Radiocarbon Sample (Other Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Archaeological Monitoring of the Salt River Project Utility Line Expansion from Lassen Substation (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John T. Marshall.

The document presents the results of archaeological monitoring at the Salt River Project (SRP) Lassen Substation in Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona. The work was conducted by Northland Research, Inc. for SRP and entailed monitoring for their expansion of utility lines along the Western Canal beginning at Lassen Substation. The project area is located within La Ciudad de Los Hornos (Los Hornos), a Hohokam site. Lassen Substation is on land owned by SRP; the Western Canal and right-of-way is owned...

Archaeological Test Excavations at La Ciudad de los Hornos: The Casa Fiesta Location (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurene G. Montero.

Archaeological test excavations have been conducted at a portion of La Ciudad de los Hornos (AZ U:9:71 (ASM)), a prehistoric multicomponent Hohokam village. The field work for this project, sponsored by AMCOR Investment Company, was undertaken during the fall of 1989 by Northland Research, Inc. pursuant to the proposed redevelopment of the Casa Fiesta trailer park. The Casa Fiesta project area consists of a 55-acre (22-ha), triangular lot. Archaeological testing consisted of cutting a series of...

Data Recovery Plan for U.S. West Communications Utility Right-of-Way near Pueblo Grande National Historic Landmark, Phoenix, Maricopa County (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Shereen Lerner, Ph.D..

Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) is serving as a consultant to U.S. West Communications (US West) for a proposed utility (fiber optic communication cable) right-of-way. The right-of-way is located within the southern access road for the Grand Canal, which passes through Pueblo Grande National Historic Landmark (Pueblo Grande), although the proposed right-of-way is not within the National Historic Landmark boundary. The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places...

Preliminary Report: Archaeological Monitoring of a U S West Communications Fiber Optic Cable Trench Along the South Side of the Grand Canal near Pueblo Grande National Historic Landmark, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Holly S. DeMaagd. Barbara S. Macnider.

At the request of U S West Communications (US West), Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) performed archaeological monitoring along a utility right-of-way. The right-of-way is within the south side access road for the Grand Canal, which passes through the City of Phoenix administered Pueblo Grande National Historic Landmark (Pueblo Grande; AZ U:9:7(ASM)). The canal is administered by the Salt River Project and owned by the Bureau of Reclamation. Limited testing within the right-of-way...