Browse all Datasets in tDAR
Michelle I. Turner dissertation, Appendix 8: Faunal Data for Aztec North Great House (2019)
Michelle I. Turner dissertation, Supplemental Information: C14 Results for Samples from the Aztec North Great House (2019)
Mimbres Geometric Designs (2020)
Mimbres Pottery Database (Public) (2013)
Mimbres Structure and Profile (2020)
Mimbres Valley faunal data from Susan Powell's 1977 Master's Paper (1977)
MimPIDD Research Database for Download (2019)
Mineral artifacts from Gran Quivira (1986)
MIS5e Sites in Eurasia (2020)
Miscellaneous Artifacts from Gran Quivira (1986)
Miscellaneous Ceramic Artifacts from PALM survey (2012)
Miscellaneous Distributions, Harper's Creek Survey, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2000)
Mission Cocóspera Faunal Data (2012)
Mission San Agustín Faunal Data (2019)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1953 Fauna dataset Central Pit 1/4" Screen (1953)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1953 Fauna dataset West Pillar 1/4" Screen (1953)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1956 West Shelter Gastropod dataset (1956)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/16 inch waterscreen (1980)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 Fauna dataset-West Shelter 1/4 inch waterscreen (1980)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980 West Shelter-Snails in 4 liter-Stratigraphic Samples (1980)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1980-West Shelter Units C, D, and F-Snails in Flot Samples (1980)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 East Pillar 1/4" Faunal data (1984)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Main Trench 1/4" Fauna (1984)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 Unit D 1/4" Faunal data (1984)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1984 West Pillar 1/4" Faunal data (1984)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-1/4" screen (1987)
Modoc Rock Shelter, IL (11R5)-1987 Fauna dataset-East Pillar-Flotation 1/16" mesh (1987)
Mogollon Early Pithouse NAA Data (2020)
Monument Data Cleaned--Types, Locations, Measurements--Dhofar, Oman (2020)
Morse Site Ceramic Data (2011)
Mortuary Analysis, Chaco Canyon to Rio Grand Valley (2021)
Mortuary Data by Region by Site.xlsx (2021)
MPLP - AUD (2018)
MPLP - C14 Samples (2018)
MPLP - Decorated Ceramics (2018)
MPLP - Dendro Samples (2018)
MPLP - Fauna (2018)
MPLP - Flotation Samples (2018)
MPLP - Groundstone (2018)
MPLP - Lithic Flakes (2017)
MPLP - Obsidian Inventory (2018)
MPLP - Other Artifacts (2018)
MPLP - Pollen Samples (2018)
MPLP - Projectile Points (2018)
MPLP - Undecorated Ceramics (2018)
Mud Creek Site Ceramic Data (2011)
Multi-purpose tool summary. (2013)
Myrkardalur_database (2009)
Nambe fauna (2005)
Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500)-Fauna dataset 1/16" flotation (1979)
Napoleon Hollow, IL (11PK500)-Fauna dataset 1/4" screen (1979)
Native American and Curation Questions, FY 2010 Department ARC (2011)
>>NEEDS REVISION>>3. Map of the Otumba Project Area (2008)
Nellis Air Force Base Artifact Database (2020)
New Boston Air Force Cultural Artifact Dataset (2016)
New Philadelphia Excavation Database 2004-2011 (2013)
Newbridge and Carlin sites-original combined faunal database (1974)
Newton-Hopper Site Ceramic Data (1977)
Nichols Pond Site Ceramic Data (1) (1974)
Niger Ceramics: Compositional and Descriptive Data (2014)
Nigeria Ceramics: Compositional and Descriptive Data (2014)
NMCRIS Number 126690, Photo Logs (2013)
No strike list Finland (2016)
No strike list Latvia (2016)
No strike list Lithuania (2016)
No strike list, Estonia (2016)
No strike list, Ethiopia (2020)
No strike list, Ethiopia (2020)
Nohle Site Ceramic Data (2011)
Non-flaked Lithic Tools: Temporal-Spatial Dataset (1985)
Non-rim sherds from PALM survey features (2012)
Northern Southwest Site Artiodactyl Index (2017)
Northwest Bay Site Catalog (1979)
Notch (spokeshave) Summary (2013)
Noxon Tenancy Site (7NC-F-133) Ceramic Minimum Number of Vessels (MNV) Catalog (2016)
Noxon Tenancy Site (7NC-F-133) Phase II and III Artifact Catalog (2016)
NSF2002 ceramics (Abbott) (2004)
Oak Hill #1 Catalog (1983)
OBAP (Ojo Bonito) Fauna (1998)
OBAP Ceramic Database (2016)
OBAP Macrobotanical Database (2016)
Obsidian and chert, guide to files (2012)
Obsidian bifaces points from PALM 2 (2012)
Obsidian core data from PALM 1 excavation (2012)
