Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex (Site Type Keyword)

The locations and/or archaeological remains of a building or buildings used for human habitation. Use more specific term(s) if possible.

251-275 (17,888 Records)

20th-Century Building Materials and Suitable Substitutes: Windows Visual Guide (Legacy 13-707)
PROJECT Uploaded by: Courtney Williams

The project created a visual guide to steel and corrugated wire windows and glass block, providing construction methods and contexts of popular use. The guide is intended to assist in the research, interpretation, and possible future mitigation

20th-Century Building Materials and Suitable Substitutes: Windows Visual Guide - Guide (Legacy 13-707) (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Samantha Driscoll. Emma Diehl. Pam Anderson. Heather McDonald Robbins.

The document is a visual guide to steel and corrugated wire windows and glass block, providing construction methods and contexts of popular use. The guide is intended to assist in the research, interpretation, and possible future mitigation.

3 Neighbors Arizona Site Steward File (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text E.A. Wood. Audrey Stevens. Judy Rounds. J.G. Wood. Scott Wood.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Three Neighbors site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of Classic Period Hohokam residential compounds, petroglyphs, slag hornos, and artifact scatter. The file consists of four heritage inventory forms, multiple hand drawn site maps, four maps of the site location, an archaeological survey report form for isolated finds, a page of artifact sketches, and a black and white petroglyph photograph. The file contains two...

3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 101 Summary (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steve Swanson.

Unit 101 is located in Area A of the 3-Up Site, at the western edge of a large mound cut deeply by a bulldozer. This unit was selected for excavation to provide a profile of mound stratigraphy without extensive excavation of unlooted areas, and to enhance information recovered from a test-profile in the same room during fall of 2005 conducted by Roger Anyon. Anyon’s profile was excavated along the exposed north wall of the room, but was unable to confidently locate floor features due to the...

3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 102 Summary (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steve Swanson.

Unit 102 is located in Area A of the 3-Up Site, near the northeastern corner of a large mound along a 1 to 2 m deep bulldozed trench. This unit was selected for excavation to provide additional information on the depositional history for this part of the site. The bulldozer trench that cuts through this part of the mound revealed possible wall alignments along its length, and we placed the unit in a location where the trench appeared to have clipped only part of a prehistoric room located some...

3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 201 Summary (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Karen Schollmeyer.

Unit 201 is located in Area B, at the northern edge of a large bulldozer cut through the central portion of Area B. This excavation unit was intended primarily to allow excavators to expose a profile and examine stratigraphy in this area without doing extensive excavation or disturbing the remaining unlooted portions of the site. The unit’s location at the edge of a deep, steep-sided bulldozer cut was ideal for this purpose. No walls were visible in the portion of Area B near the bulldozer cut,...

3-Up Site (LA 150373) - Unit 301 Summary (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Colleen Strawhacker.

Unit 301 is located on the western side of Mound C in the 3-Up site. The unit was excavated through the overburden of a bulldozer cut and into intact deposits. While the small size of the unit and the lack of walls exposed limited our ability to fully understand the contexts of the cultural surfaces located in Unit 301, the excavation produced a number of artifacts and dateable samples that will provide information about the occupational history of Mound C.

32MO0296-0306-1374-1375 Database (2005)
DATASET Jennifer Haas.

Artifact database from 32MO0296-0306-1374-1375. The database contain the lot books from 32MO296, 32MO306, 32MO1374, and 32MO1375, as well as the inventory and photo log for all four sites. All flakes from all four sites are pulled together in a table, as well as all flakes from all four sites greater than 2 mm. An additional table of all artifacts from all four sites that are greater than 2 mm is also included. All artifacts and photos are currently housed at GLARC.

IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Citation Only Dean Snow.

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IMAGE Dean Snow.

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