NA12,542 (Site Name Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Archaeological Investigations: Arizona Nuclear Power Project, BLM and Private Land, Maricopa County, Arizona: Final Report for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Waste Water Conveyance System (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Pat H. Stein.

This report attempts to document, assess, and develop a plan for conserving archaeological resources along the waste water conveyance system for the Arizona Nuclear Power Project. The paper describes 13 sites which were discovered during an intensive survey of the proposed facility, evaluates these sites in relation to the archaeological resource base of the Lower Gila River Valley, and recommends procedures for mitigating the adverse effects of construction on these cultural remains. The survey...

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Palo Verde to Kyrene 500 kV Transmission Line Right-of-Way, Private, State and Bureau of Land Management (Phoenix District Office) Lands, Maricopa, Arizona: Final Report for an Archaeological Survey of the Palo Verde to Kyrene 500 kV Transmission Line, Maricopa, County, Arizona (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Margaret A. Powers. Mark J. Keane. Donald E. Weaver, Jr..

At the request of Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted an archaeological survey of a proposed 500kV transmission line between the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (near Wintersburg, Arizona) and the Kyrene Substation (near Tempe, Arizona). During survey of the 73.3 mi right-of-way, evidences of historic and prehistoric activity were recorded at 10 sites and 43 loci of isolated artifacts or features. With few exceptions, all identified remains could be assigned to the...