Obsidian core data from PALM 1 survey (2012)
Obsidian cortex occurrencees on PALM 1 survey obsidian (2012)
Obsidian cortex occurrences on excavated obsidian from PALM 1 (2012)
Obsidian Data for Terrace S25 (2015)
Obsidian from feature 1756, Palm 2 recollection and reanalysis (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations, form 1 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations, form 2 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations, form 3 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 excavations, form 4 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, form 1 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, form 2 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, form 3 (2012)
Obsidian from Palm 1 survey, form 4 (2012)
Obsidian from PALM 2 survey (2012)
Obsidian hinge blade removals, PALM 1 excavations (2012)
Obsidian hinge blade removals, PALM 1 survey (2012)
Obsidian Isolated Finds from PALM 2 survey (2012)
Obsidian retouched tools from PALM survey (2012)
Obsidian scrapers from PALM survey and excavation (2012)
Obsidian scrapers, Isolated Finds (2012)
Obsidian weight for PALM 2 survey (2012)
Oddstair_faunal_database (2012)
OECD data analyzed in Ortman et al. Cities: Complexity, Theory and History (2020)
Old Mobile Indian House Field Specimen Catalog, Mobile County, Alabama. (1996)
Oman Ceramics: Compositional and Descriptive Data (2014)
Online Appendix 1: Sample-by-Sample Charcoal Identifcations (2017)
Online Appendix 2: Sample-by-Sample Flotation Samples (2017)
Otstungo Catalog (2006)
Oversized Material Database, Archaeological Field Reconnaissance and Intensive Assessment at State Recreation Areas 1979 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Archaeological Field Reconnaissance at Dora-New Holland Recreation Area 1979 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Brookville Reservoir Waterfowl Marsh 1980 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Quakertown Recreation Area 1980 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Salamonie Reservoir Visitor’s Center 1980 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Salamonie Reservoir Wildlife Ponds 1979 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Boat Ramp #1 Site (12MO314) 1987 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Buford Reservoir Sites 1951-1955 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Clarks Hill Survey of 30 Tracts 1983 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Clifty Creek Reservoir Area 1973-1974 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Cutright #2 Site (12MO173) 1987 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Fairfax South Site (12MO346) 1987 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Field School at Sites 12WB90 and 12WB120 1981-1984 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Field School at the Biface III Site (12MI18) 1981-1982 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Grandview Area 1978 (2011)
Oversized Material Database, Honey Creek Area 1978 (2011)
Oversized Material Database, Indun Rockshelter (12MO350) 1978 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Lafayette Lake 1977 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Lake Monroe 1976 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Long Branch Lake Survey 1974-1978 (2015)
Oversized Material Database, Mary Ann Cole Site (12CR1) 1979-1981 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Mississinewa Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Ohio Cultural Resources Assessment 1976-1983 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Paynetown Light Site (12MO193) 1987 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Pine Grove Site (12MO183) 1987 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Rockport Site 1980 (2011)
Oversized Material Database, Rockport Site 1984 (2011)
Oversized Material Database, Rood's Landing (9SW1) 1955-1985 (2012)
Oversized Material Database, Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D (2012)
