EXARC Experimental Archaeology Collection

Welcome to the Experimental Archaeology Collection, a place for sharing and preserving data and results of experimental archaeology. The collection is supported by EXARC, the ICOM Affiliated Organisation representing archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology, and interpretation. EXARC raises the standard of scientific research and public presentation among our membership through collaborative projects, conferences, and publications.

The collection currently consists of citations from the EXARC bibliography, developed by Dr Roeland Paardekooper, and the collection is managed by Dr Jodi Reeves Eyre. EXARC will add more descriptive information and open access files to many of these citations in the following months. EXARC seeks to work with universities, museums, and researchers to upload their experimental archaeology data, publications, and grey literature into the collection.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 701-800 of 12,398)

  • Documents (12,398)

  1. Metallanalysen kupferzeitlicher und frühbronzezeitlicher Bodenfunde aus Europa (1960)
  2. Motu pottery (1960)
  3. Nahrung und Nahrungsgewinnung im vorspanischen Peru (1960)
  4. Observations on the butchering technique at a prehistoric bison kill in Montana (1960)
  5. Ploughing experiments with a reconstructed Donnerupland ard (1960)
  6. Reconstructing the ancestor of corn (1960)
  7. Rennversuche im Gebläseofen und Ausschmieden der Luppen (1960)
  8. Skälbyfyndet (1960)
  9. The story of the saw (1960)
  10. The technique of Attic vase painting (1960)
  11. Technologie. Gereedschaps- en materialenleer voor de houtbewerker (1960)
  12. Untersuchung alter Eisenschmelzverfahren (1960)
  13. Workshop Methods for Gold- and Silversmiths (1960)
  14. Analogy in archaeological interpretation (1961)
  15. The ancient Irish method of smelting iron (1961)
  16. Über Ergebnisse neuerer metallkundlicher Untersuchungen alter Eisenfunde und ihre Bedeutung für die Technik und die Archäologie (1961)
  17. Beschläge aus spätsächsischen Reitergräbern von Hamburg-Schnelsen und Hollenstedt, Kreis Harburg (1961)
  18. The British Association's experimental earthwork (1961)
  19. Cork and the Cork-tree (1961)
  20. Dalsza próby wytopów w piecykach typu Swietokrzyskiego (1961)
  21. Das mitteldeutsche Briquetage - Formen, Verbreitung und Verwendung (1961)
  22. Der Trittwebstuhl im frühmittelalterlichen Europa (1961)
  23. Die Welt aus der wir kommen: die Vorgeschichte der Menschheit (1961)
  24. Early Near Eastern Steel Swords (1961)
  25. An experiment in field archaeology (1961)
  26. An experiment in field archaeology (1961)
  27. Experiment v archeologii (1961)
  28. Experimental archaeology (1961)
  29. Experimental archaeology (1961)
  30. An experimental earthwork on Fyfield Down (1961)
  31. The firing of a pottery kiln of Romano-British type at Boston, Lincolnshire (1961)
  32. Frühgeschichte der europäischen Kulturpflanzen (1961)
  33. Gross effects of a primitive hearth on bones (1961)
  34. A history of building materials (1961)
  35. An obsidian fluted point made by James Parsons (1961)
  36. Physics and archaeology. (1961)
  37. Primitive Scandinavian textiles in knotless netting (1961)
  38. Solbrunnen und Salzwirkersiedlungen im ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Halle (1961)
  39. Stone age techniques in nineteenth-century India (1961)
  40. The survival of the dart-thrower on the Peninsula of Baja California (1961)
  41. A technique for Eden collateral flaking (1961)
  42. Theophilus: The various arts (1961)
  43. Typologie du Paléolithique Ancien et Moyen (1961)
  44. Ungdommelige Oldtidshuse (with English summary: ”mudhouses”) (1961)
  45. Untersuchungen über den Verwendungszweck urgeschichtlicher Schuhleistenkeile (1961)
  46. Upright posture: an experimental investigation (1961)
  47. Von Harzern, Pechern und Köhlern im Schwarzwald (1961)
  48. Wyniki badań archeologiznych w Biskupinie, pow. Żnin, na stanowisku 6 (1961)
