Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)

Part of: Society for Historical Archaeology 2024

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)," at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-98 of 98)

  • Documents (98)

  1. Access Maps Revisited: Understanding The Spatial Arrangement of Nineteenth-Century Soup Kitchens (2024)
  2. All the Small Things: Small Finds from the Home Farm Complex (2024)
  3. Another Racket on Pine Street: Negotiating Hostility in the Central City, Colorado Sex District (2024)
  4. Archaeochemical Detective Work (2024)
  5. Archaeological Analysis of Japanese Visual Knowledge of Western Vessels Before 1853 (2024)
  6. Archaeology as Medicine: Rebuilding Trust Through Community-Engaged Archaeology (2024)
  7. Archaeology Interns: Preparing Students for Successful Careers via CRM Internships (2024)
  8. An Archaeology Of Folklore: A Transdisciplinary Future In University College Dublin’s National Folklore Collection (2024)
  9. The Architectural Influence Of Ships Sailing The Red Sea Under The Ottoman Empire, The Contribution Of Underwater Archaeology (2024)
  10. Basque Shipwrecks Over Three Centuries: Building A Long-term View (2024)
  11. Bear (1874-1963): An Analysis of Maritime Technological Innovation and Change (2024)
  12. Beyond Nicolas Cage and the "Book of Secrets": An Archaeological and Architectural Study of George Washington’s Cellar at Mount Vernon (2024)
  13. Beyond Publications, Exhibits, and Presentations: Twenty-first-century historical archaeology and the next generation of community engagement at the Nathan Harrison Site in San Diego County, California (2024)
  14. Bottle Reuse in the Kingdom of Dahomey (2024)
  15. Bottles, Booze, and Boats: An Analysis of the Presence of Dutch Genever Bottles on Age of Sail Shipwrecks (2024)
  16. Callao, Peru: Documented Historical Shipwrecks From A South Pacific Harbor (2024)
  17. Ceramics in the Garden (2024)
  18. Åcho’ Atupat:Slingstone Caches of the Mariana Islands (2024)
  19. The City In the Valley, The Houses On the Hill: Brothels In the Landscape of an Affluent Mountain Mining Town (2024)
  20. Coastal And Underwater Cultural Heritage Threatened By Climate Change: Where Are We And What Is Next? (2024)
  21. Coins on the Eyes of the Deceased: A Theoretical Perspective on a Creolized African-American Mortuary Practice (2024)
  22. Collective Memory, Economic Growth, and Reverence: Recent Investigations at the Alamo (2024)
  23. Communities of Ceramic Practices: a comparison between Southeast São Paulo, Brazil and Northern Portugal (2024)
  24. A Comparative Approach In Iberian Shipbuilding Design: Preliminary Results (2024)
  25. Comparing Ferris-Type Ships at Mallows Bay, Maryland: An Examination of the Congruence of 18CH506 and 18CH511 to EFC Design #1001 (2024)
  26. Compositional Analysis of Afro-Caribbeanware Excavated Archaeologically from the Jackson Wall Manor Site, Grand Cayman (2024)
  27. Designing Landscapes of Environmental Potency: Macro- and Micro- Topographical Sewage Infrastructure Case Studies in Central Illinois (2024)
  28. Developing Community Engagement in Icelandic Maritime Archaeology: Where to Begin? (2024)
  29. Early Encounters on a Western Frontier: The Search for Sv. Nikolai (2024)
  30. Effective Management of Divers on Archaeological and Historical Shipwreck Sites in the Red Sea, Egypt (2024)
  31. Emotions and Industrial Fishing Heritage in Quebec’s Lower North Shore: An Archaeological Ethnography Approach (2024)
  32. An "Enemy Against Society?": Sex Work and Victorian Ideals in Sandpoint, Idaho (2024)
  33. Environmental Analysis of the First Baptist Church of Williamsburg (2024)
  34. Evidence of Terminal Pleistocene/Earliest Holocene Water Collection in the Now-submerged Caves of Quintana Roo, Mexico. (2024)
  35. Extracting Diagnostic Information from Historic Ship Timber Surface Marks: The Case of La Concorde/Queen Anne’s Revenge (2024)
  36. Fair Winds and Following Seas: A Look into the Seafarer’s Life and the Romance of History (2024)
  37. Folktales and Masculinity: Gender Performance at a Southern California Homestead (2024)
  38. Following the Star: Preliminary Insights Into The Submerged Site of the Alaska Packers Association Ship Star of Bengal (2024)
  39. The Fontana Project Construction Camp: A Mid-Twentieth Century Appalachia Workers’ Camp (2024)
  40. From Steak to Turtle Soup: Preliminary Faunal Analysis from the Halcyon House Collection (2024)
  41. Gaspé Maritime Archaeology Project (2024)
  42. Historic Shipwrecks as part of a Maritime Cultural Landscape Survey of St. Croix, USVI (2024)
  43. History of Industrial Pollution in Cataño, Puerto Rico (2024)
  44. How Stable is a Wooden Shipwreck? An Interdisciplinary Approach for Evaluating Shipwreck Stability (2024)
  45. Identifying Archaeological Evidence of Resistance to Prohibition in Pensacola, Florida (2024)
  46. Intelligent Discontent: Results of Archaeological Monitoring During the Construction of the Pullman National Monument (2024)
  47. Intertsectionality and Irish Identity in Lowell, Massachusetts, Past and Present (2024)
  48. Investigations of a Mid-16th Century Iberian Transatlantic Merchant Shipwreck in the Dominican Republic (2024)