Oversized Material Excel Spreadsheet, Huntington Reservoir Maps N.D. (2012)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Archaeological Excavations in the Round Bottom Area 1973-1975 (2017)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Archaeological Intensive Assessment of Huntington Municipal Airport (12HU1068) 1993 (2012)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations in the Burnsville Reservoir 1971-1975 (2018)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Archaeological Survey of 3040 Acres at Strom Thurmond Lake 1997-1999 (2017)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Cemochechobee Archaeological Investigations at the Walter F. George Dam Mound Site (9CLA62) 1977-1979 (2016)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Divide Cut Section Archaeological Testing And Data Recovery I 1976-1978 (2015)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Divide-Cut Section Archaeological Survey 1974-1976 (2015)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Field School at Sites 12G9 and 12G10 1975-1976 (2012)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Florence Site (9SW124) 1988-1990 (2012)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Franklin County Mounds State Recreation Area 1977 (2012)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Jackson (1BR35) 1976-1978 (2012)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Little River-Buffalo Creek Special Land Disposal Tract 1983 (2015)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Mandeville Site (9CY1) 1959-1962 (2012)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Millers Ferry 1963-1968 (2013)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Shell Bluff Site (22LO530) 1979-1986 (2015)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Stockton Lake Project 1984-1985 (2015)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, Walter F. George Sites 1957-1962 (2012)
Oversized Material Spreadsheet, White Springs Site (22IT537) 1979-1986 (2015)
Oversized Materials Database, Cemochechobee (2012)
Oversized Materials Database, Corps of Engineers Salvage Projects 1969-1982 (2012)
Oversized Materials Database, Mary Ann Cole Site (12CR1) 1977 (2012)
Oversized Materials Database, Patoka Lake Excavations (12DU7 and 12DU8) 1976 (2012)
Oversized Materials Database, Patoka Lake Salvage Excavations 1980 (2012)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Archaeological Excavations for the Jenkins House Site (46CB41) 2002-2003 (2018)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Archaeological Survey of Beech Fork Lake 1973-1975 (2019)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Archaeological Survey of East Lynn Reservoir 1964-1965 (2019)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Banister Allen Plantation (38AB102) and Clinkscales Farm (38AB221) Data Recovery 1977-1986 (2013)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Beaverdam Creek Mound and Village 1980 (2012)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Coal River Basin Channel Rehabilitation Study 1974 (2016)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Coosa River Profile 1915 (2013)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Eastern Cabell County Wastewater Treatment Facility Area 1977-1981 (2015)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the Island Creek Basin 1979-1985 (2016)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Elbert County Road Relocations 1979 (2017)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Gregg Shoals (9EB259) and Clyde Gulley (9EB387) 1980-1984 (2013)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Highway 72 and County Road Relocation 1979 (2013)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Millwood Plantation 1980 (2018)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Palachucola Unit Survey, Webb Wildlife Management Area 1994-1995 (2017)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Pocatalico River Basin Joint Study 1973-1975 (2016)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Richard B. Russell Parks Survey 1984-1985 (2013)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Savannah River Floodplains 1980 (2013)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Relocation 1979 (2013)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Smith's Fork Site (23CL223) 2009-2010 (2015)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Stonewall Jackson Reservoir Archaeological Investigation 1974 (2018)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Survey of 7256 Acres of Timber Harvest Area at Strom Thurmond Lake 1995-1996 (2013)
Oversized Materials Spreadsheet, Walter F. George River Basin Survey 1960-1971 (2016)
p3k14c version 2022.01 (2021)
p3k14c version 2022.01 - Graveyard (2021)
