Archaeological Feature (Site Type Keyword)

A localized area containing evidence of human activity. Use more specific term(s) if possible.

26-50 (13,975 Records)

1930's Hastings CWA job
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project is documentation of excavations done at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument by Russell Hastings.

1930-1940 Ruminations of Frank Pinkley, Southwestern Monuments Reports
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project includes compiled and scanned portions of reports from 1930-1940. Frank Pinkley, who was the superintendent of the Southwestern Monuments, frequently added a rumination portion to the Southwestern Monument reports. These ruminations provide a unique look into the personality, insight and sense of humor of Frank Pinkley

1931 Casa Grande Ruins National Monument topographic maps
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project contains hand drawn topographic maps from 1931. Due to the sensitive nature of this data, permission is required to access this data.

1932 Ruins Shelter specifications (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This document is a detailed sketch and description of the shelter built over the Great House at the Casa Grande National Monument. The sketch and description detail the dimensions of the shelter along with materials used and the engineering firm, Allen Bros. Inc., Los Angeles, CA, that installed the shelter. The document also discusses difficulties encountered and the danger of damage to the Great House during construction.

1933 and 1934 Casa Grande Ruins Excavation Photographs (1933)
IMAGE Uploaded by: alycia hayes

These images show various excavations related to the 1933 and 1934 Hastings CWA project at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The photographs detail many artifacts discovered along with pit houses. The photographs are poorly documented and do not list provenience of the excavations.

1948 Stabilization photos of Compound A (1948)
IMAGE Uploaded by: alycia hayes

These images display the 1948 stabilization efforts on outer walls and buildings of Compound A at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Included are photographs of pre-stabilization, during stabilization and post stabilization. The photographs indicate the poor condition of structures prior to stabilization. The photographs also show the use and application of chicken wire to the structures.

1957 Gladwin, Harold Sterling, A History of the Ancient Southwest (1957)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Harold S. Gladwin.

This book regards the histories of the Southwest and its peoples from approximately 200 A.D. to 1450 A.D.

1959 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William D. Lipe. Floyd W. Sharrock. Keith M. Anderson. David S. Dibble. Dee A. Suhm.

During 1959, the University of Utah conducted two excavation programs in the Glen Canyon area: 1) at the Coombs site, at Boulder, Utah (Lister, 1959, 1960). and 2) at a number of sites in the Glen Canyon reservoir area proper. This report presents the results of the latter program. The work was part of the Upper Colorado River Basin Archeological Salvage Project, sponsored by the National Park Service. The history of this project has been summarized in another paper in this series (Jennings...

1960 Graffiti correspondence (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Natt Dodge.

This document is a memorandum from the Regional Archaeologist of Santa Fe to the Superintendent of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. It regards the April 1876 historic graffiti of Sheldon Jackson located in the Great House. It mentions a biography of Mr. Jackson written by a Mrs. Dodge.

1963 Excavations In the Mill Creek Sites. Climatic Changes and the Mill Creek Culture of Iowa, Part I (1968)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dale R. Henning. Amy E. Henning. David A. Baerreis.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

1971 Summer Archaeological Investigation, Halifax, North Carolina (1971)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephen Israel.

The North Carolina Department of Archives and History research and development plans for Historic Halifax involved archaeological survey of newly acquired Historic Halifax lands in 1971.The Department carried out archeological investigations in the summer of 1971, in Historic Halifax on property formerly owned by Mr. F. H. Gregory, located south of the Andrew Jackson Elementary School and east of Joe Jone's lot. A recent find of the Plan of the Town of Halifx, by Mrs. Margaret Hofmann, indicated...

1974 Excavations at Fort Larned National Historic Site Kansas (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas D. Scott.

This resource contains an extensive field report of excavations carried out by the University of Colorado in twelve different localities at Ft. Larned National Historic Site during June and July, 1974. The field party of thirteen individuals was under the direction of Douglas D. Scott. Tested and excavated areas and structures are specified under an amendment to provisions of National Park Service Contract X-2000-3-0083. Following the descriptive section on the excavation is a discussion of...

1976 Archeological Investigations for the Proposed Carter Mining Company Caballo Creek Mine (1977)
DOCUMENT Citation Only George M. Zeimens. Danny Walker.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

1977 Architectual documentaiton of the Casa Grande Great House by David R. Wilcox and Lynette O. Shenk
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project contains architectural documentation prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk for the National Park Service. These documents were prepared as a deliverable under P.O. no 810060035. The sheets and images are also available in Wilcox and Shenk’s The Architecture of the Casa Grande and Its Interpretation.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House East ext. (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House East int. Tier B (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North and East int. Tier A (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North and East int. Tier C (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North and East int. Tier D (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North ext. (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North int. Tier E (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South and West int. Tier A (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South and West int. Tier B (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by Davd Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South and West int. Tier C (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.

1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South and West int. Tier D (1977)
IMAGE David R. Wilcox. Lynette O. Shenk.

This image is a scanned document of architectural documentation of the Casa Grande Great House prepared by David Wilcox and Lynette Shenk. This project was prepared for the Western Archeological Center under P.O. PX810060035.