Fort Pierre II (39ST217) (Site Name Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

River Basin Surveys Papers, No. 18: Fort Pierre II (39ST217), a Historic Trading Post in the Oahe Dam Area South Dakota (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Hubert G. Smith.

From time to time since the establishment of the Missouri Basin Project of the River Basin Surveys, as funds and personnel were available, in addition to studies of native sites the Project has given attention to sites of White origin in areas to be flooded. Less numerous than native sites (both prehistoric and historic) in these areas, the White sites-fur-trade posts, military posts, and the like have also been carefully studied, with actual excavation in certain instances, inasmuch as they...

River Basin Surveys Papers: Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program, No. 15-20 (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Merrill J. Mattes. John E. Mills. Carl F. Miller. G. Hubert Smith. Robert L. Stephenson. Carlyle S. Smith. Alan R. Woolworth. W. Raymond Wood.

In the present volume of River Basin Surveys papers there are six reports pertaining to a phase of the Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage Program which thus far has not been given as much publicity as some of the other activities. The articles deal with a series of historic sites investigations which were carried. on in the Fort Randall and Garrison Reservoir areas and in the spillway area below the Oshe Dam. The field investigations were based on extensive documentary studies which were made...

Tree-Ring Dating and the Village Cultures of the South Dakotas (1962)
DOCUMENT Full-Text W. W. Caldwell.

For the past several years the Smithsonian Institution has been concerned with the problem of dating cultural developments and climatic events along the main stem of the Missouri River (see Progress. Missouri River Basin, Oct.-Dec., 1959, pp.42-60). One of the most profitable approaches has been through dendrochronology, the charting and comparison of annual growth rings of trees. The study of dendrochronology is not new in the Plains. The work of Harry Weakly in central and western Nebraska,...