Archaeological Study of Colonial Chesapeake Culture

Using detailed comparisons of the archaeological assemblages from 18 early sites in the Chesapeake, this project explores the material conditions of culture contact, plantation development and organization, the rise of slavery, and consumer behavior. Comparable artifact databases have been created for the 18 sites, and analysis of artifact distributions has provided great insight into differences and similarities.

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  1. Camden (44CE3): 1677 Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Patomeck" (2004)
  2. Camden (44CE3): 1677 Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Patomeck" (2004)
  3. Camden (44CE3): Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Machotick" (2004)
  4. Camden (44CE3): Rhenish Blue and Gray Stoneware (2004)
  5. Camden (44CE3): Locally-made Pipes (2004)
  6. Camden (44CE3): Native American Ceramics (2004)
  7. Camden (44CE3): Miscellaneous Iron Objects (2004)
  8. Camden (44CE3): Gun Parts (2004)
  9. Camden (44CE3): Potomac Creek Ceramics (2004)
  10. Camden (44CE3): Bartmann Jug (2004)
  11. Camden (44CE3): Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Machotick" (2004)
  12. Camden (44CE3): Tin-glazed Earthenware (2004)
  13. Camden (44CE3): Pipes and Shark's Teeth (2004)
  14. Camden (44CE3): Locally-made Pipe (2004)
  15. Camden (44CE3): Iron Knife Blades (2004)
  16. Camden (44CE3): Locally-made Red Clay Pipes (2004)
  17. Camden (44CE3): Ceramic Wasters (2004)
  18. Camden (44CE3): 1677 Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Patomeck" (2004)
  19. Camden (44CE3): General Site Map (2004)
  20. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, Potomac Creek Pottery (2004)
  21. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, Camden Pottery (2004)
  22. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, Native American Pottery (2004)
  23. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  24. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  25. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  26. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, Copper Ornaments (2004)
  27. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, Knife Fragments (2004)
  28. Camden (44CE3): Artifact Distributions, European Ceramics (2004)
  29. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Wine Cup (2004)
  30. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Snaphaunce (2004)
  31. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Ladle (2004)
  32. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Jamestown Pottery (2004)
  33. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Colono Ware Bowl (2004)
  34. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  35. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Montelupo (2004)
  36. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Jamestown Potter Pipkin (2004)
  37. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Broad Ax (2004)
  38. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, Brick (2004)
  39. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, Rhenish Stoneware (2004)
  40. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, Jamestown Pottery (2004)
  41. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, Ceramics (2004)
  42. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
  43. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  44. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, Domestic Material (2004)
  45. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, Storage Vessels (2004)
  46. Reverend Buck (44JC568): Artifact Distributions, Food and Drink Consumption Vessels (2004)
  47. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Drawing of Wine Bottle Seal (2004)
  48. Bennett's Point (18QU28): North Devon Sgraffito (2004)
  49. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Chinese Porcelain (2004)
  50. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Copper Alloy Thimbles (2004)
  51. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Iron Shovel (2004)
  52. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Iron Skeleton Key (2004)
  53. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Fireplace Shovel (2004)
  54. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Copper Alloy Button (2004)
  55. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Furniture Hardware (2004)
  56. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Copper Alloy Shoe Buckle (2004)
  57. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Richard Bennett Wine Bottle Seals (2004)
  58. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Tin-glazed Earthenware Bowl (2004)
  59. Bennett's Point (18QU28): White Salt-glazed Bowls (2004)
  60. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Chinese Porcelain (2004)
  61. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Smoker's Companion (2004)
  62. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Copper Alloy Buckle (2004)
  63. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Wine Bottle Seal (2004)
  64. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Iron Fork with Decorated Bone Handle (2004)
  65. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Iron Padlock (2004)
  66. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Cufflinks (2004)
  67. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Pewter Spoons (2004)
  68. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Ornamental Architectural Plaster (2004)
  69. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  70. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, Brick (2004)
  71. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, Case Bottles (2004)
  72. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, Wine Bottles (2004)
  73. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, Porcelain (2004)
  74. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, White Salt-Glazed Stoneware (2004)
  75. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
  76. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
  77. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Tiles (2004)
  78. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, Domestic Material (2004)
  79. Bennett's Point (18QU28): Artifact Distributions, Vessels by Function (2004)