Browse By Year: 2016
1978 Archeological and Historical Assessment, Fort Sam Houston
1980 Historic American Building Survey, Fort Sam Houston, Texas
1980 Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Inventories, Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis
1995 Cultural Resources Survey, Fort Sam Houston Recreational Area
1GR2 Craigs Landing Site N.D.
2000 Historic American Building Survey, Fort Sam Houston
2003 Historic American Building Survey, Fort Sam Houston
Anderson (LA37690) - Photographs
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 1, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, La Paz County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 11, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 12, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 2, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, La Paz County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 3, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, La Paz County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 4, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, La Paz County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 5B, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 6, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 7, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona
Archaeological Survey and Investigations Along Reach 8, Granite Reef Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project, Maricopa County, Arizona
An Archaeology of Institutional Confinement: the Hyde Park Barracks 1848-1886
Aus Sibirien. Lose Blätter aus dem Tagebuch eines reisenden Linguisten
Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology Volume 01
Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology Volume 02
Barbour County (Multiple) Arbitrary 1968-1979 and N.D. Investigations
Big Bangs and Little Bangs Mounds (12HU25 and 12HU26) 1964
Blackmon (1BR25) 1983 and N.D.
Boat Ramp #1 Site (12MO314) 1987
Breeden Site (12HR11) 1966
Brookville Lake N.D.
Buford Reservoir Sites 1951-1955
Calixtlahuaca Archaeological Project
Casselden Place Archaeological Excavations
Cemochechobee Archaeological Investigations at the Walter F. George Dam Mound Site (9CLA62) 1977-1979
Cerro Jazmin Archaeological Project 2008-2016
Chapman and Lockman Arbitrary Collection N.D.
Chapman and Lockman Archaeological Investigations 1979
A Class III Section 110 Cultural Resources Survey of 970 Acres of Bureau of Reclamation Withdrawn Lands Along the Verde River, Prescott National Forest, Yavapai County, Arizona
Clifty Creek 1969
Clifty Creek Human Skeletal Remains N.D.
Coosa River Photographs 1880
Corps of Engineers Salvage Projects 1969-1982
Cultural Resources Survey of Proposed Pennsylvania Route 166 Bridge 1993
Cutright #2 Site (12MO173) 1987
Dainzú-Macuilxóchitl Archaeological Project
Divide-Cut Section Archaeological Survey 1974-1976
EMAP Avilas Canyon (LA44997, LA45000) - Photographs
EMAP Buckaroo (LA70259) - Photographs
EMAP Flying Fish (LA37767) - Photographs
EMAP Juniper Village (LA37781) – Photographs
EMAP Las Animas (LA 3949) – Photographs
EMAP Lee (LA70258) - Photographs
EMAP Lizard Terrace Pueblo (LA37726_LA37727) - Photographs
EMAP Lower Palomas 85NM601 - Photographs
EMAP Mtn Lion Hamlet (LA37728) - Photographs
EMAP Pague Well (LA130191) - Photographs
EMAP Phelps (LA37691) - Photographs
EMAP Ronnie (LA45103) - Photographs
EMAP SJ Hamlet (LA45028) - Photographs
Exploring the Archaeology of the Modern City project
Fairfax South Site (12MO346) 1987
Field School at Sites 12WB90 and 12WB120 1981-1984
Final Environmental Impact Statement for Land Use and Development Plan, Bellows Air Force Station, Waimanalo, Hawai’i
Fishing Lure Vessel (Accession # AL83.31) N.D. Final
Flintlock Burial N.D.
Florence Site (9SW124) 1988-1990
Grandview Area 1978
Great houses, shrines, and high places: Intervisibility in the Chacoan world
Griswold, 36Er62
Harry S. Truman Reservoir 1961-1993 Empty Bags
A Historical Archaeology of the Commonwealth Block 1850-1950
Honey Creek Area 1978
Human ecodynamics of late Neanderthal survival and anatomically modern human expansion at the Middle-Upper Paleolithic Transition, Lapa do Picareiro, Portugal
Huntington County N.D.
