board games (Other Keyword)

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Context database of artifact counts for spaces in which board games were found in Bronze Age Cyprus (2014)
DATASET Walter Crist.

This dataset contains artifact counts for every space in Bronze Age Cypriot settlements in which game boards were found. Artifact classes are explained in: Crist, Walter. 2016. Games of Thrones: Board Games and Social Complexity in Bronze Age Cyprus. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Arizona State University.

Games of Thrones: Board Games and Social Complexity in Bronze Age Cyprus
PROJECT Uploaded by: Walter Crist

This study frames research on board games within a body of anthropological theory and method to examine the long-term social changes that effect play and mechanisms through which play may influence societal change. Drawing from ethnographic literature focusing on the performative nature of games and their effectiveness at providing a method for strengthening social bonds through grounding, I examine changes in the places in which people engaged in play over the course of the Bronze Age on...