bioarchaeology (Other Keyword)

1-25 (301 Records)

Across the River: Romanized Barbarians and Barbarized Romans on the edge of the Empire. Bioarchaeology of Romania in Late Antiquity (300-600 CE) (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cristina Tica.

The goal of this research project is to examine differences in overall health between two groups that have been characterized in the literature as Romans and “barbarians”. The research questions addressed using skeletal remains are about how the daily life of people under Roman-Byzantine control compared to that of their neighbors, the “barbarians” to the north. Comparing two contemporaneous populations from the territory of modern Romania—and dating to the 4th-6th centuries CE, the study will...

Advanced GIS applications for bioarchaeology: methods and case studies (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marissa Stewart. Francesco Coschino. Antonio Fornaciari. Giuseppe Vercellotti.

New computer technologies have become indispensable components in Human Sciences. Archaeology has a long history of adopting and using these technologies to document the site and the excavation process, to record the location of excavated artifacts and materials, and to assist in interpretations and analysis of the excavation and recovered finds. However, despite the constant and ever-developing applications in archaeology, the specialization of bioarchaeology has not yet developed unique...

Always facing east…except when they’re not: Preliminary analysis of mortuary trends at Cahal Pech, Cayo, Belize (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kirsten Green. Ashley McKeown. Rosanne Bongiovanni.

Mortuary patterns and practices change over time and it is the goal of this poster to present preliminary analysis of the evolution of mortuary behavior of the Maya. This poster examines different variables pertaining to mortuary practices of the Maya throughout the Classic and Terminal Classic time periods at the core site of Cahal Pech in San Ignacio, Cayo District, Belize. The analysis focuses on burial position, orientation, presence or absence of grave goods, temporal period, burial type,...

The Analysis of Late Antiquity (c. 4th to 6th century AD) Human Remains from Veii-Campetti, Italy (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Danielle Phelps. Ugo Fusco.

Veii was a prominent ancient Etruscan city, which eventually fell to Roman rule in 396 BC. After its fall, Veii was abandoned and then turned into a municipality during the rule of Augustus. Within the site of Veii, is the Campetti complex south-west, which houses several different structures. In the earlier periods of occupation (circa the late 7th to 4th century BC), the archaeological area functioned as an urban sanctuary, in which water played a major role. When Augustus turned it into a...

Analyzing Skeletal Manifestations of Pre-Columbian Tuberculosis in the Northeastern highlands of Peru (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jennifer Marla Toyne. Nathan Esplin.

The current understanding of Pre-Columbian tuberculosis is unclear, and in several geographic areas very little is known. To date most knowledge of ancient tuberculosis comes from isolated case studies. These studies are informative as they consider the individual in question but they offer little insight into the demographic or social impact of tuberculosis. This population-based study describes osteological lesions consistent with possible tuberculosis in 15 individual skeletons excavated from...

Ancient DNA Studies in Tropical Environments: A Study into the Genetics of the Pre-Columbian Indigenous Population of Puerto Rico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ash Matchett.

Studies into ancient DNA have advanced significantly in the last few years, but these have largely been absent in tropical environments. In the Caribbean, a number of questions still pertain as to the bioarchaeology of the indigenous pre-Columbian populations and the exact origin of these early inhabitants. Focusing on the skeletal remains of a late Saladoid population from Punta Candelero site (AD 640-1200), three correlated and simultaneous studies have been coordinated with the aim to...

The Anson Street Burying Ground: Lost Ancestors of Charleston’s Gullah Community (2022)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eric C. Poplin.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "First Steps on a Long Corridor: The Gullah Geechee and the Formation of a Southern African American Landscape" , at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Excavations for the renovations of Charleston’s (SC) Galliard Performance Center exposed a formerly unknown African American burying ground near the corner of George and Anson streets. At least 36 individuals were interred at this cemetery during the later 18th...

An Application of Geospatial Technology to the Collection and Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kate Hall. Samantha Mitchell. Patrick Lewis.

Documenting the spatial distribution of scattered and commingled skeletal elements is an important aspect of forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology. While existing methods of documentation may effectively represent scattered and commingled human skeletal remains, they do not facilitate further spatial analysis that may be useful in reconstructing taphonomic processes. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have recently been leveraged as a method of inventorying human remains, but their capacity...

