LA99633 (Site Name Keyword)

1-8 (8 Records)

High Speed Test Track Target Pole Installation Cultural Resource Survey Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Report and SHPO correspondence regarding the plan to install nine target poles at the south end of the High Speed Test Track (HSTT) to support an upcoming project.

Holloman Air Force Base Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the Holloman Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.

The Legacy of Early Missile, Rocket, Instrumentation, and Aeromedical Research Development at Holloman Air Force Base (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

The Thematic Survey of Early Missile, Instrumentation, and Test Objects Project (Legacy No. 767) falls under the LRMP Task Area of the Cold War, with the objective to “inventory, protect, and conserve the physical and literary property and relics of the Department of Defense connected with the origins and development of the Cold War.”4 The project was designed as a demonstration project to begin the identification and documentation of known early missile, instrumentation, and test object sites...

New Mexico R:3:1 Relocation Cultural Resource Survey Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Report and SHPO correspondence regarding an attempt to locate a previously identified site. The site was designated B-1543 by the Bureau of Land Management.

Pritch Site (HAR-007/LA 99633) Disturbance Cultural Resource Investigation Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Report and SHPO correspondence regarding the Pritch site (HAR- 007/LA 99633), a military photo tower on Holloman AFB (HAFB), and noted disturbance to the site.

Site Record LA 99633 (1982)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Site Record LA 99633. Site consists of the Pritch Site.

Test Track Area Sites Cultural Resource Survey Holloman Air Force Base, Otero County, New Mexico (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

In October 1993, during a tour of Holloman AFB (HAFB), the author noted several potential sites along the west edge of the High Speed Test Track. These cultural resources had not been documented. Prior to the actual fieldwork, a records check of the HAFB Site Atlas was conducted. The records check indicated that there were two previous surveys within 1 mile of the project area which did not document any archaeological sites. On January 21, 1993 investigated and documented four potential...

We Develop Missiles, Not Air! The Legacy of Early Missile, Rocket, Instrumentation, and Aeromedical Research Development at Holloman Air Force Base (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

This report is the second of the HAFB cultural resource publication series, which was created to showcase the wide variety of projects made possible through the LRMP. This report contains the initial investigation of the history of missile, rocket, instrumentation, and aeromedical research programs conducted at and around Holloman Air Force Base. Research was completed for 11 programs, including six missile arid rocket development complexes, a series of instrumentation facilities used to support...