Patoka Lake Salvage Excavations 1980
Part of: US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District VCP
The Veterans Curation Program (VCP) utilizes the standard archival practice of unique naming of collections. The purpose of this practice is to avoid redundant and confusing collection names commonly found with archaeological investigations. Therefore, this collection is referred to as "Patoka Lake Salvage Excavations 1980.” This name is consistent throughout the finding aid, the file folders, and the box labels. The extent of this collection is four and a half (4.5) linear feet. All materials processed at the VCP were received from Glenn Black Laboratory of Archaeology (GBL) at Indiana University. There was some organization of the documents associated with the Patoka Lake salvage project when it was received, and most of the documents were well maintained.
The digital materials in this collection were processed by the Veterans Curation Program (VCP), and include select archival photographs, final report, finding aid, oversized material spreadsheet, photographic material spreadsheet, and a scanned asset key. Additional digital materials held by the VCP include additional archival photographs, card stock inserts, document folder listing, initial data collection, notes, oversized labels, photographic material labels, and a records removal sheet . For additional information on these materials, refer to the Finding Aid.
Site Name Keywords
12OR9 •
12OR10 •
12OR12 •
12CR27 •
12CR25 •
12DU28 •
12OR84 •
12OR78 •
12OR82 •
Other Keywords
Collections Management •
Lithic •
Finding Aid
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Heritage Management
Geographic Keywords
United States of America (Country) •
Indiana (State / Territory) •
Crawford County (County) •
Orange County (County) •
Dubois County (County) •
North America (Continent) •
Ohio Valley •
Patoka Lake •
Patoka River •
Patoka Reservoir
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-7 of 7)
- Final Report, Patoka Lake Salvage Excavations 1980 (1980)
- Finding Aid, Patoka Lake Salvage Excavations 1980 (2012)