An archaeological investigation of gender on the late prehistoric steppe (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeremy Beach. K. Bryce Lowry.

In 1954, Hawkes warned that the intangible aspects of social life are the most difficult for archaeologists to comment on due to distance between object and ideology, the material and the mental world. Certainly, there is an epistemological slippage that can occur when moving between categories of social life that rely on objects to legitimize claims or complete tasks, and those aspects of society which can be veiled within larger, and immaterial, structures or norms—religious beliefs,...

Archaeology and Bioarchaeology of the Northern Woodlands - Report (Legacy 94-0008) (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Elizabeth Benchley. Blane Nansel. Clark Dobbs. Susan Thurston Myster. Barbara O'Connell.

This overview study is intended to provide a summary of what is known about the archaeology of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota as an aid to CRMs. After reviewing the physical setting, culture history, and bioarchaeology of the region by state, a final integrative chapter proposes a series of adaptation types which crosscut traditional political and temporal boundaries.

Archaeology and Bioarchaeology of the United States (Legacy 94-0008)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams

This project resulted in various studies of archaeology and bioarchaeology throughout the United States.

Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Central Great Plains - Report (Legacy 94-0008) (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text George Grison. Robert Mainfort.

This report is a review of the 12,000 years of human occupation in the Northwestern Great Plains states of Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Synthesis of the archaeological and bioarchaeological resources under the guise of human adaptation types revealed significant gaps that should be addressed by future research.

Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Central Great Plains - Report (Legacy 94-0008) (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mary Adair. Matthew Hill. Jack Hofman. William Johnson. Karolyn Kinsey. William Lees. Brad Logan. Larry Martin. Douglas Owsley. Kyeong Park. Karin Bruwelheide.

This report provides a summary of the current and past environments of northern Kansas, Nebraska, and northeast Colorado (the Central Great Plains), providing a framework within which to review and discuss changes in prehistoric and historic subsistence economies, technologies, mobility/sedentism, organization, and group interactions. A traditional cultural historical summary is provided for the region from about 20,000 years ago to the historic period.

Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Tundra-Steppe: the Dry Creek Research Project, Central Alaska: Research Proposal
DOCUMENT Citation Only W. Roger Powers. R. Dale Guthrie. Thomas D. Hamilton.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

The archaeology of dogs at the precontact Yup’ik site of Nunalleq, Western Alaska (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kate Britton. Edouard Masson-Maclean. Ellen McManus-Fry. Claire Houmard. Carly Ameen.

Historically and ethnographically dogs have played a prominent role in the lifeways and lifeworlds of many Arctic and sub-Arctic peoples, and are considered to be a vital aspect of adaptation to living in these regions, providing protection, fur and meat, as well as aiding hunting and transportation. Excavations at the precontact site of Nunalleq in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in coastal Western Alaska have uncovered a significant proportion of dog bones amongst the faunal assemblage. The presence...

Archival Fractals: Bodies, Records, Perspectives and Memories (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rebecca Gowland. Anwen Caffell. Malin Holst. Michelle Alexander. Sally Robinson.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Paper Bodies: Excavating Archival Tissues and Traces", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The skeletal remains of 154 individuals, including 22 of known identity, were excavated from a rural churchyard in Yorkshire, England. A community-led investigation into the lives of these people was undertaken by the Washburn Heritage Centre Team, some of whom were descendants of the named individuals, and...

Assessing the Population History of the Atacama Desert using 3D Geometric Morphometric Methods (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Kuzminsky. Mark Hubbe.

Many scholarly debates in South American archaeology have centered on the discovery and cranial morphology of the earliest inhabitants known as Paleoamericans that predate 8,000 years BP. Although it was initially hypothesized that cranial differences between Paleoamericans and later populations may reflect distinct biological populations or migration patterns that occurred after the initial colonization of South America, recent genetic data show biological continuity throughout the Holocene in...

An Atlas of Rare Lost and Forgotten Physical Signs (2009)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Fred White.

