Browse By Year: 2009
- CARP Fauna Burning
- CARP Fauna Origin of Fragmentation
- CARP Fauna Side or Symmetry
- EMAP_fauna_element
- EMAP_fauna_taxa
- EMAP_fauna_taxon
- HARP Fauna Burning Coding Sheet
- HARP Fauna Butchering Coding Sheet
- HARP Fauna Side Coding Sheet
- Koster Site Fauna Species Coding Sheet (Test)
- Cibola Archaeological Research Project (CARP)
- El Morro Valley Prehistory Project (EMVPP)
- Federal Archeology Program Description and Analysis
- Gran Quivira Archaeological Project
- Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project (HARP)
- Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project (OBAP)
- Orange Grove
- Pueblo Blanco Archaeological Project
- Pueblo Colorado Archaeological Project
- Quarai Pueblo Archaeological Project
- TAG Workpackage Two
- Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project (ULCPP)
- Mimbres Valley faunal data from Susan Powell's 1977 Master's Paper (1977)
- Koster-N Horizon 8A-10B Macro Identified File (1981)
- Final Report: Prehistoric Settlement Along the Lower Zuni River - 1987 Season (1987)
- HARP Fauna Post-depositional Processes Coding Sheet (1991)
- HARP Fauna (1996)
- Post-Chacoan Social Integration at the Hinkson Site, New Mexico (1996)
- Rattlesnake Point Pueblo National Register Nomination (1997)
- OBAP (Ojo Bonito) Fauna (1998)
- Preliminary Report on the Vertebrate Faunal Remains from the Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project (1998)
- ULCPP Fauna Coding Key (1999)
- Archaeofaunal Remains from Pueblo Blanco (2000)
- Pueblo Blanco faunal data (2000)
- Pueblo Colorado faunal data (2000)
- Quarai Pueblo Faunal Data (2000)
- Population and History in the Ancient Titicaca Basin (2001)
- Coding guide for Pueblo Blanco faunal remains (2002)
- Coding guide for Salinas project faunal remains, including Pueblo Colorado (2002)
- Coding guide for Salinas project faunal remains, including Quarai Pueblo (2002)
- Final Report of the Archaeofaunal Remains from Gran Quivira Pueblo (LA 120), Torrance County, New Mexico (2003)
- Gran Quivira faunal data (2003)
- EMAP fauna breakage codes (2005)
- EMAP fauna class codes (2005)
- EMAP fauna element codes (2005)
- EMAP fauna modification codes (2005)
- EMAP fauna period codes (2005)
- EMAP fauna taxon codes (2005)
- EMVPP Obsidian Sourcing Data Table (2005)
- Interpreting the Prehistory of Lyman Lake State Park (2005)
- Eastern Mimbres Archaeological Project faunal dataset (2006)
- Federal Archeology Program Quantitiative Data by Year: 1985-2003 (2006)
- Architectural Petterning in Residential Structures of the Gallina Phase from Northwestern New Mexico (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Analyst Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Burning Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Certainty Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Element Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Feature/Midden Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Horizon Feature/Midden Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Integrity Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Other Info Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Portion Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Fauna Side Coding Sheet (2008)
- Koster Site Species Coding Sheet (2008)
- ULCPP Fauna (2008)
- CARP Fauna Butchering (2009)
- CARP Fauna Completeness (Condition) (2009)
- CARP Fauna Dorsal-Ventral (2009)
- CARP Fauna Fusion (2009)
- CARP Fauna Gnawing (2009)
- CARP Fauna Proximal-Distal (2009)
- The Goals and Accomplishments of the Federal Archeology Program: The Secretary of the Interior's Report to Congress on the Federal Archeology Program, 1998-2003 (2009)
- Orange Grove (2009)
- CARP Fauna Bone Artifacts (2010)
- Coding guide for Gran Quivira faunal remains (2010)
- Federal Archeology Program Quantitiative Data by Year: 1985-2009 (2011)
- CARP Fauna Element (2012)
- CARP Fauna Natural Modification (2012)
- HARP Fauna Condition Coding Sheet (2012)