Browse By Year: 2019
Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations in the Burnsville Reservoir 1971-1975
Archaeological Survey of Beech Fork Lake 1973-1975
Archaeological Survey of East Lynn Reservoir 1964-1965
An archaeology of colonial consumption: Sydney trade and material culture, 1788–1901
Burnsville Surface Collection (46BX23) N.D.
Cibola Breadstuff: Foodways and Social Transformation in the Cibola Region A.D. 1150-1400
Games of Thrones: Board Games and Social Complexity in Bronze Age Cyprus
Local Chert Reduction, Maintenance, and Toolmaking: Terminal Classic Chert Use at Nohmul, Belize (dataset)
Papago Road Addendum Survey for San Xavier Farm Extension Project
Permian Basin Mitigation Program, Transect Recording Unit Survey and Small-Scale Excavations at 42 Sites Along the Southwest Pecos Slopes, Eddy County, New Mexico
PIA Atalla
Shade Tree
Supplementary information files, Food and Society at Real Alto, an Early Formative Community in Southwest Coastal Ecuador
Archeological Notes On Texas Canyon, Arizona No. 2 (1934)
Archeological Notes On Texas Canyon, Arizona No.1 (1934)
Archeological Notes On Texas Canyon, Arizona No. 3 (1938)
A Ceremonial Cave in the Winchester Mountains (1941)
Painted Cave Northern Arizona (1945)
The Tres Alamos Site on the San Pedro River, Southeastern Arizona (1947)
The Babocomari Village Site on the Babocomari River, Southeastern Arizona (1951)
El Morro Valley Survey-Wake Forest University (1963)
An Archaeological Survey of East Lynn Reservoir, Wayne County, West Virginia (1965)
Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations in the Burnsville Reservoir 1971-1975, Archival Photograph, 2076-0079 (1973)
Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations in the Burnsville Reservoir 1971-1975, Archival Photograph, 2076-0081 (1973)
Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations in the Burnsville Reservoir 1971-1975, Archival Photograph, 2076-0082 (1973)
Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations in the Burnsville Reservoir 1971-1975, Archival Photograph, 2076-0083 (1973)
Casas Grandes: A Fallen Trading Center of the Gran Chichimeca, Volume 5, Architecture (1974)
Casas Grandes: A Fallen Trading Center of the Gran Chichimeca, Volume 6, Ceramics and Shell (1974)
Archaeological Survey of Beech Fork Lake, Wayne and Cabell Counties, West Virginia (1975)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK0247 (1977)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK0248 (1977)
An Archaeological and Historical Survey of Seven Proposed Recreation Resource Sites in the Lower Hillsborough River Flood Detention Area, Hillsborough County, Floridal (1979)
An experimental comparison of the east Asian, Hellenistic and Indian (Gandharan) stills in relation to the distillation of ethanol and acetic acid (1980)
Test Excavations at 8Hi450D: An Inland Archaic Occupation in Hillsborough County, Florida (1981)
Archaeological Site Evaluation La Paloma Project Area Tucson, Arizona (1984)
Archaeological Site Significance Evaluations for Cienega Ventana Project (1984)
Archaeological Testing Within the Santa Cruz Industrial Park, Tucson, Arizona (1984)
Hohokam Settlement Patterns in the San Xavier Project Area (1984)
Letter Report: Archaeological Survey of 20 acres in the Old Fort Lowell Neighborhood (1984)
Letter to the Director of the Department of Archives and History from the Military Airlift Command, Request for Assistance (1984)
Geological and Archaeological Investigations of Airport Wash in the Southern Tucson Basin (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0105 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0106 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0107 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0108 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0109 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0110 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0111 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0112 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0113 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0114 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0115 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0116 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0117 (1985)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0118 (1985)
Santa Cruz River Stabilization at Valencia Road: Archaeological Testing at the Valencia Site (1985)
Archaeological Investigations at the Tanque Verde Wash Site, A Middle Rincon Settlement in the Eastern Tucson Basin (1986)
Archaeological Investigations at the West Branch Site: Early and Middle Rincon Occupation in the Southern Tucson Basin (1986)
Archaeological Studies at Az BB:13:223 (ASM) and Nearby Sites in the Santa Cruz Industrial Park Tucson, Arizona (1986)
Archaeological Testing of Three Sites Along the El Rio-Star Pass Reclaimed Water line Tucson, Arizona (1986)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0119 (1986)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0120 (1986)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38OR0121 (1986)
The Petroglyphs of Black Mountain San Xavier Reservation, Arizona (1986)
Rancho Vistoso Community Archaeological Site Inventory Report (1986)
