EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 6,501-6,600 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. This Wooden 'O' - Shakespeare's Globe reborn (1996)
  2. Time and labor economy among the Sierra Miwok: Part 1 (1996)
  3. Tobias erlebt die Steinzeit, translation of: Tjavs på jagt: en boplads i stenalderen (1978) (1996)
  4. Tortoise brooches, textile impressions and textiles (1996)
  5. Tourism and Cultural Change (1996)
  6. Tourism and Culture: Image, Identity and Marketing (1996)
  7. Transport logistics associated with the building of Hadrian's Wall (1996)
  8. Treffpunkt Museum. Museumspädagogik mit Erwachsenen in der Schweiz (1996)
  9. Treiben, Schmieden, Feuerschweissen, Erfahrungen eines Kunstschmiedes (1996)
  10. Trendrapport museumeducatie (1996)
  11. The Trøndelag bloomery furnace - its operation and metallurgy revealed (1996)
  12. Técnicas constructivas en las termas romanas de Campo Valdés (Gijón): el material latericio (1996)
  13. Ullandhaug, an Early Iron Age farm (1996)
  14. Un exemple de parc archéologique: Beaune. Revivre le passé grâce à l’archéologie (1996)
  15. The underlying survival skills of teaching. Six steps to keep in mind when teaching primitive skills to children (1996)
  16. Use of Preheated Air in Ancient and Recent African Iron smelting Furnaces: A Reply to Rehder (1996)
  17. Use of Preheated Air in Primitive Furnaces: Comments on Views of Avery and Schmidt (1996)
  18. Verbeelde historie. Spelers als tolken van een tijd (1996)
  19. Vergoldete Silberpreßbleche der römischen Kaiserzeit aus materialkundlicher und technologischer Sicht (1996)
  20. Viajes a vestigios, incitación del consumo a la arqueología (1996)
  21. Vikingar mot strömmen. Några synpunkter på möjliga och omöjliga skepp vid färder i hemmavattnen och österled (1996)
  22. Voldgrav og palisade - rekonstruktion at en forhistorisk fastning [Ditch and palisade - the reconstruction of a prehistoric fortification] (1996)
  23. Voyage á l'Age du Fer, Revivre le passé gráce á l'archéologie (1996)
  24. Walt Disney Imagineering: A behind the dreams look at making the magic real (1996)
  25. Wer schreibt, der bleibt. Und was ist mit den anderen? (1996)
  26. What to teach kids and why (1996)
  27. What’s in a Word? (1996)
  28. A wild boar hunt at Cold Brook: a stone age adventure (1996)
  29. Wildchild: an evolving curriculum (1996)
  30. Willem Barentz revisited (1996)
  31. ... Wo ist die Urgeschichte? (1996)
  32. Work in Ancient and Medieval Thought: Ancient Philsophers, Medieval Monks and Philosophers and their Concept of Work, Occupations and Technology (1996)
  33. Work shelter construction at Virginia's Explore Park. (1996)
  34. Während des Schlossfestes 1995 in Trautenfels: Experimentelle Schmelzversuch mit Kupfererzpellets in einem Schachtofen (1996)
  35. Yucca slab survival sandals (1996)
  36. Zur Rekonstruktion des römischen Plattbodenschiffes aus Woerden (1996)
  37. Zurück in die Steinzeit, Special reprint from Harburger Jahrbuch 19xx (1996)
  38. 17th Annual Conference of the Association of European Open Air Museums 1995 (1997)
  39. AHA-erlebnissen van een professioneel replica-maker (1997)
  40. Ajvide och den moderna arkeologin (1997)
  41. Alcune sperimentazioni sulla realizazione di ogetti in bronze con la technica della fusione in matrici a due valve (1997)
  42. The archaeological evaluation of the Globe Playhouse (1997)
  43. An Archaeological Experiment with Buried Textiles (1997)
  44. Archaeology in the English National Curriculum (1997)
  45. Archaeology, experimental archaeology and ethnoarchaeology on bread ovens in Syria (1997)
  46. Archeon begint een tweede leven (1997)
  47. Archäologisches Fest Biskupin '95 (1997)
  48. Archéologie experiméntale á Beynac (F. Dordogne) (1997)
  49. Archéologie expérimentale: dans l’atelier d’un forgeron Gaulois (1997)
  50. Arqueología experimental, algo más que un juego (1997)
