Society for American Archaeology

This collection contains the abstracts and presentations from the Society for American Archaeology annual meetings. SAA has partnered with Digital Antiquity to archive their annual conference abstracts and make the presentations available. This collection contains meeting abstracts and presentations dating from 2015 to the present.

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The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. With more than 7,000 members, the society represents professional, student, and avocational archaeologists working in a variety of settings including government agencies, colleges and universities, museums, and the private sector.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 18,301-18,400 of 21,939)

  1. Smiting Pharaohs: Violence and Power in Ancient Egypt (2016)
  2. Smoke and Weirs: The Historic Use and Archaeological Documentation of Fish Weirs in Eastern Tennessee (2024)
  3. Smoke on the Water: Addressing the Burning Issue of Threats Climate Change Poses for Submerged Historical Sites in Florida (2019)
  4. Smoke Signals: Interpretations (2015)
  5. Smoking Areas: Change and continuity of Eastern Pequot smoking practices through spatial analysis and clay tobacco pipe distributions. (2016)
  6. Smoking Customs and Plains-Pueblo Interaction in the Southwest Border Pueblos (2018)
  7. The Smoking of Bones: An Ethnographic Examination of the Maya’s Use of Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes (2016)
  8. The Smoking of Bones: An Ethnographic Examination of the Maya’s Use of Tobacco and Tobacco Substitutes (2015)
  9. Snake Chaps and Shapefiles: Public LiDAR as a Tool for Archaeological Exploration in Mid-Atlantic Wetlands (2017)
  10. The Snake Dynasty: What We Know and What We Don’t (2021)
  11. Snake Queens and Political Consolidation: How Royal Women Helped Create Kaanul—A View from Waka’ (2021)
  12. The Snake Queens of Waka’: Harnessing Sorcery and Divinatory Power in Service to Kaan (2024)
  13. The "Snake" Kingdom from the Vantage of Western Belize (2016)
  14. Snakeskin and Corn Markings: The Dotted-Diamond-Grid Pattern in the U.S. Southwest (2021)
  15. A "Snapshot" of the Mid-Sixteenth-Century Colonial Culture of New Spain: the 1559-1561 Tristán de Luna y Arellano Settlement on Pensacola Bay. (2019)
  16. A Snook Kill Phase Site in Marshfield, Massachusetts (2015)
  17. The Snyder Paleoindian Complex in New Jersey : Interpreting Intra/Inter-site Spatial Patterning (2017)
  18. So Many Chenopods: Paleoethnobotany of the Late Intermediate Period, Puno, Peru (AD 1100-1450) (2016)
  19. So Many Disks, So Little Research: The Intersectionality of Modified Ceramic Sherds (2024)
  20. So Many Sites, So Little Time: Shell Heaps on the Maine Coast (2021)
  21. "So, have you tried…?": Is It REALLY About Science... Or Is It About Authority? (2018)
  22. Sobre "actores sociales", "comunidad" y otros términos esquivos: Reflexiones desde el complejo arqueológico Mateo Salado, Lima, Perú (2024)
  23. Social and Behavioral Implications of Architecture at the Cividade de Bagunte (2021)
  24. Social and Cultural Influences on Weaning Practices (2017)
  25. The Social and Ecological Characteristics of Prehistoric Cambodian Earthworks (2015)
  26. Social and Economic Implications for Identifying Basketry Production in the Californian Archaeological Record: A Case Study from the Interior Chumash Region (2016)
  27. Social and Geographic Associations of Cotton-sized Spindle Whorls in South-central Veracruz, Mexico (2019)
  28. Social and Physical Landscape Changes at Buen Suceso (2023)
  29. Social and Physical Landscape of Lithic Procurement in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico (2019)
  30. Social and Spiritual Landscapes in Ancient Mesopotamia (2017)
  31. Social Archaeology and Debating Local Scholars (2016)
  32. The Social Archaeology of Politics (2016)
  33. Social aspects of the diffusion of agricultural products and practices (2015)
  34. Social Bioarchaelogy of Forager-Farmer Transition in the Balkans (2017)
  35. Social Boundaries and The Cultural Ecology of Artiodactyl Hunting in Prehistoric Central California (2017)
  36. Social Change among the Lower Creek, the Late-Woodland to Historic Period (2017)
  37. Social complexity and wealth inequality in middle-range society: A complex systems and network science approach to the Prehistoric Bronze Age on Cyprus (2017)
  38. Social Complexity of Peripheral Settlements on the Regional Capital of Ichkaansihoo (2018)
  39. Social Connections Near and Far: The Role of Local and Exotic Goods in the Emergence of Complexity on Cyprus during the Prehistoric Bronze Age (2024)
  40. The social consequences of climate-driven changes in the spatial distribution of human populations during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). (2017)
  41. Social difference between Songze culture and Liangzhu culture as reflected on jade artifacts (2017)
  42. Social Differentiation and Hierarchy at a Central Place in the Eastern Andes of Ecuador (2017)
  43. The Social Dimensions of Complex Industries: Insights from a Thin Section Microscopy Study of Aztec Salt-Making Pottery (2015)
  44. Social Diversity and Public Interaction Space in Classic and Postclassic Mimbres (2015)
  45. Social Dynamics and Archaeological Sciences at Neolithic Tells: Investigations on the Great Hungarian Plain by the Körös Regional Archaeological Project (2017)
  46. The Social Dynamics of Ceren's Household Gardens (2018)
  47. The Social Dynamics of Obsidian Use in the Prehistoric Western Mediterranean: Temporal Changes in Maritime Capabilities, Lithic Technology, and Sociopolitical Complexity (2017)