A field manual of disease signs for archaeologists working with human remains and medical anthropologists and clinicians working with indigenous cultures. Compiled over twenty years of forensic investigation at some of the world’s most sensitive archaeological sites in Asia - including Russia, China, India and Turkey, the Middle East, North and Sub-Sahara Africa, England, Scotland, Ireland, Twelve additional countries in Europe, North and Central America, and South America including the Amazon...

Beyond Broken Bones: The Value of Creating an Osteobiography when Analyzing Violence in the Past (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ryan Harrod.

Population level analyses of violence that are focused on quantifying and comparing traumatic injuries on human skeletal remains recovered from an archaeological context are crucial for understanding violent interactions through time and across regions. However, these types of studies are also limited because, by design, they place less emphasis on individuals and their lived experience. In contrast, when researchers create what Frank and Julie Saul called an osteobiography for each set of...

Beyond trauma and disease: Examining the growth and potential of bioarchaeological research in Iberian medieval archaeology. (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katelyn Bolhofner.

With the advancement of inter-disciplinary research in medieval archaeology in recent decades, much progress has been made in the integration of bioarchaeological data into larger archaeological and historical questions. This growth may be seen in the increase in publications, professional associations, and programs of study focusing upon bioarchaeological research of the medieval period. Yet, particularly in Iberian medieval studies, the contribution of bioarchaeological research largely has...

Bioanthropological Investigations of Historic Cemeteries: What Can We Learn From Biological, Cultural, and Mortuary Remains (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alexandra Bybee.

Fueled primarily by urban development, the recent past has seen an increasing demand for the relocation of historic and modern cemeteries. These cemeteries hold clues to the past lives of America's earliest populations, the free and enslaved, the wealthy and poor, and the healthy and diseased. Bioanthropological investigations of historic cemeteries have the potential to provide a variety of information on the biological, cultural, and mortuary aspects of these populations. On a personal level,...

Bioarchaeological analysis of an ancient Maya ancestral context at Cahal Pech, San Ignacio, Belize (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelly J. Knudson. Catharina Santasillia. Jaime Awe. Anna Novotny.

Interaction of the living with the bones of the deceased is a tradition practiced in various forms throughout ancient and modern Mesoamerica. Among the ancient Maya the manipulation of the deceased body is associated with powerful ancestral rituals likely carried out to reinforce and legitimate sociopolitical power. Structures placed on the eastern perimeter of plaza groups often contain multiple inhumations and are interpreted as ancestral locations. Structure B1 at Cahal Pech, located within...

Bioarchaeological Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from Site 15Wa916, Warren County, Kentucky (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kate McElroy. Darlene Applegate. Brianna Brown.

Site 15Wa916 is a prehistoric burial ground in northern Bowling Green is located immediately south of the pumping station on Barren River along Highway 957 opposite Beech Bend Park. Dr. Jack Schock of Western Kentucky University excavated several prehistoric grave features at the site in May 1973. One uncalibrated radiocarbon date of 910 BC indicates the site dates to the early part of the Early Woodland period. Schock’s excavation yielded, among other artifacts, hundreds of human bones and bone...

Bioarchaeological and Archival Investigations of the Milwaukee County Institution Grounds Cemetery Collection: A Progress Report (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brooke L. Drew.

Continuing bioarchaeological and archival research on the Milwaukee County Institution Grounds Cemetery collection is presented.  As reported elsewhere, the beginning stages of a multidisciplinary analysis of this late 19th and early 20th century institutional cemetery has led to the identification of a number of the 1,649 individuals excavated.  Included in this discussion will be new case studies that continue to demonstrate not only the interpretive potential of an integrated archaeological,...

A Bioarchaeological Approach to Diversity and Complexity of Ancient Maya Society at Copan: Results from New Strontium and Biodistance Data (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Katherine Miller.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site of Copan is uniquely situated to address the question of migration and culture contact in ancient Mesoamerica. The city is nestled at the southeastern frontier of the Maya region and the western edge of culturally diverse Honduras. Copan was a dynamic urban city populated by peoples of various places of origin, affiliations, and identities. Research focused on the Copan human skeletal collection, the largest yet recovered in Mesoamerica, to explore the lives of...