Rincon Phase Decorated Ceramics in the Tuscon Basin: A Focus on the West Branch Site (1986)
The Valencia Site Testing Project: Mapping, Intensive Surface Collecting, and Limited Trenching Of a Hohokam Ballcourt Village in the Southern Tucson Basin (1986)
Archeological Survey of the Sulphur Spring Valley, Southeast Arizona (1987)
Cultural Resources Survey: Torpedo Maintenance Facility, Project P-748 Naval Weapons Station, Charleston, South Carolina (1988)
The Pima County Archaeological Inventory Project (1988)
The Prehistory of Sun City Vistoso, Arizona (1988)
Results of Archaeological Testing Along The Wapa 115-KV Transmission Line Through Continental Ranch, Marana, Arizona: Sites AZ AA:12:146 (ASM) and AZ AA:12:147(ASM) (1988)
Archaeological Investigations at Los Morteros, AZ AA:12:57 (ASM), Locus 1, in the Northern Tucson Basin (1989)
Archaeological Investigations at Petroglyph Sites in the Painted Rock Reservoir Area, Southwestern Arizona (1989)
Archaeological Investigations at the Redtail Site, AA:12:149 (ASM), in the Northern Tucson Basin (1989)
Archaeological Testing of the Haught Parcel Within the Upper Tonto Basin, Gila County, Arizona (1989)
Archaeological Testing Within the Upper Tonto Basin the Rye Creek Project (1989)
Ancient Hohokam Communities in Southern Arizona: The Coyote Mountains Archaeological District in the Alter Valley (1990)
Archaeological Investigations at the Lonetree Site, AA:12:120 (ASM), in the Northern Tucson Basin (1990)
HARP 1990 Excavation Forms (1990)
HARP 1990 In-Field and Survey Lithic and Groundstone Tabulation Forms (1990)
HARP 1990 In-Field Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1990)
HARP 1990 Survey Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1990)
HARP 1990 Survey Forms LZ500-LZ599 (1990)
HARP 1990 Survey Forms LZ600-629, LZ650-659 (1990)
A Late Archaic Occupation at AZ AA:12:105 (ASM) (1990)
Mount Pleasant. An Eighteenth-Century Yuchi Indian Town, British Trader Outpost, and Military Garrison in Georgia. (1990)
Rincon Phase Seasonal Occupation in the Northern Tucson Basin (1990)
Archaeological Testing at the Romero Ruin (1991)
HARP 1990-1991 Excavation and Survey Ceramic Tabulations (1991)
HARP 1990-1991 Excavation Chipped Stone Tabulation Forms (1991)
HARP 1990-1991 Photograph Logs (1991)
HARP 1990-1991 Specimen Logs (1991)
HARP 1990-1991 Survey Chipped Stone Tabulation Forms (1991)
HARP 1991 Excavation Forms (1991)
HARP 1991 In-Field Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1991)
HARP 1991 Survey Forms LZ700-799 (1991)
HARP 1991 Survey Forms LZ800-864 (1991)
HARP Supplemental Documents (1991)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK01269 (1991)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1270 (1991)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1271 (1991)
Archaeological Investigations at the City of Tucson Reclaimed Water Treatment Plant (1992)
Memorandum for Commanding Officer, Southern Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command on Cultural Resource Assessment at Marrington Plantation Recreation Area (1992)
A Prehistoric Agricultural Field and Protohistoric Camp at AZ AA:16:335 (ASM) in the Tucson Basin: Data Recovery for the Road Widening Project (1992)
Archaeological Investigations of Tucson Block 94: The Boarding House Residents of the Hotel Catalina Site (1993)
Archaeological Test Excavations for the Water Plant No. 1 Expansion, Historic Block 138, City of Tucson (1993)
Archaeological Testing of the Pima Community College Desert Vista Campus Property: The Valencia North Project (1993)
Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project, Results of Phase 1 Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:746 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1993)
Petrographic Analysis and Provenience of Ten Plain ware Potsherds from the Country Club Road Project, Mesa, Arizona (1993)
Phase 1 Archaeological Testing Report and Phase 2 Data Recovery Proposal for the ADOT Sycamore Creek Project, Tonto Basin, Arizona (1993)
Qualitative Temper Characterization of Potsherds from the West Branch Site, Tucson, Arizona (1993)
An Archaeological and Historic Resources Inventory of McGuire Air force Base, New Jersey (1994)
Archaeological Clearance Report for Phase 2 Data Recovery at Sites on the Slate Creek Section, ADOT State Route 188 Project, Tonto Basin, Arizona (1994)
Archaeological Data Recovery at a Site Near Topawa, Baboquivari District,Tohono O'odham Reservation (1994)
Archaeological Investigations at the Mule Mountain Site, AZ FF:9:29 (ASM) (1994)
Fax, ECS-Trip Report on the Cultural Resource Evaluation of North American Waterfowl Project-Dam #1, Moncks Corner (Berkeley County) Field Office (1994)
