DoD Legacy Resource Management Program Collection

Part of: OSD Cultural Resources Program Collection

In 1990, Congress passed legislation establishing the Legacy Resource Management Program to provide financial assistance to the Department of Defense (DoD) for installation-specific efforts to preserve our natural and cultural heritage. In 1996, the Legacy Resource Management Program was significantly amended by the National Defense Authorization Act, Public Law 104-201, Section 2694 of title 10 to focus on DoD-wide national and regional projects. The program assists DoD in protecting and enhancing resources while enabling military readiness. A Legacy project may involve regional ecosystem management initiatives, habitat preservation efforts, archaeological investigations, invasive species control, Native American consultations, and/or monitoring and predicting migratory patterns of birds and animals.

Three principles guide the Legacy program: stewardship, leadership, and partnership. Stewardship initiatives assist DoD in safeguarding its irreplaceable resources for future generations. By embracing a leadership role as part of the program, the Department serves as a model for respectful use of natural and cultural resources. Through partnerships, the program strives to access the knowledge and talents of individuals outside of DoD.

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Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 301-345 of 345)

U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview (Legacy 93-0856)
  • U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview (Legacy 93-0856)
    PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams

    The report includes a summary of the Navy's presence in the state of Washington, including various naval installations (e.g., Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Air Stations Seattle, Whidbey Island, and Pasco). The report describes the archival research conducted to account for and characterize the US Navy shipwrecks and submerged aircraft in Washington waters.

  • U.S. Navy Shipwrecks and Submerged Naval Aircraft in Washington: An Overview - Report (Legacy 93-0856) (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text David Grant. Colt Denfeld. Randall Schalk.

    The report includes a summary of the Navy's presence in the state of Washington, including various naval installations (e.g., Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Air Stations Seattle, Whidbey Island, and Pasco). The report describes the archival research conducted to account for and characterize the US Navy shipwrecks and submerged aircraft in Washington waters.

Underwater Cultural Resources Management (Legacy 98-1725) Underwater Cultural Resources Management and Protection: U.S. Navy Shipwrecks in Hawaiian Waters, an Inventory of Submerged Naval Properties (Legacy 01-121) Unspoken Messages - Basque Arborglyphs: Methods for Recording and Documenting Arborglyphs on Department of Defense Land (Legacy 07-359) US DoD Desk Guide to Military Installations and Federally Recognized Tribes Locations Located in South and Eastern US (Legacy 06-315) Using Black Earth and Remote Sensing of Indicator Plants for Identification of Prehistoric Archaeological Sensitivity and Potential Site Integrity in the Eastern Woodlands (Legacy 10-416) USS Tecumseh Shipwreck: Management Plan (Legacy 94-1704)
  • USS Tecumseh Shipwreck: Management Plan (Legacy 94-1704)
    PROJECT W. Wilson West Jr..

    The Union ship USS Tecumseh was sunk off Fort Morgan in Mobile Bay, Alabama, in 1864 and found by the Smithsonian in 1967. The USS Tecumseh Commission met in 1993 to discuss the future management and protection of the shipwreck, and this draft plan addressing the ship not as an isolated site but within its historical, geographical, and technological context was produced, the report outlines options and recommendations for the protection and preservation of this tomb of 93 Union sailors.

  • USS Tecumseh Shipwreck: Management Plan - Report (Legacy 94-1704) (1996)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text W. Wilson West Jr..

    The Union ship USS Tecumseh was sunk off Fort Morgan in Mobile Bay, Alabama, in 1864 and found by the Smithsonian in 1967. The USS Tecumseh Commission met in 1993 to discuss the future management and protection of the shipwreck, and this draft plan addressing the ship not as an isolated site but within its historical, geographical, and technological context was produced, the report outlines options and recommendations for the protection and preservation of this tomb of 93 Union sailors.

Valcour Bay Research Project: 1999-2002 Results from the Archaeological Investigation of a Revolutionary War Battlefield in Lake Champlain, Clinton County, New York (Legacy 02-162) Vietnam and the Home Front: How DoD Installations Adapted, 1962-1975 (Legacy 12-518) Vietnam War Special Operation Forces and Warfare Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 16-518) Vietnam War-Era Helicopter Training and Use on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 14-739) Vietnam War: Medical Research, Treatment, and Training on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 18-518) Vietnam War: Pilot and Air Support Training on U.S. Military Installations Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 17-835A) Vietnam War: Special Schools on U.S. Military Installations Vietnam Historic Context Subtheme (Legacy 17-835B) Work of a Master? Addressing Evaluation of Routine or Prosaic Architecture by Famous Architects on Military Facilities (Legacy 15-779) Workshop on Integrating Predictive Models into the Cultural Resources Management Process (Legacy 09-457) A Workshop on Predictive Modeling and Cultural Resource Management on Military Installations (Legacy 03-167)
  • A Workshop on Predictive Modeling and Cultural Resource Management on Military Installations (Legacy 03-167)
    PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams

    This report describes a workshop of national experts to examine the use of predictive modeling by military installations in November 2004. The participants examined key issues associated with model development and use, discussed successful approaches to improving modeling efforts nationwide, and created some initial guidance for installations planning to use modeling for the first time or hoping to improve or revitalize their use of modeling.

  • A Workshop on Predictive Modeling and Cultural Resource Management on Military Installations - Report (Legacy 03-167) (2004)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey Altschul. Terry Klein. Lynn Sebastian.

    This report describes a workshop of national experts to examine the use of predictive modeling by military installations in November 2004. The participants examined key issues associated with model development and use, discussed successful approaches to improving modeling efforts nationwide, and created some initial guidance for installations planning to use modeling for the first time or hoping to improve or revitalize their use of modeling.