EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 8,601-8,700 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Old Scatness Broch in the Shetland Islands (2002)
  2. On the reconstruction of Pisa, nave F, by the Museum für Antike Schiffahrt, Mainz (2002)
  3. Onbetrouwbaar (infamous modern knapping places) (2002)
  4. Origins of metallurgy: a zooarchaeological perspective from the Central Balkans (2002)
  5. Paleolithic lamps and their specialization: a hypothesis (translated by Mary Turton) (2002)
  6. The Past as Theme Park (2002)
  7. Pels seus fets dels coneixereu: l’aportacío de lanàlisi de la funció dels utensilis de pedra per a l’explicació de les societats prehistòriques (2002)
  8. Peter J. Reynolds (11.6.1939 – 26.9.2001) (2002)
  9. Peter Reynolds - a dedication (2002)
  10. Pfeil und Bogen zur Merowingerzeit. Eine Quellenkunde und Rekonstruktion des frühmittelalterlichen Bogenschießens (2002)
  11. A pigment processing slab from La Crozo de Gentillo (translated by Randall White) (2002)
  12. Plattform. Het Bulletin van Unteruhldingen (2002)
  13. Pottery firing in the Jequetepeque Valley (2002)
  14. Pottery use-alteration as an indicator of socioeconomic status: an ethnoarchaeological study of the Gamo in Ethiopia (2002)
  15. Poznatky z rekonstrukce keltského zahloubeného domu (with summary in German, English and French: information gained during the reconstruction of a Celtic Grubenhaus from Markvartice near Jiřín) (2002)
  16. A Practical Treatise on the Smelting and Smithing of Bloomery Iron (2002)
  17. Primitive gourdcraft (2002)
  18. Primitive travelling kit - simplified (2002)
  19. Probieren geht über Studieren. Archäologische Experimente in der „Langobardenwerkstatt Zethlingen“ (2002)
  20. Processes and experiences. Experimental archaeology on a river floodplain (2002)
  21. Processing fishes with obsidian tools: a description of the experimental micro-wears (2002)
  22. Production et commerce du sel à l’Âge du Fer en Baden-Württemberg (Allemagne) (2002)
  23. Program “Prav?k ve škole” v CEA Všestary (with summary in English: Program “prehistory at school” in CEA Všestary) (2002)
  24. Projets et objectifs educatifs des musées archéologiques de L'Europe: les musées en Suisse et le Museum für Urgeschichte(n) (Zoug, Suisse) (2002)
  25. A propos des outils de moisson au Néolitique: experimentation et approche functionelle (2002)
  26. Prähistorische Salzgewinnung. Der Beitrag der Ethnographie zu ihrer Erforschung (2002)
  27. Préhistoire de la musique. Sons et instruments de musique des ages du Bronze et du Fer en France. Catalogue de l'exposition du 17 mars au 10 novembre 2002 au Musée de Préhistoire de Nemours (2002)
  28. Rapport sur la Mission en Roumanie Du 29 Mars au 8 Avril (2002)
  29. (Re)konstrukce a experiment v archeologii ((R)EA) (2002)
  30. Reconceptualizing Experimental Archaeology: Assessing the Process of Experimentation (2002)
  31. Reconstitution d'un four datant du nouvel empire Egyptien (2002)
  32. Reconstructie van een Gallo Romeinse tempel te Velzeke. Restauratie van een Gallische hoeve te Destelbergen. Eindverhandeling graad Industrieel Ingenieur (Bouwkunde) (2002)
  33. Reconstructing the Trundholm Sun Chariot (2002)
  34. Red blood cell haemotaphonomy of experimental human bloodstains on techno-prehistoric lithic raw materials (2002)
  35. Rekonstrukce a experiment v archeologie IV (with summary in English: Reconstruction and Experiment IV, meeting in Pilsen) (2002)
  36. Rekonstruktion bronzezeitlicher Gießereitechniken mittels numerischer Simulation, gießtechnologischer Experimente und werkstofftechnischer Untersuchungen an Nachguss und Original (2002)
  37. Rekonstruktion, Bau und Betrieb eines bronzezeitlichen Kupferreduktionsofens (2002)
  38. Remains of traded fish in archaeological sites: indicators of status or bulk food? (2002)
  39. Replication of textile dyeing with Sumac and Bedstraw (2002)
  40. Report "Project Vadastra 2002": Fieldwork Mission April 2002 (2002)
  41. Report on the construction of an experimental "energy efficient" kiln (2002)
  42. Report on the use of a chalcolithic kiln (2002)
  43. Research and Teaching in Experimental Mediaeval Archaeology. L'Esquerda, a project about agriculture, tools and construction in Mediaeval Ages (2002)
  44. Review article: Iron in Archaeology: The European Bloomery Smelters by Radomir Pleiner (2002)
  45. Roman Clothing and Fashion (2002)
  46. Rosala Viking Centre - a visitor centre in the Finnish argipelago (2002)
