Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture

Using detailed comparisons of the archaeological assemblages from 18 early sites in the Chesapeake, this project explores the material conditions of culture contact, plantation development and organization, the rise of slavery, and consumer behavior. Comparable artifact databases have been created for the 18 sites, and analysis of artifact distributions has provided great insight into differences and similarities.

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  1. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): General Site Map (2004)
  2. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, Brick (2004)
  3. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, Window Glass (2004)
  4. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, Tableware Glass (2004)
  5. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, Case and Wine Bottles (2004)
  6. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, Rhenish Stoneware (2004)
  7. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, North Devon Gravel-Tempered Earthenware (2004)
  8. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, North Devon Sgraffito (2004)
  9. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  10. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  11. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, Buckles (2004)
  12. Chaney’s Hills (18AN1084): Artifact Distributions, Bale Seals (2004)
  13. Chalkley (18AN711): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters, Total Site (2004)
  14. Chalkley (18AN711): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters, Plowzone (2004)
  15. Chalkley (18AN711): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  16. Chalkley (18AN711): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  17. Chalkley (18AN711): Midden Analysis, Artifact Classes (2004)
  18. Chalkley (18AN711): Midden Map (2004)
  19. Chalkley (18AN711): Buck Shot (2004)
  20. Chalkley (18AN711): IF-marked Tobacco Pipe Stem (2004)
  21. Chalkley (18AN711): Marked Pipe (2004)
  22. Chalkley (18AN711): North Devon Sgraffito (2004)
  23. Chalkley (18AN711): Tinned Buttons (2004)
  24. Chalkley (18AN711): North Devon Sgraffito (2004)
  25. Chalkley (18AN711): Peach Pit (2004)
  26. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, Domestic Material (2004)
  27. Chalkley (18AN711): General Site Map (2004)
  28. Chalkley (18AN711): General Site Map (2004)
  29. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, Metal Slag (2004)
  30. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, Brick (2004)
  31. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, Bottle Glass (2004)
  32. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, North Devon Gravel-Tempered Earthenware (2004)
  33. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, North Devon Sgraffito (2004)
  34. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  35. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  36. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, Flint Flakes (2004)
  37. Chalkley (18AN711): Artifact Distributions, Buttons and Buckles (2004)
  38. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Maize (2004)
  39. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Imported Pipes (2004)
  40. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Tin-glazed Tankard (2004)
  41. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Bartmann Jug (2004)
  42. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Seeds (2004)
  43. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Lead Shot (2004)
  44. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Domestic Pipes (2004)
  45. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Ceramics (2004)
  46. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Burned Nails (2004)
  47. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, Unidentified Earthenware (2004)
  48. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): General Site Map (2004)
  49. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, Brick (2004)
  50. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, Bone and Shell (2004)
  51. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, Window Glass (2004)
  52. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, Case Bottles (2004)
  53. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  54. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  55. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  56. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, European Ceramics (2004)
  57. Carter’s Grove CG-8 (44JC647): Artifact Distributions, Domestic Material (2004)
  58. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, Artifact Classes (2004)
  59. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  60. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  61. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, Artifact Classes (2004)
  62. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  63. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  64. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  65. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  66. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  67. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, Artifact Classes (2004)
  68. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
  69. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
  70. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Location Map (2004)
  71. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Midden Location Map (2004)
  72. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Rhenish Brown Stoneware (2004)
  73. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Rhenish Brown Stoneware (2004)
  74. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Weights (2004)
  75. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Weights (2004)
  76. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Window Lead (2004)
  77. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Tin-glazed Wall Tile (2004)
  78. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Green and Yellow Floor Tiles (2004)
  79. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Rhenish Bartmann Jug (2004)
  80. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Bone Comb (2004)
  81. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Bone Comb (2004)
  82. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Brick (2004)
  83. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Wine Bottles (2004)
  84. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, North Devon Sgraffito (2004)
  85. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, North Devon Gravel-tempered (2004)
  86. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, General Site Map (2004)
  87. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Faunal Remains (2004)
  88. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, 7/64 Inch Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  89. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, 9/64 Inch Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  90. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Case Bottles (2004)
  91. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Rhenish Blue and Gray Stoneware (2004)
  92. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, North Italian Slipware (2004)
  93. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  94. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  95. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, 8/64 Inch Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  96. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  97. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Pantiles (2004)
  98. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Buttons (2004)
  99. Burle's Town Land (18AN826): Artifact Distributions, Bale Seals (2004)
  100. Camden (44CE3): Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Machotick" (2004)