  51. Artefacts d'outils ou supports epuises? Une nouvelle approche pour l'etudes des industries du Paléolithique ancient: le cas d'Isernia La Pineta (Molise, Italie Centrale) (1997)
  52. An aspect of smelting experiments in Poland - bloomery smelting and gromps (1997)
  53. The assessment of temperature in deliberately heat treated flint and cherts (1997)
  54. Atlatl Replicate Study (1997)
  55. An Attempt to define Archaeo-Metallurgy (1997)
  56. Ausgewählte Beispiele der experimentellem Boots- und Schiffsarchäologie (1997)
  57. Avaldsnesprojektet. Vikingetidens byggeskik i nytt perspectiv, <naust in Rennesøy, longhouse in Oma, Rogaland> (1997)
  58. Avontuurlijke boomstamkanotocht (1997)
  59. Back to the Stone Age: How to Identify and Use the Best Stone Knives (1997)
  60. Baumrinden: Aussehen, Struktur, Funktion, Eigenschaften (1997)
  61. Beynac, 1998, les Journées d'Archéologie experiméntale, Le Parc de Beynac féte ses dix ans (1997)
  62. Bifacial Thinning in the Early Upper Paleolithic of Eastern Europe (1997)
  63. Boisages et techniques d'exhaure gaulois à la mine d'or de la Fagassière (Château-Chervix, Haute-Vienne) (1997)
  64. Book review: The Experimental Earthwork Project 1960-1992 (1997)
  65. Bronze Age 'Barrows' and Funerary Rites and Rituals of Cremation (1997)
  66. Bronzealder mellem sten og jern (1997)
  67. Bronzegiesser am raetischen Limes (1997)
  68. Building a Lavvu, the sami Ghoatti (1997)
  69. Building Igloos (1997)
  70. Burning down the house. Transformational use of fire and other aspects of an Early Neolithic TRB site in Eastern Central Sweden (1997)
  71. Camper's pampers (1997)
  72. Care and storage of hides (1997)
  73. Casting Metals in Limestone Moulds (1997)
  74. Ceramic surface treatment and abrasion resistance: An experimental study (1997)
  75. Collectif, Technologie grecque ancienne (Archaia Helleniki Technologia). Catalogue d'Exposition (Thessaloniki), August - September (1997)
  76. Comment concevoir une expérimentation dans le cadre des textiles préhistoriques (1997)
  77. A Common Wealth: Museums and Learning in the UK (1997)
  78. Comparing axe heads of stone, bronze, and steel: studies in experimental archaeology (1997)
  79. The composition and decoration of Roman brooches (1997)
  80. Construction d'un atelier "Chasse-Pêche" au Parc de Beynac (1997)
  81. Contribution to multidisciplinary experimentation to the study of Upper Palaeolithic projectile points (1997)
  82. Copper metallurgy in Iron Age Britain: some recent research (1997)
  83. The Cultural Life of Images (1997)
  84. Das neue "Steinzeithaus" im Freilichtmuseum Unteruhldingen (1997)
  85. Das Weben am Rundwebstuhl (1997)
  86. De Bronstijd in Ierland, The Discovery Programme (1997)
  87. De theoretische achtergrond bij leefexperimenten (1997)
  88. Debatt. Skenheligt om båtarkeologi. Ett svar till Christer Westerdahl (1997)
  89. Deerskins into Buckskins: how to tan with brains, soap and eggs (1997)
  90. Dense Flint scatters: knapping or dumping? Experimental work at Lejre Research Centre. Private copy book (1997)
  91. Dense Flint scatters: knapping or dumping? Experimental work at Lejre Research Centre. Private copy book (1997)
  92. Der "betende Knabe". Original und Experiment (1997)
  93. Der bronzezeitliche Einbaum von Vingelz - ein moderner Nachbau (1997)
  94. Der Plinius-Garten. Vom Original zur wilhelminischen Rekonstruktion (1997)
  95. Des mammouths et des hommes (1997)
  96. Design as reconstruction: reconstruction as design (1997)
  97. Designing the Globe (1997)
  98. Determining stone tool use: chemical and morphological analyses of residues on experimentally manufactured stone tools (1997)
  99. Die etruskischen Bronzeschnabelkannen. Eine Untersuchung anhand der technologisch-typologischen Methode (1997)
  100. Die Kaiserthermen in Trier: Zerstörung, Erforschung, Konservierung und Rekonstruktion (1997)