  47. Scandinavian bronzecasting in Viking Age and Early Middle Ages (2002)
  48. Seeing What Is Not There: Reconstructing the Monumental Experience (2002)
  49. Siedlungsarchäologie der Hallstatt- und Frühlatènezeit im Raum Heilbronn (2002)
  50. Silviculture (2002)
  51. Simulation of individual particle movement in a gravel stream bed (2002)
  52. Situation innovation: experiments with stone, bronze and steel axes (2002)
  53. Skill and cognition in stone tool manufacture: an ethnographic case study from Irian Jaya (2002)
  54. Smashing success: pleistocene lithic replication in South Carolina (2002)
  55. SMELT: Economies of Scale (2002)
  56. Smelter and smith: Iron Age metal fabrication technology in Southern Africa (2002)
  57. Smelting of chalcopyrite during chalcolithic times: some have done it in ceramic pots as vase-furnaces (2002)
  58. Sobre la didàctica d’un paisatge de la memoria. La Vall del Neander a Mettmann (2002)
  59. The Sounds and Colors of Power: The Sacred Metallurgical Technology of Ancient West Mexico (2002)
  60. Space, Place and Inka Domination in Northwest Argentina (2002)
  61. Sprawozdanie z doświadczalnego procesu dymarskiego „Dymarki Świętokrzyskie” w Nowej Słupi (2002)
  62. Steinzeit selbst erleben! Waffen, Schmuck und Instrumente - nachgebaut und ausprobiert (2002)
  63. Steinzeitliche Werkzeugtechnologie (2002)
  64. Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of California and the Great Basin (2002)
  65. Stuga och säte. Rum och inredning i ett jernåldershus (2002)
  66. Taphonomy and experimentation (2002)
  67. The Taphonomy of cooked bone: characterizing boiling and its physico-chemical effects (2002)
  68. Tautavel (Roussillon - zuid-oost Frankrijk) (2002)
  69. Teil eines neolitischens Schuhs aus Zug. Mit einem Beitrag von Anne Reichert: Weich und warm auf Moossohlen. Experimente zur 'Rheumasohle' von Zug (2002)
  70. Terugkoppeling naar de archeologie, het 9e internationale congres voor experimentele archeologie (2002)
  71. This Little Piggy Went to Cumbria, This Little Piggy Went to Wales: The Tales of 12 Piglets in Peat (2002)
  72. This old house, a reconstruction of a Missisipian temple (2002)
  73. Thomsen, slaggerne og den eksperimentel-arkæologiske metode. (2002)
  74. Throwing Fire: Projectile Technology Through History (2002)
  75. Tidsresor – en metod att engagera unga människor att studera sin lokala historia, historisk-pedegagisk verksamhet (2002)
  76. Time Travels (2002)
  77. Traditional farmers planting for the future (2002)
  78. The Tuning of Atlatl Darts (2002)
  79. Une aventure culturelle et pédagogique en Wallonie (Belgique – Europe – Planète terre): Malgré-Tout (2002)
  80. Upper Palaeolithic net-hunting, small prey exploitation, and women's work effort: a view from ethnographic and ethnoarchaeological record of the Congo Basin (2002)
  81. Urgeschichte in Asparn neu gestaltet (2002)
  82. The Vadastra Project: Experiments with traditional technologies (2002)
  83. Vermittlung von experimentellen archäologischen Erfahrungen und Erlebnissen seit 30 Jahren (2002)
  84. Viking Ship Museum Boats (2002)
  85. Villeneuve d'Asq, parc scientifique de la Haute Borne (2002)
  86. Vlakke retouche. Techniek en hulpmiddel (2002)
  87. Vom Dilemma des Rekonstruierens. Ein Versuch der Annäherung an das Berufsbild des praktizierenden Architekten an archäologischen Grabungsstätten (2002)
  88. Von Beruf freier Steinzeitmensch. Selbständigkeit im Bereich experimenteller Archäologie und Pädagogik (2002)
  89. Využití mikroskopických metod p?i experimentálni výroby prav?ké keramiky (with summary in German, English and French: The use of microscopic analysis in experimental pottery making) (2002)
  90. Výstava “Poj?me do prav?ku” v Mestkém muzeu Jarom?? (2002)
  91. Wagenfunde aus der "Wasserburg Buchau", Landkreis Biberach (2002)
  92. The warp weighted loom in the Carpathian Basin (Experiment in the Százhalombatta Archaeological Park, Hungary) (2002)
  93. Was agriculture a good idea, or an act of desperation? (2002)
  94. Weapons and Wunan: production, function and exchange of Kimberley Points (2002)
  95. Weibull Estimation of Use-Life Distribution in Experimental Spear-Point Data (2002)
  96. Woher wir kommen, was wir sind. Zur Geschichte der pädagogischen Vermittlung archäologischer Inhalte (2002)
  97. Worin liegt die Zukunft der archäologischen Museen? (2002)
  98. Yngre jernalders stempelornamentik. Teknik og formål (2002)
  99. Zavedeni experimentàlni archeologie do výuky magisterského studia (2002)
  100. Zemřel Thor Heyerdahl (2002)