p3k14c version 2022.01 - Raw data (2021)
p3k14c version 2022.01 - True coordinates (2021)
P4 pathology data (2007)
Pacasmayo Faunal Data, Dillehay Sites (2021)
Pacasmayo Faunal Data, Stackelbeck Sites (2023)
Paddy's Market (2006)
Paleoethnobotany of Otumba 1. Flotation Samples Processed
Paleoethnobotany of Otumba 2. Results of macrobotanical analysis
Paleoethnobotany of Otumba1. Flotation Samples Processed Dataset
Palm image archive data (2012)
Pato Pueblo Agave Data, with Means and Medians (2016)
Pena Blanca Fauna (2012)
People+Place database (2006)
Period Fauna; Feature information for Faunal Data (Alexandria Project)
Perry Mesa and Hopi INAA JYW Data (2013)
Peru Ceramics: Chemical and Descriptive Data (2014)
PFE Project, Supplemental Table 1 Chanduy full data (2021)
PFE Project, Supplemental Table 2 Jama full data (2021)
PFE Project, Supplemental Table 3 Bilsa full data (2021)
PFE Project, Supplemental Table 4 Jatun Sacha full data (2021)
PFE Project, Supplemental Table 5 Combined data set for multivariate statistical analyses, natural log of frequency plus 1 (2021)
PFE Project, Supplemental Table 6 The discriminant functions and their classification of soil samples into data sets (2021)
Phase I and II Archeological Resources Investigations Brindle Lake Dam Replacement Project, Fort Dix Military Reservation, Township of Plumsted, Ocean County, New Jersey, Appendix D (2007)
Phase II Artifact Inventory, Sites 18ST754 and 18ST659, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2006)
Phase III Artifact Inventory, Site 18ST659, Naval Air Station Patuxent River (2006)
Phasing Info (2006)
Photo Log (2019)
Photo Log to Accompany Field Photographs (2023)
Photograph Log, 44PW1797, Quantico (2011)
Photograph Log, 44PW1802, Quantico (2011)
Photograph Log, 44PW1860, Quantico (2011)
Photograph Log, 44PW1880, Quantico (2011)
Photograph Log, 44PW1881, Quantico (2011)
Photograph Log, 44PW1897, Quantico (2011)
Photograph Log, Davis House, Quantico (2010)
Photograph Log, Phase I Archaeological Survey on the North Bank of Pine Hill Run Naval Air Station Patuxent River St. Mary's County, Maryland (2012.042) (2011)
Photograph Log, Phase I Investigations, National Naval Medical Center (2007)
Photograph Log, Proposed Expansion of the Columbarium, US Naval Academy (2007)
Photograph Log, Survey Area 1, Quantico (2010)
Photograph Log, Survey Area 3, Quantico (2010)
Photograph Log, US Navy North Severn Waste Treatment Upgrade, US Navy North Severn Complex (2012)
Photograph Record Roll 1, Sites 18CH155 and 18CH156, Blossom Point Field Test Facility Phase II, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000)
Photograph Record Roll 2, Site 18CH155, Blossom Point Field Test Facility Phase II, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000)
Photograph Record Roll 3, Site 18CH162, Blossom Point Field Test Facility Phase II, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000)
Photograph Record Roll 4, Sites 18CH161 and 18CH162, Blossom Point Field Test Facility Phase II, Adelphi Laboratory Center (2000)
Photograph Record Roll 5, Sites 18CH156 and 18CH227, Blossom Point Field Test Facility Phase II, Adelphi Laboratory Center (1999)
Photograph Record, Phase II Investigations, Site 18FR683, Beall House, Fort Detrick (2007)
Photographic Material Database, Buford Reservoir Sites 1951-1955 (2012)
Photographic Material Database, Clarks Hill Survey of 30 Tracts 1983 (2012)
Photographic Material Database, Coosa River Photographs 1880 (2012)
Photographic Material Database, Indun Rockshelter (12MO350) 1978 (2012)
Photographic Material Database, Long Branch Lake Survey 1974-1978 (2015)
Photographic Material Database, Pine Grove Site (12MO183) 1987 (1987)
Photographic Material Database, Rood's Landing (9SW1) 1955-1985 (2012)
Photographic Material Database, Warrior River Photograph 1922 (2012)
Photographic Material Spreadsheet, Archaeological Excavations for the Jenkins House Site (46CB41) 2002-2003 (2018)
Photographic Material Spreadsheet, Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations in the Burnsville Reservoir 1971-1975 (2018)
Photographic Material Spreadsheet, Archaeological Survey of 3040 Acres at Strom Thurmond Lake 1997-1999 (2017)
Photographic Material Spreadsheet, Cemochechobee Archaeological Investigations at the Walter F. George Dam Mound Site (9CLA62) 1977-1979 (2016)
Photographic Material Spreadsheet, Di-Lane Plantation Survey 1993-1996 (2014)