Thunderbird Road (Geographic Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

Final Design Concept Report: 51st Avenue Grade Separation Structure at the Arizona Canal Diversion Channel (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text HDR Engineering, Inc..

The proposed project is located in west Phoenix and east Glendale in the vicinity of the 51st Avenue and Cactus  Road  intersection.  The  Arizona  Canal  and  ACDC  bisect  the  area  in  a  southeast  to  northwest direction  starting  south  of Cactus  Road and east  of 51st  Avenue,  and departs  north  of Cactus  Road and west  of 51st  Avenue.  There  are  paved  and/or gravel-dirt  paths  on  each  side  of the  Arizona Canal  and ACDC.  The  area  between the  Arizona Canal  and  ACDC...