproducción en un taller cerámico de la antigua manufactura de terracotas en época romana (1999)
  49. Restaurierung und Rekonstruktion der späthellenistischen Klinen (1999)
  50. Resurrection and deification at Colonial Williamsburg, USA (1999)
  51. Retting Basswood Bark for bast fiber (1999)
  52. Review: Arqueología Experimental: La manufactura de terracotas en época romana, British Archeological Reports International (BAR) Serie 736, (Luis Ramos Sáinz, Luis Fuentes Ghislaín), (1998) (1999)
  53. Review: Tecnología linca experimenten- introducción a la talla de utillaje prehistórico. (BAR 1998), Javier Baena Preysler, Mikel Aguirre, Javier González, Carmen Gutiérrez, Manuel Luque, Raúl Maqueda, Toni Palomo y Juan Zumalabe (1999)
  54. 'Rock carving ship' sails again. The Hjortspring (Jylland) boat, reconstructed (1999)
  55. The role of research and education in site management at the Lemba Experimental Village (1999)
  56. Rom vor der Haustür. Römerkastell Saalburg nach 100 Jahren auf neuen Wegen (1999)
  57. Rough Notes on Iron forging (1999)
  58. Roundtable discussion session on Experimental Archaeology (1999)
  59. Roving Handbook - an alternative to hunting (1999)
  60. The Roycroft Pack Frame (1999)
  61. S Mamuty do praveku (1999)
  62. Sample rabbit Stick Patterns (1999)
  63. Sehenswerte Bodendenkmale, Rekonstruktionen und Museen (1999)
  64. Selci "strane" e "futuro archeologico": falsi, simulazioni commerciali o sperimentazioni educative? (1999)
  65. Selecting Bone Working Materials (1999)
  66. Sensing our past (experimental archaeological presentation for blind children) (1999)
  67. Serilla's Chuspa: a Bolivian textile from Tarabuco (1999)
  68. Shakespeare's Globe: 'As faithful a copy as scholarship ... could get'; 'A bit of a bastard' (1999)
  69. Shards or beads? (1999)
  70. Shelter: a continuum of simplicity (1999)
  71. Sheltered In Prehistory (1999)
  72. „Sie haben Glück, der Bauer ist gerade zurück!“ Zur unterschiedlichen Präsentation von Alltagsleben und Baugeschichte im Freilichtmuseum (1999)
  73. A Simple Shaving Horse for Bowmaking (1999)
  74. Slavonic archaeology: Groß Raden, an open air museum in a unified Germany (1999)
  75. Slid på flintredskaber fra bronzealderen (1999)
  76. Slinging Spears: recent evidence on flexible shaft spear throwers (1999)
  77. Small Size, Large Scale Roman Brass Production in Germania Inferior (1999)
  78. Små bronseøkser med mange bruksmuligheter (Small bronze axes with many uses) (1999)
  79. The Society of Primitive Technology and Experimental Archaeology (1999)
  80. Some experiments with a replica of a Urnfield Culture bronze razor of Herrnbaumgarten Type (1999)
  81. The southeast indian rivercane blowgun. Legacy, lineage and an aboriginal approach to manufacture (1999)
  82. Southeastern Indian Flint Knapping Tools (1999)
  83. Spears, Spear Throwers, Boomerangs and Arrows (1999)
  84. Stages of Manufacture - percussion reduction (1999)
  85. The State of Living History Interpretation in the former North America Colonies of Great Britain (1999)
  86. Statistisk analyse og materialliste for den bærende konstruktionen (1999)
  87. Stavkirken på Moesgård (1999)
  88. Stavkirken på Moesgård, baggrunden for en rekonstruktion (1999)
  89. Stenalder Center Ertebølle. Een nieuw archeologisch belevingscentrum in Denemarken (1999)
  90. Stichwort "Archäologischer Park" (1999)
  91. Stone sarcophagus manufacture in ancient Egypt (1999)
  92. Stone Tool Basics, function, features, form and fracture (1999)
  93. Survival skills of native California (1999)
  94. Svårtolkade spår efter en metallurgisk process - ett danskt exempel och dess paralleller i omvärlden (1999)
  95. Swamp Dancers: cattails (1999)
  96. Takrør og taktekking < in Landa > (1999)
  97. Techniques de construction, gravure et ornementation en pierre dans le Jawf (Yémen) (1999)
  98. Techniques, materials and trends in open air interpretation in U.S. National Parks (1999)
  99. Technological construction of an ancient Greek temple. Design of an earthquake proof reconstruction system applied on the Temple of Zeus at Nemea (1999)
  100. [Technology of ancient glass] (1999)