Dutch Hollow

Part of: Iroquoian Ceramic Data

Dutch Hollow, Hne 1-4, (a.k.a. Cleary) is a Seneca site located in Avon Township, Livingston County. It is believed to date from A.D. 1605-1625 (Martha Sempowski and Lorraine Saunders). Sample size = 215 vessels (Rochester Museum and Science Center = 107, Robert Hill of Rochester = 70, Charles Wray of West Rush = 30 [now Rock Foundation Collection], New York State Museum = 7, Heye Foundation = 5 [now Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian]). Those ceramics coded as 00 in columns 3 and 4 are from the village or no provenience, while those coded as 01 are from burials. These ceramic attributes were recorded in 1970.

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