Hand Samples Petrographic Analysis of Sand Samples from Power's Gulch and Pinto Creek for the Carlota Testing Project (SWCA Project No. 31-93435) (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1071 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1677 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1678-1679 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1682 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1684 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1685 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1687 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1689 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1690 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1693 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1694 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1695 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1697 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1698 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1699 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1700 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1701 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1702 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1703 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1704 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1705 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1707 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1708 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1710 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1713 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1714 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1715 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1716f (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1718 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1721 (1994)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1722 (1994)
Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery at AZ BB:13:110 (ASM) and AZ BB:13:159 (ASM), Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1994)
Petrologic Analysis of Sand and Sherd Samples for the San Simon Archaeological Project (1994)
Phase 1 Archaeological Data Recovery Report and Phase 2 Data Recovery Proposal for the Punkin Center Section, ADOT State Route 188 Project, Tonto Basin, Arizona (1994)
Phase 1 Archaeological Data Recovery Report and Phase 2 Data Recovery Proposal For the Slate Creek Section, ADOT State Route 188 Project, Tonto Basin, Arizona (1994)
Research Design, Cultural Resource Survey of the Charleston Naval Weapons Station, Charleston County, South Carolina (1994)
Tucson at the Turn of the Century: The Archaeology of Block 83 (1994)
77th Regional Support Command, Cultural Resource Managment Plan, Fort Dix, Burlington County, New Jersey (1995)
Archaeological Excavations at the Arivaca Wash Cemetery, AZ DD:7:26 (ASM), Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge (1995)
Archaeological Investigations at Los Morteros: A Prehistoric Settlement in the Northern Tucson Basin Complete Report, Part I (1995)
Archaeological Investigations at Los Morteros: A Prehistoric Settlement in the Northern Tucson Basin Complete Report, Part II (1995)
Archaeological Test Excavations in Sunset Park, Tucson, Arizona (1995)
Archaeological Testing at the Eastern Margin of the Hodges Site (1995)
Archaeological Testing of Soils Test Pits for a Pipeline for the Proposed Recharge/Wetlands Project (1995)
Archaeological Testing of Soils Test Pits for Proposed Development of a Wetlands and Recharge Basin at AZ AA:12:90 (1995)
Archaeological Testing of the Tubac Schoolhouse Ramp Footers (1995)
Archaeological Testing on the Rio Nuevo South Property, Tucson, Arizona (1995)
Archival and Archaeological Evaluation of the Proposed Evo A. DeConcini Federal Building and United States Courthouse Property, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (1995)
The Cold War in South Carolina, 1945-1991: An Inventory of Department of Defense Cold War Era Cultural and Historical Resources in the State of South Carolina, Final Report, Volume II, Part A (1995)
The Cold War in South Carolina, 1945-1991: An Inventory of Department of Defense Cold War Era Cultural and Historical Resources in the State of South Carolina, Final Report, Volume II, Part B (1995)
Cultural Resources Survey of the Charleston Naval Weapons Station, Berkeley and Charleston Counties, South Carolina (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1680 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1681 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1683 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1686 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1688 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1696 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1706 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1709 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1711 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1712 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1717 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1719 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1720 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1762 (1995)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1765 (1995)
Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project: Results of Archaeological Testing and a Plan for Data Recovery at AZ AA:12:91 (ASM) (1995)
Investigations at Milagro, A Late Preceramic Site in the Eastern Tucson Basin (1995)
Petrographic Analysis of Sherds for the MCDOT Pueblo Blanco Excavation Project (1995)
Petrographic and Qualitative Analysis of Tanque Verde Red-on-brown Sherds from the Northern Tucson Basin and Avra Valley (1995)
A Plan for Archaeological Testing along the A-Mountain Drainage System (1995)
Rock Art in Arizona (1995)