Huntington County Test Excavations 1963
Huntington Reservoir Area Appraisal 1963-1964
Indian Hill Donation 1956
Indun Rockshelter (12MO350) 1978
The Influence of Religious Authority in Everyday Life: A landscape scale study of domestic architecture and religious law in ancient Hawai‘i
Jackson (1BR35) 1968 and N.D.
Jackson (1BR35) 1976-1978
Lafayette Lake 1977
Lake Monroe 1976
Lake Monroe Survey and Excavation Arbitrary Collection 1976-1997
Little Lon excavations
Long Branch Lake Survey 1974-1978
Loop Handle Jar (Accession # 566-1-43) N.D.
Mandeville Site (9CY1) 1959-1962
Mary Ann Cole Site (12CR1) 1976
Mary Ann Cole Site (12CR1) 1977
Mary Ann Cole Site (12CR1) 1979-1981
Mary Ann Cole Site (12CR1) N.D.
Millers Ferry 1963-1968
Mimbres Inequality
Mississinewa Reservoir Survey 1980-1982
Monroe County Archaeological Investigation 1984
Monroe County Survey 1976
New Geneva Pottery Waster and Dock Site (36FA404) 1995
Newburgh Locks and Dam N.D.
OAR Projects Progress Reports 1968-1972
Ohio River Cultural Resources Assessment 1976-1983
Omussee Creek Arbitrary (1HO27) 1982 and 1984
Omussee Creek Park (1HE4) 1977
Patoka Lake Excavations (12DU7 and 12DU8) 1976
Patoka Lake Salvage Excavations 1980
Paynetown Light Site (12MO193) 1987
Phase 1 Eligibility Testing, Data Recovery, and Archival Research along Reaches 1 and 2 of the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation, Pinal County, Arizona
Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery, Cardon/Holton Site [7NC-F-128], St. Georges Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware
Pine Grove Site (12MO183) 1987
Pomme de Terre Unprovenienced Material N.D.
Public Notices 1975-1980
Red Letter Shelter (23JA1703) 2011
Replacement of Locks and Dams 7 and 8 Monongahela River 1986
Rockport Site 1980
Rockport Site 1984
Rockport Site N.D.
Rood's Landing (9SW1) 1955-1985
Rood's Landing Tom Meltzer (9SW1) 1975 and 1980
Russell County Arbitrary (Multiple) 1969 and N.D.
Salamonie and Mississinewa Reservoirs 1961-1963
Salamonie Reservoir Maps N.D.
Site 12MO133 N.D.
Site 12MO194 N.D.
Site 12MO301 N.D.
Site 23PO309 Investigation 1967
Smith's Fork Site (23CL223) 2009-2010
Southern Plains Trace Elements Paleoindian Bison teeth
State Route 3003 Relocation Along Georges Creek 1995
Stewart County Arbitrary 1969-1978 Investigations
Stockton Lake Survey and Wimmer Collection 1992-1993
Suburban archaeology: approaching an archaeology of the middle class in 19th century Melbourne
Surveys at Patoka Lake 1966
Surveys at Patoka Lake 1976
Surveys at Patoka Lake 1977
Surveys at Patoka Lake 1979
Tishomingo County Type Collection N.D.
Uniontown, Kentucky N.D.
Viewbank Homestead (PhD Research)
Village Ecodynamics Project I
Wabash County Excavation N.D.
Wabash County Survey N.D.
Wabash Floodplain Archaeological Survey N.D.