  49. Island of the Kings. 40 Years of Underwater Archaeological Research on Ostrów Lednicki, Poland. (2024)
  50. Kathleen Joan Bragdon's Contribution to New England Historical Archaeology: A Personal Assessment (2024)
  51. Linking Nature and Culture for Sustainable Livelihoods: Establishing a Marine Protected Area around Mozambique Island (2024)
  52. The Many Lives of the Equator: History and Archaeological of a 19th-Century Pacific Schooner (Part I) (2024)
  53. The Many Lives of the Equator: Preliminary Structural Analysis (Part II) (2024)
  54. A Material Sentimentality: Exploring Childhood Via the Death Event at Freedman’s Cemetery, Dallas, Texas (1869-1907) (2024)
  55. Memories of Down the Bay: Bridging Archaeology and Oral History (2024)
  56. Monterey Bay Shore Whaling: A Maritime Industrial Landscape (2024)
  57. Navigating the Norlina - Mapping a Significant Shipwreck Site off Sonoma’s Treacherous Coast (2024)
  58. Negotiating Local Tastes in the 19th and 20th Centuries Global Trade in Amedeka, Southeastern Ghana. (2024)
  59. New Evidence of Old Looting, 19th Century Looting of Tikal’s Carved Wooden Lintels. (2024)
  60. "Next to the Sea are Many Fine Cannon": Archaeology of the Original English Trading Center in the Caribbean (2024)
  61. Not Forgotten: Personal Touches in Mortuary Treatment at Asylum Hill (2024)
  62. The Ocarina of Time, Space, and Colonialism: Object Biography as a Tool for Contextualizing Colonial Ideologies in the American West and Beyond (2024)
  63. Of Water and Ancestors: Landscapes of Resilience Throughout Aventura’s Long History (2024)
  64. The Only Post in the U.S. Where a Deceased Soldier Cannot Have Decent Internment: Recent maritime archaeological discoveries in Dry Tortugas National Park (2024)
  65. Personal Adornment and Identity Politics at Fort Mose (2024)
  66. A Portage in Time: The Submerged Remains of Anse-aux-Batteaux, a 19th Century River Port (2024)
  67. Private Utilities and Public Resources: 19th-Century Capitalism and Local Governance in Northwest Ohio (2024)
  68. Reassessing the Interpretations of Cross Marks in the African Diaspora (2024)
  69. Reconstructing the Archaeology of the River Raisin Settlement and War of 1812 Battlefield, Monroe, Michigan (2024)
  70. Reusable Drill Bits As A Chronological Marker At Nevada Mining Sites (2024)
  71. Revisiting the Little Talbot Island Shipwreck (8DU3157), a Nineteenth-Century Beached Shipwreck in Duval County, Northeast Florida (2024)
  72. Roughneck Wrecks: National Register Eligibility Of Sunken Oil Rigs In The Gulf Of Mexico (2024)
  73. Sales of Sail: The Production and Economy Behind Roman Sails (2024)
  74. The Search for Fort Rutledge and the Battle of Esseneca: An Archaeological and Historical Assessment of a Revolutionary War Fortification in Clemson, SC (2024)
  75. Shifting Sovereignties in a Discontinuous Frontier: The Case of Saint Croix and the Danish West Indies (2024)
  76. Situating The Copper On The Borderlands Of New Spain (COTBONS) Project In Historical Archaeology (2024)
  77. Still Waiting For The Breeze: Archaeological Investigations At Walnut Point, VA (2024)
  78. Stitching It Together: Sailmaking from Antiquity to the Industrial Revolution and The Historic Sail Research Project (2024)
  79. Taking A Shot At Late 19th c. Indigenous Sites (2024)
  80. A Tale of Two Privies: Interpreting Daily Life and Education at the Williamsburg Bray School (2024)
  81. Terminology And Material Culture Of Opiates In The 18th-20th Century Western World: An Overview. (2024)
  82. Tides of Time: Climate Change and its Impact on the Maritime Archaeological Sites of Fort Mose and Tolomato Bar Anchorage (2024)
  83. "To the West of the Garrison Near a Low-Lying Creek": The U.S. Army Laundress Quarters of Fort Walla Walla, WA (2024)
  84. Trash Talk: Investigating the Refuse of the Pon Yam Trenches (2024)
  85. United by Process, Divided by Everything Else: Caddo and Settler Saltmaking at the Holman Springs Site, Sevier County, Arkansas (2024)
  86. Up From the Ruins: archaeology in the making in São Tomé (São Tomé e Príncipe) (2024)
  87. Using Hierarchical Bayesian Models to Interpret Geochemical Variation in Colonoware Vessel Fragments from Williamsburg, Virginia (2024)
  88. Utilization of Shellfish by the Pequot People during the Early Seventeenth Century (2024)
  89. Victorian Dining and Class in the San Francisco Bay Area (2024)
  90. A Visual Archive for 3D Submerged Heritage Data (2024)
  91. VRchaeology: Applications of Virtual Reality in Historical Archaeology (2024)
  92. Wearing Many Hats: Mourning and Grief in Pre-modern Finnish Burial Caps (2024)
  93. What One Artifact Points Out (2024)
  94. When She Wakes Up: Archaeology and Community Revitalization of the Unangax Open Skin Boat Tradition (2024)
  95. Why Do Pots Break? Understand Ceramic Use Through Fractography (2024)
  96. Why it was here: Using an American War Fort to Teach Indigenous History and Perspective (2024)
  97. World War I Dog Tags from Camp Logan (41HR614), Houston, Texas: Making the Archaeological Personal (2024)
  98. WPA Murals as Artifacts: Archaeological Roles in the Preservation, Protection, and Analysis of Historic Art (2024)