Scanned Asset Key, State Route 3003 Relocation along Georges Creek 1995 (1995)
Archaeological Data Recovery of Bajada Rock Features for the Los Reales Landfill Expansion Project (1996)
Archaeological Investigations of the Tucson Pressed Brick Company, Tucson, Arizona (1996)
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed East and West Access Shafts for the Bushy Park Water Tunnel Berkeley County, South Carolina (1996)
Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Naval Nuclear Power Training Command Facility, Naval Weapons Station – Charleston, Berkeley County, South Carolina (1996)
Archaeological Testing of the Juhan Park Parcel along the Santa Cruz River in Tucson, Arizona (1996)
Archaeological Testing of the Proposed Federal Building and United States Courthouse Property (1996)
Archaeological Testing of the Proposed Phoenix Federal Building and United States Courthouse Property (1996)
Further Archaeological Investigations of the Rio Nuevo South Property, City of Tucson, Arizona (1996)
HARP Heshotauthla Polychrome INAA Results (1996)
Interstate 10 Frontage Road Project: Results of Archaeological Testing (1996)
Limited Excavation at the Eastern Margin of the Hodges Site (1996)
Overview: Historic and Archaeological Resources Protection (HARP) Plan, Charleston Naval Weapons Station, South Carolina (1996)
Petrographic and Qualitative Analyses of Sands and Sherds from the Lower Verde River Area (1996)
A Rincon Phase Occupation at the Julian Wash Site, AZ BB:13:17 (ASM) (1996)
Archaeological Investigations at El Dumpe, a Mid-Twentieth-Century Dump, and the Embankment Site, Tucson, Arizona (1997)
Archaeological Investigations of the Early Agricultural Period Settlement at the Base of A-Mountain, Tucson, Arizona (1997)
Archaeological Testing in the Santa Cruz River Floodplain within and near the Julian Wash Site, AZ BB:13:17 (ASM) (1997)
Historic and Archaeological Resources Protection Plan for Naval Weapons Station, Charleston, South Carolina (1997)
Preliminary Archaeological Testing at the West Branch Site, AZ AA:16:3, in the Saguaro Knolls Development Area (1997)
Archaeological Data Recovery at the Sunset Mesa Ruin (AZ AA:12:10 ASM) (1998)
Archaeological Investigations at Small Sites on the Upper Bajada of the Tortolita Mountains, Northern Tucson Basin (1998)
Archaeological Investigations for the Roger to Ina Reclaimed Transmission Line Project, Pima County, Arizona (1998)
Archaeological Testing and Monitoring of the Reclaimed Pipeline Project (Phase 1) (1998)
Archaeological Testing East of Pantano Road, Tucson, Arizona (1998)
Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Ordnance Railroad Modifications, Naval Weapons Station, Charleston, Berkeley County, South Carolina (1998)
EMVPP 1998 Survey LZ1200-1247 Survey Forms (1998)
EMVPP 1998 Survey Supplemental Documents (1998)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38CH1705 (1998)
Stage 1A Cultural Resource Investigations for the Newport Research Facility (Tanner Hill and Irish Hill) Town of Newport, Herkimer County, New York (1998)
Archaeological Investigations for the Menlo Park Storm Drain Project: Prehistoric and Historic Canal Systems at the Base of A-Mountain (1999)
Archaeological Probabilistic Modeling of the Charleston Naval Weapons Station, Berkeley and Charleston Counties, South Carolina (1999)
Archaeological Testing at Valencia Vieja West, AZ BB:13:15 (ASM) (1999)
EMVPP 1999 Survey LZ1250-1297 Survey Forms (1999)
EMVPP 1999 Survey Supplemental Documents (1999)
Letter for Proposed Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Car Wash and Equipment Rental Sites on the Naval Weapons Station, Berkeley County, South Carolina (1999)
The Los Gigantes Community: Post-Chacoan Settlement in the Zuni Region of the American Southwest (1999)
The State of Living History Interpretation in the former North America Colonies of Great Britain (1999)
A Summary of the Results of Archaeological Survey of Proposed Tower and Mall Sites on the Naval Weapons Station Charleston, Berkeley County, South Carolina (1999)
Survey and Evaluation of Cold War Resources, New Boston Air Station, New Boston, New Hampshire (1999)
The Cave Buttes Excess Property Archaeological Project of Northern Maricopa County, Arizona (2000)
Data Recovery at AZ EE:9:117, a Small Site along the Santa Cruz River North of Nogales, Arizona (2000)
Excavations at Sunset Mesa Ruin (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1831 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1832 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1833 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1834 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1835 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1836 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1837 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1838 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1839 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1840 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1841 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1842 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1843 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1844 (2000)
Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina Site Survey Record 38BK1845 (2000)