Quartz Search Result Collection

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 801-900 of 955)

  1. Quartz Flat Campground (1994)
  2. Quartz Forest Health (1993)
  3. Quartz Gulch Placer (1988)
  4. Quartz Gulch Placer Mine (1993)
  5. Quartz Gulch Prescribed Burn (1986)
  6. Quartz Hill Land Exchange (1992)
  7. Quartz Hill Mining Co Water Transmission Line Sup Renewal in Beaverhead County, Montana (2002)
  8. Quartz Hill Pipeline (1991)
  9. Quartz Intaglio Arizona Site Steward File (1988)
  10. Quartz Low Timber Sale (1995)
  11. Quartz Mountain Data Recovery Excavation Site 35-Lk-1970, Fremont National Forest Lake County, Oregon (1987)
  12. Quartz Mountain Gold Exploration Fremont National Forest Data Analysis Plan for Sites: Temp. #Srk / Hl 1 #Srk / Hl 4 (1987)
  13. Quartz Mountain Vicinity (1985)
  14. Quartz Mtn Biomass (1988)
  15. Quartz Queen Timber Sale (1985)
  16. Quartz Timber Sale (1990)
  17. Quartz Viewshed Timber Sale (1985)
  18. Quartz Waterfowl Habitat Improvement Project (1980)
  19. Radial Posthole Tests at La Costa Far South (Including Santa Fe Knolls) (1976)
  20. Rancho L'Abri Resort Archaeology and Biology Survey Reports P79-26, EAD Log #79-19-23, Dulzura, California. (1980)
  21. A Reconnaissance Level Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed 225 Acre RiverNorth Subdivision, Aiken County, South Carolina (1994)
  22. Reconnaissance Survey for the San Pasqual Indian Reservation Proposed Road Surfacing and Construction. (1995)
  23. Red Cliff Mine Plan of Operation #S-Sv-07 (1981)
  24. Red Hill Ruin Arizona Site Steward File (1983)
  25. Reevaluation of and a Proposed Mitigation Plan for Archaeological Site CA-Sbr-4597, Located On Tentative Tract 14073 in Hesperia, San Bernardino County, California (1989)
  26. Remaining Early Archaic Sites from 0ft. to 30ft. Below the Full Water Mark in Liberty Reservoir
  27. Replicas, fakes And Art: the Twentieth Century Stone Age and its effects on Archaeology (1999)
  28. Replicative System Analysis: a Model Applied To the Vein Quartz Artifacts from the Hoko River Site (1981)
  29. Replicative Systems Analysis: a Model Applied To the Vein Quartz Artifacts from the Hoko River Site (1981)
  30. Replicative systems analysis: A model applied to the vein quartz artifacts from the Hoko River site (1981)
  31. Report of an Archaeological Survey Along the Proposed Pipeline Route, Laguna Meadow Mount Laguna, San Diego County, California (1977)
  32. A Report of an Intensive Archaeological Survey of 18HA98 and An Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Similar Area Within the Study Bounds of Maryland Route 24 Relocated Route 1 Bel Air Bypass to I-95 (1979)
  33. Report of Archaeological Survey for L. A. Cellular Site #C262, Havasu, San Bernardino County, CA. 9PP (1996)
  34. Report of Cultural Resource Literature Search and Field Reconnaissance Quartz Creek Project (1982)
  35. Report of Escavation [Sic] On the Deep Creek (1961)
  36. Report of Intensive Survey, Instrumented Range Assembly Area, Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California; Addendum: Survey, Testing, and Documentation, Assembly and Offense Areas, Fort Irwin, California (1982)
  37. Report of Prehistoric Site CA-Sbr-5492, City of Needles, CA. 4PP (1996)
  38. Report on an Archaeological Reconnaissance of a 26 Acre Parcel Near Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego County, California (1986)
  39. Report On an Archaeological Survey in Tiefort Basin, Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California (1986)
  40. Report On an Archaeological Survey of Mason Valley Ranch Recreational Trailer Park (1974)
  41. Report On an Archaeological Test Excavation at SDI-5702, Bonita, California (1979)
  42. A Report on an Excavation of a Degueno Site at El Cajon, San Diego County, California (1963)
  43. Report On Cultural Resource Evaluations for National Register Eligibility Determinations at CA-Sbr-2257, 4022, & 4024, San Bernardino County, California (1989)
  44. Report on Cultural Resource Evaluations for National Register Eligibility Determinations at CA-Sbr-7127, Near Barstow, San Bernardino County, CA (1993)
  45. Report On Cultural Resources Survey for Leach Pad Expansion Gold Fields Mine, Imperial County, California (1988)
  46. Report on Phase I Archaeological Survey at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, Proposed Runway 10R / 28L (1991)
  47. Report on the Kaiser-Aetne Archaeological Site- Poway, California (1975)
  48. Report on the Mitigation of the Damage to Archaeological Site CA-Sbr-1913, Mojave Siphon Project, San Bernardino County, CA. 42PP (1996)
  49. Report on the Mitigation of the Damage to Archaeological Site CA-Sbr-1913, Mojave Siphon Project, San Bernardino County, CA. 55PP (1997)
  50. Report On the Status of Some Archaeological Resources at Ft. Irwin, Mojave Desert, California (1978)