  48. Social Dynamics of the Past through the Body of the Camelid: Utilizing Evidence from Late Moche Peru (2017)
  49. The Social Function of the Title "K’uhul Chatahn Winik" (2016)
  50. Social Function, Semiotic Meaning & Community Identity or Sometimes a Pot is not just a Pot (2017)
  51. Social geoarchaeology: A case study of structural organization at Peyre Blanque, Ariège (2015)
  52. The Social History of Mogollon Village: A Bayesian Approach (2018)
  53. Social Identification and Collective Action at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico (500-900 CE) (2019)
  54. Social Identity and Mass Sacrifice: An Investigation at Matrix 101, a Late Middle Sicán Funerary Context (2016)
  55. Social Implications of a Maize-Free Botanical Assemblage in Early Middle Horizon Contexts at the Huaracane Site of Yahuay Alta, Middle Moquegua Valley, Peru (2015)
  56. The social implications of elk hunting for ancestral Coast Salish communities (2017)
  57. The Social Implications of Pottery Technology, Production, and Design from the Basketmaker Communities Project (2019)
  58. Social Inequalities by Diet in Archaeology: The Contribution of Isotopes (2023)
  59. Social Inequality and Cohesion through Rural-Urban Feasts at the Lowland Maya site of La Corona (2024)
  60. Social Inequality and Food Storage at Hohokam Platform Mound Sites in the Phoenix and Tonto Basins (2017)
  61. Social Inequality and Polity Organization in Prehispanic Southern Andean Populations (Argentina and Bolivia, 500 BCE–1500 CE) (2023)
  62. Social inequality as reflected in dietary and mobility practices of South American maritime chiefdom societies: Contextual and isotopic analysis of burials excavated in La Tolita, Ecuador (2017)
  63. Social Inequality in the Middle-Late Neolithic? Stable Isotope Analysis of the Individuals from Beli Manastir-Popova Zemlja (Slavonia, Croatia) (2023)
  64. Social interaction and communities of practice in Formative period NW Argentina: A multi-analytical study of ceramics (2016)
  65. Social Interaction and Exchange Networks in Eastern Honduras: Late Classic-Early Postclassic Period (AD 600-1000) (2019)
  66. Social Interaction at Distance Over the Long Term: Obsidian Sourcing from the Southern Levant (9th – 4th millennia cal BC) (2017)
  67. Social interaction through structured use of space in the early Hawaiian Household (2015)
  68. Social Interactions along Korea’s Southern Coastline: The Legacy of the Protohistoric Port of Neukdo (ca. Second Century BCE to First Century CE) (2023)
  69. Social Interactions at Gramalote: A Ceramic Production Perspective (2016)
  70. Social Landscapes and Kapu in the Hawaiian Islands: A case study from the Ka'û district, Hawai'i Island. (2016)
  71. Social Learning Among recent Hunter-Gatherers: Jun/wasi Examples (2018)
  72. Social Life and Social Death among Cape Slaves (2018)
  73. The Social Life of Crash Sites: Understanding World War II Sites in Context in the Search for Missing Air Crew (2024)
  74. The Social Lives of Horses: Comanche Equestrianism in New Mexico (2018)
  75. Social Mechanism of Information Transfer in the Paleolithic: The Influence of Raw Material Quality (2019)
  76. Social Media as a Tool for Research and Outreach in Bioarchaeology (2019)
  77. Social Memory and Sustainability in Dynamic Landscapes (2023)
  78. Social Memory and the Development of Monumental Architecture in the Southern Jequetepeque Valley, Peru (2017)
  79. Social Memory and the Re-Use of Archaeological Ruins: Preliminary Insights from a Chimú-Inka Elite Gravesite at Samanco, Nepeña Valley, Peru ca. 1470-1534 CE (2017)
  80. Social Memory in Maya Hinterland Communities: Recent Excavations at San Lorenzo, Belize (2016)
  81. A Social Network Exploration of Models of Social Space and Community Organization at Moundville (2021)
  82. Social Network Structure and New England Gravestone Style (2023)
  83. Social Networks and Community Features: Identifying Neighborhoods in a World War II Japanese American Incarceration Center (2021)
  84. Social Networks and Cultural Geographies in the Magdalenian: evidence from personal ornaments (2016)
  85. Social Networks and the Scale of the Chaco World (2016)
  86. Social Networks in the European Neolithic (2016)
  87. The Social Opportunity Hypothesis (2015)
  88. The Social Organization and Engineering of Agriculture at Maluaka in the South Kona Field System, Hawai`i Island (2017)
  89. Social Organization within a Tower Complex in Southeast Utah: A Landscape Approach (2016)
  90. A Social Perspective on Wood Remains: Rural Colonisation and Urban Growth in the Saint Lawrence Valley, 1600-1900 AD (2017)
  91. A Social Perspective on Wood Remains: Rural Colonisation and Urban Growth in the Saint Lawrence Valley, 1600-1900 AD (2017)
  92. The social politics of health and healing: archaeological approaches to social meanings and practices of illness and well-being. (2016)
  93. Social Processes and Technological Change (2015)
  94. Social Relationships and Connections from the Mississippi Valley to the Great Lakes during the Eleventh to Fifteenth Centuries (2021)
  95. Social Responses to Volcanic Eruptions: Comparative Studies in Central America and Japan (2024)
  96. Social shifts in the late pre-hispanic US Southwest (2015)
  97. Social Significance of Glass Beads at San Luis de Talimali (8Le4) (2019)
  98. The Social Significance of Jemez Mountains Obsidian at Aztec Ruins National Monument (2024)
  99. Social Spaces between Diet and Foodways (2015)
  100. Social Spaces of Central Italy and the San Giuliano Archaeological Research Project (2021)