Queen Creek (Geographic Keyword)

51-61 (61 Records)

Hohokam Archaeology along the Salt-Gila Aqueduct Central Arizona Project, Volume VIII: Material Culture (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Leigh Anne Ellison

This is the eighth volume of a nine-volume series reporting archaeological investigations in south-central Arizona along the SaltGila Aqueduct (SGA), conducted for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) under Contract No. 0-07-32-V0101. The SGA is a 58-mile-Iong component of the Central Arizona Project that begins east of Phoenix and extends to the vicinity of the Picacho Mountains. Specialized analyses of artifacts recovered from 45 sites excavated along the SGA are reported in this volume. The...

The Middle Gila Basin: An Archaeological and Historical Overview (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Claudia F. Berry. William S. Marmaduke.

The Central Arizona Project (CAP) , Indian Distribution Division (IDD) is designed to deliver allocated CAP water to Indian users. The Middle Gila Basin Overview is the initial cultural resources planning study for the system. It summarizes and evaluates the extant data in an area 3,570 square miles (9,139 sq km) large, centered on the Gila River. The data suggests that archaeological sites in this area are numerous and varied, but most of all poorly-studied despite 100 years of research. A...

Mitigation Plan for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct (1979)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Pat H. Stein.

In 1978, the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) directed the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) to complete an intensive archaeological survey of the proposed alignment for the Salt-Gila Aqueduct, a feature of the Central Arizona Project. The survey area was 11,115 acres and included the 60 mile-long transmission line (with a typical width of 200 meters), three proposed utility line locations, one flood retention dike location, 11 possible spoil or realignment areas, and a subsidence well....

Phase I Data Recovery Results for a Portion of the Southwest Germann Site, AZ U:10:2 (ASM): The SRP Rohrig Substation, Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Scott Courtright. Rebecca J. Hill.

The following report summarizes the results of Phase I data recovery within a portion of AZ U:10:2 (ASM), the Southwest Germann Site, a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-eligible prehistoric site situated near the intersection of Sossaman and Rittenhouse Roads in the town of Queen Creek, Arizona (Figure 1). The Salt River Project (SRP) plans to construct a substation within a rectangular-shaped, 310- by 360-foot area (USGS Higley, Arizona 7.5' 1956/1981). The 2.5-acre Rohrig...

Phase II Data Recovery at Pozos de Sonoqui / AZ U:14:49 (ASM) within the Proposed Alignment in Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

This report documents Phase II data recovery at a portion of the project site performed by archaeologists from Jacobs Engineering (Jacobs) in Phoenix, Arizona. Under contract with Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), archaeologists from Jacobs conducted data recovery at the site from January 8, 2013, through May 1, 2013. The Phase II data recovery resulted in the discovery of 104 features and excavation of 85 features, along with the recovery of thousands of artifacts.

Prehistoric Irrigation in Arizona: A Context for Canals and Related Cultural Resources (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allen Dart.

This is a report that covers the prehistoric irrigation systems located within Arizona. Funded by the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, this report describes the locations of irrigation works throughout Arizona, their use and descriptions, along with their importance and need for preservation. The appendices outline goals, strategies and priorities for future resource planning, suggested priorities for SHPO action, methods of dating, and lastly, historic properties eligible for...

Preliminary Report of Phase II Data Recovery at Pozos de Sonoqui/AZ U:14:49 (ASM) within the Proposed Alignment in Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark L. Chenault. Michael Stubing.

This document is the preliminary report for Phase II data recovery at a portion of Pozos de Sonoqui (AZ U:14:49 [ASM]). Pozos de Sonoqui is a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-eligible property located in Queen Creek in southeastern Maricopa County. Under contract with Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), archaeologists from the cultural resources program at Jacobs Engineering (Jacobs) in Phoenix, Arizona, conducted data recovery at the site from January 8, 2013,...

Results of Archaeological Testing at the New SRP Hunt Electrical Substation, Pinal County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deil R. Lundin. Bruce G. Phillips. J. Simon Bruder.

SRP plans to construct a new electrical substation (Hunt Substation) southeast of the intersection of Empire Boulevard and Gary Road within Pinal County, Arizona. The project area is in the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 6, Township 3 South Range 8 East, Gila and Salt River Base Line and Meridian. This area is depicted on the Sacaton NE, Arizona USGS 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle (1978). The subject parcel is approximately 300 feet by 300 feet (two acres), and is located...

Return to Siphon Draw: Archaeological Investigations Along the Browning to Dinosaur 500kV/230kV Transmission Line, Pinal County, Arizona (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

The results of archaeological investigations at three prehistoric Hohokam sites within the right-of-way corridor for the Salt River Project Browning to Dinosaur Transmission Line, east of Mesa and Queen Creek, Arizona, are presented in this report. The sites include the Siphon Draw site, AZ U:10:6 (ASM), a pre-Classic period (circa A.D. 800-1000) village; AZ U:10:8 (ASM), a classic period (circa A.D. 1150-1450) wild resource-processing and habitation site; and AZ U:10:172 (ASM), a Colonial...

Salt-Gila Aqueduct (Fannin-McFarland Aqueduct) Archaeological Data Collection Studies and Supplemental Class III Survey Project
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

This project presents a series of publications associated with the Salt-Gila Aqueduct Archaeological Data Collection Studies and Supplemental Class III Survey Project (SGA). The research focused on data recovery at those sites potentially subject to impact as a consequence of Central Arizona Project construction. Salt-Gila Aqueduct Central Arizona Project construction occured along a route extending 97 km from a point south of Apache Junction, Arizona, to the Picacho Reservoir. Significant...

Testing Plan for a Portion of the Southwest Germann Site, AZ U:10:2 (ASM): The SRP Rohrig Substation, Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Scott Courtright.

The following testing plan is presented for conducting Phase I data recovery within a portion of AZ U:10:2 (ASM), the Southwest Germann Site, a National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-eligible prehistoric site situated near the intersection of Sossaman and Rittenhouse Roads in the town of Queen Creek, Arizona (Figure 1). Salt River Project (SRP) plans to construct a substation within a rectangular shaped, 310- by 360-foot area within the SW¼, SW¼, SW¼, NW¼ of Section 8, Township 2 South,...