Wavema Archaeological Research Project
White Springs Site (22IT537) 1979-1986
Zooarchaeology of Longshan Period Taosi and Zhoujiazhuang, Shanxi Province, China
Architectura navalis. Aeloude en hedendaagsche scheepsbouw en bestier (1671)
Des principes de l'architecture, de la sculpture, de la peinture et des autres arts qui en dépendent (1676)
De Nederlandsche scheepsbouwkonst opengestelt (1697)
Algemene en verbeterde Hollantsche scheepsbouw (1716)
WEG-WYZER voor aankomende Goud en zilversmeden door Willem van Laer, Mr. Zilver-smidt tot Zwoln (1721)
Großes Universal Lexicon aller Wissenschaften und Künste Welche bißhern durch menschlichen Verstand und Wiß erfunden worden [reprint from 1961 (Graz, Austria)] (1733)
Art du charbonnier (1760)
Emile ou de L'education (reprint 1991) (1762)
De alleruijtgesoghten kunstten en weetenschappen, door een liefhebber van weetenschappen I.I.H. uijtgevonden en bey een versaamelt (1784)
Beschrijving van het houtskoolbranden met aanhangsel over de leerlooier (1790)
Om Jern-Malm som findes i Myrer og Moradser i Norge og Omgangs-Maaden med at forvandle den til Jern og Staal (1790)
Praktische Abhandlung von den Sumpf- und Morast Eisensteinen in Norwegen und von der Methode solche in so genannte Bauer – oder Bläseöfen in Eisen und Stahl zu verwandeln (1801)
Vollständige Abhandlung von dem Teerbrennen in einem mehr vollkommenen Teerofen (1805)
Handbuch der Eisenhuttenkunde (1816)
Handleiding voor landlieden over de wijze om vlas zonder roting te bereiden (1818)
Notice regarding the working and polishing of granite in India (1821)
Das Kupferschmiedhandwerk mit den nôthigen Vorlehren über die Erzuegung und Behandlung des ROHKUPFERS, so wie aller in dieses Fach einschlagenden Produkte; Weimar, 1839, Aus “Neuer Schauplatz de Künste und Handwerk” (1839)
Catalogus der werktuigen en gereedschappen van 's Rijkskabinet van landbouw te Utrecht (published 1840 - 1844) (1840)
Nouveau manuel du charpentier (1848)
Catalogus der werktuigen, gereedschappen, granen, hout- en wolsoorten, in het Kabinet van landbouw van 's rijks hoogeschool te Leiden (1851)
Limes, Cements, Mortars and Concretes (1856)
Theer-Fabrikation für Waldbesitzer und Forstmänner (1857)
How the indians made stone arrowheads (1859)
Mémoire sur la pourpre (1859)
On the manufacture of works of art by the Esquimeaux (1861)
Cours de construction. Connaissance des materiaux - emploi des materiaux - theorie des constructions (1862)
Die Metallurgie: Gewinnung und Verarbeitung der Metalle und ihrer Legierungen, in praktischer und theoretischer, besonders chemischer Beziehung. Zweiter Band. Erste Abtheilung (1864)
Iron: Its History, Properties and Processes of Manufacture (1865)
Idee einer Rekonstruction der im Moselbette aufgefundenen römischen Brückenreste (1867)
Drilling in stone without metal (1869)
Durchbohrung der Steinbeile, der Hirschhornwerkzeuge und anderer Geräthe aus den Pfahlbauten (1870)
Ancient stone implements, weapons and ornaments of Great Britain and Ireland (1872)
Ueber Steingeräthe und deren Herstellung (1872)
Die Erzeugung der Steinwaffen (1874)
On early modes of navigation (1875)
Historic Photographs and Letter to the Quartermaster General, Building 16, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (1876)
Pfahlbau im Arrasch-See (Lievland) (1876)
Beiträge zur Frage über die Gewinnung des Eisens und die Bearbeitung von Bronzen (1877)
Birkentheer in den Schussenrieder Pfahlbauten (1877)
Catalogus der ethnologische afdeeling van het Museum van het Bataviaansch genootschap van kunsten en wetenschappen (1877)
Methods of making stone weapons (1877)
Pfahlbau vom Arrasch-See (1877)
Zur Technik der antiken Bronzeindustrie (1878)
Die Kalkbrennkunst. Schauplatz der Künste und Handwerke oder vollständige Beschreibung derselben (1879)