  51. Research Design for the Data Recovery of Archaeological Sites Within No Name West Basin, Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California (1982)
  52. Results of a 6% Test Excavation of the Kupfer Archaeological Site SDI 4226 (1977)
  53. Results of a Test Program Conducted at Archaeological Site Sbr-5096, San Bernardino County, California (1990)
  54. Results of an Archaeological Study for the Shelly Carlsbad Subdivision Project an Archaeological Test of Four Prehistoric Sites Conducted in Accordance with Ceqa and the Guidelines of the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County California (1991)
  55. Results of an Archaeological Test of Rancho del Poneinte Poway, California. (1977)
  56. Results of an Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of a 105 Acre Minor Subdivision in Summit Valley, San Bernardino County, California (1987)
  57. Results of an Intensive Survey of the Gold Fields Proprity 1 & 2 Areas: Brownie Hill, Mesquite Mine Road Alignment, Highway 78 Realignment Margins and Diversion Channel (1987)
  58. Results of Archaeological Significance Testing at Site CA-SDI-10156 / 12599H, MCAS Camp Pendleton, San Diego County, California (1996)
  59. Results of Archaeological Test Excavations and a Request for Determination of Eligibility for Nine Sites in Crowder Canyon. 3 Vol, 1058PP (1997)
  60. Results of Preliminary test of Janstch Archaeological (1978)
  61. Results of Test Excavations at SBCM-44 (Sbr-1650), Big Bear Lake Area, San Bernardino County, California (1977)
  62. The Resurvey of the Collierville Transmission Line, Calaveras, Stanislaus, and San Joaquin Counties, California. (1987)
  63. Review of Archaeological Values, Blue Crystal Mining Company Claims (1974)
  64. Review of Archeologic Values, Refuse Disposal Site Near Barstow (1974)
  65. Review: Dakah DE'Nin's Village and the Dixthada Site: a Contribution To Northern Athapaskan Prehistory [By] Anne D. Shinkwin. National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of Canada Paper 91, Ottawa, 1979 (1981)
  66. Rialto Bench Project: a Preliminary Report (1984)
  67. Rialto Bench Project: SBCM 39 (1987)
  68. Rise and Decline of the Old Quartz Industry in the Southern Piedmont (1981)
  69. Robbins Butte Arizona Site Steward File (1995)
  70. Rock Camp Excavation in the San Bernardino Mountains: a Progress Report Submitted to the Smithsonian Institution (1967)
  71. Rock Camp Site: Archaeological Excavation of an Indian Campsite Near Lake Arrowhead, San Bernardino Mountains (1972)
  72. Rocky Point Timber Sale Arr 05-11-47 (1979)
  73. Rogers Ridge (4-Sbr-5250): a Fossil Spring Site of the Lake Mojave and Pinto Periods -- Phase 2, Test Excavations and Site Evaluation (1985)
  74. Running Deer Village Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
  75. Russett Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey (1988)
  76. Russett I Phase II Archaeological Testing Program (1988)
  77. Rustler Rockshelter Site (Sbr-288), a Culturally Stratified Site in the Mojave Desert, California (1962)
  78. Saddle Flats Road and Recreation Area. 19PP (1980)
  79. Sales Complex: a Late Milling Stone Assemblage from Cajon Pass and the Ecological Implications of Its Scraper Planes (1969)
  80. Salter Ranger Improvement (1980)
  81. Salvage Excavation of a Late Woodland Prehistoric Pit (18CV17S), Calvert County, Maryland: Preliminary Analysis (1985)
  82. Sandy Hill: A Preliminary Reanalysis (2016)
  83. Schulleri Lot Split Archaeological and Biological Survey TPM 15202, EAD Log #78-8-277, Valley Center, California (1979)
  84. Scope of Work for Archaeological Impact Mitigation at the Castle Mountain Project, San Bernardino County, California -- Stage I Impacts (1987)
  85. SEM-analysis of wear features on experimental quartz tools (1986)
  86. Sensitive Hypotheses and Insensitive Data: a Reply To Kenyon (1982)
  87. Seven Springs Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
  88. Shake Creek Sale and Backlog. 16PP (1982)
  89. The Shaman Intaglio Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
  90. Shoulder Construction 11-SD-67 P.M. 15.4-15.8 11209-186661 (1983)
  91. Significance Assessment of 23 Archaeological Sites On Federal Lands Proposed for Exchange in the Summit Valley Area, San Bernardino County, California (1988)
  92. Silver Lake Site: An Interim Report (1976)
  93. Site Assessment and Recordation for Solar Energy Generating System (Segs) IX and X, Harper Lake, San Bernardino County (1990)
  94. Site Examination On the Kenyon Site, Richmond, Rhode Island (1983)
  95. Site Photographs, 44PW1807, Quantico (2002)
  96. Site Record Update: SDi-5213 C&D. (1986)
  97. The Slate Site, a Poverty Point Lapidary Industry in the Southern Yazoo Basin, Mississippi (1982)
  98. Smokey Quartz Salvage Timber Sale (1995)
  99. Soil Micromorphology Analysis of Area D at Manot Cave, Israel:insights into site formation processes. (2017)
  100. Some Archaeological Field Activities In Montana, 1977 Season (1977)