Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture

Using detailed comparisons of the archaeological assemblages from 18 early sites in the Chesapeake, this project explores the material conditions of culture contact, plantation development and organization, the rise of slavery, and consumer behavior. Comparable artifact databases have been created for the 18 sites, and analysis of artifact distributions has provided great insight into differences and similarities.

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  1. Posey (18CH281): Quartz Points (2004)
  2. Posey (18CH281): Iron Knife (2004)
  3. Posey (18CH281): Possible Gun Part (2004)
  4. Posey (18CH281): Lead Shot and Musket Ball (2004)
  5. Posey (18CH281): Gunflint (2004)
  6. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Yeocomico Pottery (2004)
  7. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Native American Pottery (2004)
  8. Posey (18CH281): General Site Map (2004)
  9. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Fire-cracked Rock (2004)
  10. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Lithic Debitage (2004)
  11. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Wrought Nails (2004)
  12. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Bottle Glass (2004)
  13. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Potomac Creek Pottery (2004)
  14. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Camden Pottery (2004)
  15. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  16. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  17. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Shell Beads (2004)
  18. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Metal Triangles (2004)
  19. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, Shot, Sprue, and Musket Balls (2004)
  20. Posey (18CH281): Artifact Distributions, European Ceramics (2004)
  21. Sandys (44JC802): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  22. Sandys (44JC802): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  23. Sandys (44JC802): Midden Analysis, Artifact Classes (2004)
  24. Sandys (44JC802): Midden Map (2004)
  25. Sandys (44JC802): Post-medieval Redware Cooking Pot (2004)
  26. Sandys (44JC802): Harpoons (2004)
  27. Sandys (44JC802): Dutch Pipe (2004)
  28. Sandys (44JC802): Ceramics (2004)
  29. Sandys (44JC802): Bodkin (2004)
  30. Sandys (44JC802): Sword Parts (2004)
  31. Sandys (44JC802): Hunting Points (2004)
  32. Sandys (44JC802): Firearms (2004)
  33. Sandys (44JC802): Decorated Dutch Pipe Bowls (2004)
  34. Sandys (44JC802): Brigandine (2004)
  35. Sandys (44JC802): Glass Beads (2004)
  36. Sandys (44JC802): General Site Map (2004)
  37. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Faunal (2004)
  38. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Case Bottles (2004)
  39. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Jamestown Coarseware (2004)
  40. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  41. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  42. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  43. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Shot and Sprue (2004)
  44. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Military Objects (2004)
  45. Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Brigandine (2004)
  46. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Midden Analysis, Bone Weight in Grams (2004)
  47. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Midden Analysis, Vessels (2004)
  48. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Midden Analysis, Vessel Form (2004)
  49. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  50. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  51. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Midden Analysis, Artifact Classes (2004)
  52. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Midden Map (2004)
  53. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  54. Patuxent Point (18CV271): North Devon Sgraffito (2004)
  55. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Latten Spoon (2004)
  56. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Iron Hoe (2004)
  57. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Copper Alloy Dividers (2004)
  58. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Pewter Cuff Links (2004)
  59. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Lead-glazed Earthenware Bowl (2004)
  60. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Knife Blades (2004)
  61. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Knife Blades (2004)
  62. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Furniture Hardware (2004)
  63. Patuxent Point (18CV271): White Clay Pipes (2004)
  64. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Bone Handle (2004)
  65. Patuxent Point (18CV271): General Site Map (2004)
  66. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, Table Glass (2004)
  67. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, Wine Bottle Glass (2004)
  68. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, Rhenish Blue and Gray Stoneware (2004)
  69. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, Morgan Jones (2004)
  70. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  71. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  72. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  73. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, Gunflint Flakes (2004)
  74. Patuxent Point (18CV271): Artifact Distributions, Clothing and Sewing Items (2004)
  75. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Sword Belt Hanger (2004)
  76. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Iron Scissors (2004)
  77. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Jetton (2004)
  78. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): "Bookbinder"-style Agatized Pipe (2004)
  79. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Glass Beads (2004)
  80. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  81. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Spur (2004)
  82. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Jetton (2004)
  83. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Copper Alloy Coin Weight (2004)
  84. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Kraak Porcelain (2004)
  85. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Molded White Clay Pipe (2004)
  86. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, Tin-glazed Earthenware (2004)
  87. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): General Site Map (2004)
  88. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, Oyster Shell (2004)
  89. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, Window Glass (2004)
  90. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, Porcelain (2004)
  91. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, Rhenish Brown Stoneware (2004)
  92. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, North Italian Slipware (2004)
  93. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  94. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  95. Old Chapel Field (18ST233): Artifact Distributions, Beads (2004)
  96. Mattapany (18ST390): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Typology (2004)
  97. Mattapany (18ST390): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  98. Mattapany (18ST390): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  99. Mattapany (18ST390): Midden Analysis, Faunal Material (2004)
  100. Mattapany (18ST390): Midden Analysis, Artifact Classes (2004)