How our ancestors in the Stone Age made their implements (1879)
The Manufacture of Charcoal in Kilns (1880)
Aboriginal stone drilling (1881)
Töpferei in Neu-Guinea (1882)
Die Geschichte des Eisens in technischer und kulturgeschichtlicher Beziehung. Erste Abteilung. Von der Ältesten zeit bis um das Jahr 1500 N. Chr. (1884)
Die Metalle bei den Naturvölkern (1884)
Praktiske Forsög, Arkaeologiske Undersögelser 1878-1881 (1884)
Norske Oldsager (1885)
Throwing sticks in the National Museum (1885)
Vollständige Anleitung zum Formen und Gießen (1885)
Manufacture of bows and arrows among the Natano (Hupa) and Kenuck (Kiamath) indians (1886)
Observations on stone chipping (1886)
Ueber die Wurfhölzer der Indianer Amerikas (1887)
Experiments Illustrating the descent of the Charge in an Iron Blast-Furnace (1888)
Pfeilschleuderhaken? (1888)
Aboriginal skin dressing (1889)
Über südamerikanische Wurfhölzer im Københavner Museum (1889)
Altmexikanische Wurfbretter (1890)
Über altmexikanische und südamerikanische Wurfbretter (1890)
Die Geschichte des Eisens in technischer und kulturgeschichtlicher Beziehung. Zweite Abteilung. Das XVI und XVII Jahrhundert (1890)
Handbuch der Waffenkunde (1890)
The atlatl or spear-thrower of the ancient Mexicans (1891)
Huggeforsøg med skivespaltere i fyrretræ (1891)
Les propulseurs à crochet : modernes et préhistoriques (1891)
Manufacture of stone arrow-points (1891)
The stone hammer and its various uses (1891)
The chemistry of paints and painting (1892)
The methods of fire-making (1892)
On prehistoric saws vs. Sickles (1892)
Throwing Sticks [letter dated September 15 1893] (1893)
The use of flint blades to work pine wood (1893)
The germ of shore-land pottery: an experimental study (1894)
Primitive copper working: an experimental study (1894)
Aboriginal handicraft in stone (1895)
Ambacht van de smid (1895)
Antike Handarbeiten (1895)
The arrow (1895)
How stone arrowheads were made (1895)
A study of the primitive methods of drilling (1896)
Die Geschichte des Eisens in technischer und kulturgeschichtlicher Beziehung. Dritte Abteilung. Das XVIII. Jahrhundert (1897)
Eisengewinnung in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit, Teil 1 (1897)
The method of making stone arrow points (1897)
Studien über nordeuropäische Fibelformen der ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhunderte: mit Berücksichtigungder provinzialrömischen und südrussischen Formen. 2 volumes (Dissertation) (1897)
Survivals of the stone age (1897)
Survivals of the stone age. Instances where the art of making stone implements has been preserved till the present time (1897)
Vor Oldtid (1897)
Bevelled arrowheads (1898)
Some North American spear-throwers (1898)
Arrowpoints, spearheads and knives of prehistoric times (1899)
Die Geschichte des Eisens in technischer und kulturgeschichtlicher Beziehung. Vierte Abteilung. Das XIX. Jahrhundert von 1801 an bis 1860 (1899)
The early metallurgy of copper, tin and iron in Europe, as illustrated by ancient remains, and the primitive process surviving in Japan (1899)
Het rooien van stronken en boomen (1899)
Grundregeln und Grundsätze beim Wiederherstellen von Baudenkmälern (1900)
Urgeschichtlich-ethnographische Beziehungen am alten Anspanngeräthen (1900)
Arrow wounds (1901)
Die Fahrzeuge der Samoaner (1901)
The Eskimo of Baffin Land and Hudson Bay (1901)
Aboriginal American harpoons: a study in ethnic distribution and invention (1902)
Alte Anspannungsgeräthe (1902)
Schleudervorrichtungen für Wurfwaffen (1902)
Steel and Iron: Comprising the Practice and Theory of the Several Methods Pursued in Their Manufacture, and of Their Treatment in the Rolling Mills, the Forge, and the Foundry (1902)
Das Feuerbohren nach indianischer Weise (1903)