  49. Aboriginal butchering techniques at the Escheiman Site (36 La 12), Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (1962)
  50. Afrikanske smede. Kulturhistoriske og sociologiske problemer belyst ved studier hos Tuaregerne og ved komparativ analyse (1962)
  51. An agricultural study of the Southern Maya lowlands (1962)
  52. Arbeit und Werkzeug (1962)
  53. Archaeology as anthropology (1962)
  54. Archaeomagnetic measurements on the second Boston Experimental kiln (1962)
  55. Bei Töpfern und Töpferinnen in Kreta, Messenien und Zypern (1962)
  56. Bows and arrows (1962)
  57. Bronzezeitliche Gießer im östlichen Mitteleuropa (1962)
  58. Colonial Vessels [replicas early modern Mayflower] (1962)
  59. A Critique of ‘The Geniculate Bannerstone as an Atlatl Handle’ by Orville H. Peets (1962)
  60. Dotychczasowy próby odtworzenia precesu metalurgicznego w dymarkach typu Świętokrzyskiego (1962)
  61. Energy cost of load carriage (1962)
  62. Ethnography for archaeology: a case from the Seri Indians (1962)
  63. European bronze age shields (1962)
  64. An experiment in working nephrite (1962)
  65. The firing of a second pottery kiln of Romano-British type at Boston, Lincolnshire (1962)
  66. From stone to steel: economic consequences of a techological change in New Guinea (1962)
  67. The Geniculate Bannerstone as an Atlatl Handle (1962)
  68. Gewebe und Gewand der Bronzezeit (1962)
  69. Inboedel van een wagenmaker en kleingebruiker te Heile in 1422 (1962)
  70. Jernalderens dragt (1962)
  71. Jernudvinding i Danmark i forhistorik tid [with English summary: prehistoric iron smelting in Denmark] (1962)
  72. Mensch und Handwerk: Verarbeitung und Verwendung von Stein und Muschelschalen (1962)
  73. Metallurgy in archaeology: prehistory of metallurgy in the British Isles (1962)
  74. The method of use of early Iron Age coin moulds (1962)
  75. Neue Untersuchungen über den Verwendungszweck der neolithischen Flachhacken (1962)
  76. Oberflächenfunde und rezente Töpferei am unteren Watut River (Ost-Neuguinea) (1962)
  77. Pokusno taljenje bobovca v vetrni peci v Studorju (1962)
  78. Polsko-czechosłowackie doświadczenia wytopu żelaza w dymarkach z okresu rzymskiego [With English summary: Polish-Czechoslovakian experiments with iron smelting in kilns from the Roman period] (1962)
  79. Prispevok k v yskumu uskladovania obilia v obiinych jamách na Záhori. Die ethnographische Erforschung der Lagerung von Getreide in Getreidegruben in Zähorie (1962)
  80. Próbne wytopy żelaza w dymarkach typu świętokrzyskiego (1962)
  81. Sailing characteristics of Oceanic canoes (1962)
  82. Textiles of ancient Peru and their techniques (1962)
  83. Woher kommen die Besucher des Freilichtmuseums Deutscher Vorzeit? (1962)
  84. лзуцениэ первобытнои течники методом експеримента (1963)
  85. Ancient glass (1963)
  86. Archaeology by experiment: "Bronze age" shields made at Cambridge which establish that leather was for use, bronze for ritual and show (1963)
  87. Bandkeramische Erntegeräte: zur Typologie der ältesten Sicheln und Erntemesser (1963)
  88. Bone, tooth and horn tools of paleolithic man (1963)
  89. Broodmes in keuken en in smidse (1963)
  90. Dalsze doświadczenia z wytopem żelaza w dymarkach typu świętokrzyskiego (1963)
  91. Das Gesetz der Gotik (1963)
  92. Der eisenzeitliche Kriegsbogen von Nydam (1963)
  93. Die Eibenholzbogen vom Ochsenmoor am Dümmer: e. Nachtrag zur Veröffentlichung von Prof. K.H. Jacob-Friesen (1950). (1963)
  94. Die Technik der damaszierten Schwerter (1963)
  95. Drugo pokusno taljenje bobovca na Usejci nad vasjo Studor (1963)
  96. The experimental earthwork on Overton Down, Wiltshire 1960: an account of the construction of an earthwork to investigate by experiment the way in which archaeological structures are denuded and buried (1963)
  97. Experiments in Greek Minting Technique (1963)
  98. Experiments with the spear thrower (1963)
  99. The Feynman lectures on physics (1963)
  100. Interpreting the function of primitive implements (1963)