Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture

Using detailed comparisons of the archaeological assemblages from 18 early sites in the Chesapeake, this project explores the material conditions of culture contact, plantation development and organization, the rise of slavery, and consumer behavior. Comparable artifact databases have been created for the 18 sites, and analysis of artifact distributions has provided great insight into differences and similarities.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 201-300 of 579)

There are 579 Images within this Collection [remove this filter]

  1. Mattapany (18ST390): Midden Map (2004)
  2. Mattapany (18ST390): Decorated Pipe Stem (2004)
  3. Mattapany (18ST390): Decorated Pipe Bowl (2004)
  4. Mattapany (18ST390): Buckle Fragment with Shell (2004)
  5. Mattapany (18ST390): Bottle Seal (2004)
  6. Mattapany (18ST390): Bottle Neck and Base (2004)
  7. Mattapany (18ST390): Bone Die (2004)
  8. Mattapany (18ST390): Beveled Brick (2004)
  9. Mattapany (18ST390): Bottle Neck (2004)
  10. Mattapany (18ST390): Tin-Glazed Tile and Window Lead (2004)
  11. Mattapany (18ST390): Scored Brick (2004)
  12. Mattapany (18ST390): Pantile and Dutch Brick (2004)
  13. Mattapany (18ST390): WE Pipe Bowl (2004)
  14. Mattapany (18ST390): Tobacco Tin Lid (2004)
  15. Mattapany (18ST390): Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  16. Mattapany (18ST390): Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  17. Mattapany (18ST390): Thimble Top (2004)
  18. Mattapany (18ST390): Thimble (2004)
  19. Mattapany (18ST390): Terra Cotta Pipe Bowls (2004)
  20. Mattapany (18ST390): Table Glass (2004)
  21. Mattapany (18ST390): S Pipe Stem (2004)
  22. Mattapany (18ST390): Rhenish Brown Stoneware (2004)
  23. Mattapany (18ST390): RB Pipe Heel (2004)
  24. Mattapany (18ST390): Purple Splattered Tin-Glaze (2004)
  25. Mattapany (18ST390): Plaster (2004)
  26. Mattapany (18ST390): Pipe Bowl (2004)
  27. Mattapany (18ST390): North Devon Gravel-Tempered Chafing Dish (2004)
  28. Mattapany (18ST390): Midlands Yellow (2004)
  29. Mattapany (18ST390): Magazine Flints and Shot (2004)
  30. Mattapany (18ST390): Button (2004)
  31. Mattapany (18ST390): Leather Ornaments (2004)
  32. Mattapany (18ST390): Harness Buckle (2004)
  33. Mattapany (18ST390): Hammer (2004)
  34. Mattapany (18ST390): Gun Barrel (2004)
  35. Mattapany (18ST390): Galley Pot (2004)
  36. Mattapany (18ST390): Flat Iron (2004)
  37. Mattapany (18ST390): Earthenware Interior (2004)
  38. Mattapany (18ST390): Decorated Pipe Stem (2004)
  39. Mattapany (18ST390): General Site Map (2004)
  40. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, Brick (2004)
  41. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, Faunal (2004)
  42. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, Window Glass (2004)
  43. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, White Salt-Glazed Stoneware (2004)
  44. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, North Devon Gravel-Tempered Earthenware (2004)
  45. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  46. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  47. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, Pantiles (2004)
  48. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, Clothing and Sewing Items (2004)
  49. Mattapany (18ST390): Artifact Distributions, Domestic Material (2004)
  50. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Bullet Mold (2004)
  51. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Chest Lock (2004)
  52. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Sword (2004)
  53. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Case Bottle Cap (2004)
  54. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Breast Plate (2004)
  55. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Bale Seal (2004)
  56. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Spade Nosing (2004)
  57. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Axe Head (2004)
  58. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Chain Mail (2004)
  59. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Cheekpiece (2004)
  60. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Matchlock (2004)
  61. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Bone Handle (2004)
  62. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Basket Hilt (2004)
  63. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Worm (2004)
  64. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Tin-glazed Wall Tile (2004)
  65. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Sword Hilt (2004)
  66. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Pitcher (2004)
  67. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Tile with Llama Figure (2004)
  68. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Pewter Spoon (2004)
  69. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Iron Hoe (2004)
  70. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Jettons (2004)
  71. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Gaston Vessel (2004)
  72. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Case Bottle (2004)
  73. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Brigandine (2004)
  74. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Bartmann Jug (2004)
  75. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Vase (2004)
  76. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Sword in Situ (2004)
  77. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Skimmer (2004)
  78. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Locally-made Pipe (2004)
  79. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Snaphaunce (2004)
  80. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Breast Plate (2004)
  81. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Iron Hoe (2004)
  82. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Gorget Back (2004)
  83. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Tin-glazed Drug Jar (2004)
  84. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Brigandine (2004)
  85. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Brass Spoon (2004)
  86. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Copper Alloy Barrel Tap (2004)
  87. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Pitcher (2004)
  88. JJ-93-JordansJourneyDrawing.TIF
  89. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): General Site Map (2004)
  90. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): General Site Map (2004)
  91. JJ-90-JordansJourney.tif
  92. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  93. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  94. Jordan’s Journey (44PG302): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  95. Homewood's Lot (18AN871): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters on Total Site (2004)
  96. Homewood's Lot (18AN871): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters in Plow Zone (2004)
  97. Homewood's Lot (18AN871): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  98. Homewood's Lot (18AN871): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  99. Homewood's Lot (18AN871): Midden Analysis, Faunal Refuse by Weight (2004)
  100. Homewood's Lot (18AN871): Midden Analysis, Refuse in Weight in Ounces (2004)